
There are 5 positions in the county system that should not be underestimated: the official is not big, the power is great, and the most prone to make mistakes!


Uncle Yang: An all-rounder who sticks to his post

Uncle Yang, a public servant who has always stood firm at his post, has demonstrated outstanding leadership and a sense of responsibility in many fields with his multi-faceted talents and firm beliefs.

1. The leader of the industrial and commercial branch

As the director of the Industrial and Commercial Branch of the Municipal Supervision Bureau, Uncle Yang is well aware of his heavy responsibility. He is not only responsible for issuing business licenses, but also conducts daily supervision of the market, investigates and deals with counterfeit and shoddy products, and protects the rights and interests of consumers. He is well aware that every decision may affect the order of the market and the interests of consumers, so he has always maintained a high degree of vigilance and responsibility. His work has not only been recognized by his superiors, but also won the trust and respect of the general public.

There are 5 positions in the county system that should not be underestimated: the official is not big, the power is great, and the most prone to make mistakes!

2. The guardian of the police station

At the police station, Uncle Yang also showed excellent leadership skills. He is responsible for household registration management, public security management, criminal investigation and conflict mediation. He is well aware that the police are an important force in maintaining public order and public security, so he has always set an example by being strict with himself, and has demanded that his subordinates also enforce the law impartially and honestly. Under his leadership, the work of the police station has achieved remarkable results, which have been commended by superiors and praised by citizens.

3. The leader of the secretary of the village party branch

In rural areas, Uncle Yang, as the secretary of the village party branch, shoulders the important task of leading rural development and ensuring the well-being of villagers. He is well aware that the development of rural areas is inseparable from the support and participation of villagers, so he has always adhered to the people-centered development philosophy, actively listened to the opinions and suggestions of villagers, and worked hard to solve the practical problems of villagers. He focused on developing the rural economy, improving rural infrastructure, and improving the living standards of villagers. At the same time, he also paid attention to strengthening the construction of rural culture, promoting traditional rural virtues, and promoting the harmony and stability of rural society.

There are 5 positions in the county system that should not be underestimated: the official is not big, the power is great, and the most prone to make mistakes!

Defenders of the President of the Tribunal

In court, Uncle Yang, as the president of the court, is responsible for hearing cases, enforcing judgments, interpreting the law, and upholding judicial fairness. He is well aware that judicial fairness is an important embodiment of social justice, so he has always adhered to the principle of taking facts as the basis and law as the criterion, and tried every case fairly. He pays attention to protecting the legitimate rights and interests of his clients, respecting the lawyer's right to defense, and ensuring the fairness and legality of the trial of the case. At the same time, he also pays attention to strengthening the construction of court culture, improving the professional quality and moral level of judges, and contributing to the construction of a fair, efficient and authoritative judicial system.

5. The gatekeeper of the director of the Quality Supervision Administration

In the Quality Supervision and Administration Bureau of the Bureau of Land and Resources, Uncle Yang, as the director, is responsible for strict control of engineering design, construction quality, building materials selection and completion acceptance. He is well aware that the quality of the project is directly related to the safety of people's lives and property and the harmony and stability of the society, so he always adheres to the principle of taking quality as the core and safety as the bottom line, and strictly supervises and manages every project. He paid attention to strengthening the construction of the quality supervision system, improving the quality supervision system and standards, and improving the scientificity and effectiveness of quality supervision. At the same time, he also pays attention to strengthening quality publicity and education, improving the quality awareness and safety awareness of the whole society, and laying a solid foundation for building a safe, reliable and high-quality engineering system.

There are 5 positions in the county system that should not be underestimated: the official is not big, the power is great, and the most prone to make mistakes!

Although Uncle Yang's work is heavy and complicated, he has always maintained a high sense of responsibility and professionalism. He used his practical actions to explain what is the true spirit of public servant and what is true service to the people. His work has not only been recognized and commended by his superiors, but also won the respect and trust of the general public. In the future work, Uncle Yang will continue to maintain this spiritual outlook and working state, and contribute to the harmony and stability of the society and the happiness and well-being of the people.