
Margaret Curry: Model-turned-actress, gorgeous turns rely on more than just beauty

author:Rural four-pot
Margaret Curry: Model-turned-actress, gorgeous turns rely on more than just beauty

The actress's counterattack is too amazing

Margaret Curry: Model-turned-actress, gorgeous turns rely on more than just beauty

Do you know? In the entertainment industry, there is such an actress, her growth story is simply a legendary blockbuster! She is Margaret Curry, and today we will dig into the secret of her success!

Margaret Curry: Model-turned-actress, gorgeous turns rely on more than just beauty

One: the edification of an entertaining family

Margaret Curry, her mother is the famous actor Andy McDowell. When she was a child, she watched her mother act at home, and the scene was like watching cartoons when we were children. But what people watch is not a joke, this is called hearing and seeing. Mom's things in the entertainment industry, she has known a rough idea since she was a child. It's like a seed falling on fertile ground, and it's hard not to germinate!

Margaret Curry: Model-turned-actress, gorgeous turns rely on more than just beauty

Two: the tempering of the ballet journey

Curry learned ballet as a child, and it wasn't your average hard work. I have to get up before dawn every day, press my legs, stretch, and tears roll in pain. A pair of dancing shoes didn't take long to wear before they broke, and their toes were calloused. But she didn't give up, just insisted. How much perseverance do you say this is? It is said that she participates in more than a dozen ballet competitions a year, and each time she is tired and out of breath, but it is this experience that gives her a unique temperament and tenacious character.

Margaret Curry: Model-turned-actress, gorgeous turns rely on more than just beauty

Three: the choice of brave transformation

16 years old, which is still an ignorant age for many children, but Curry is not ordinary. She was about to become a professional ballet dancer, but she suddenly decided to quit and go to New York to learn acting. It's like walking well on one road, and suddenly turning around to take another completely unfamiliar road, how bold! At that time, everyone around her thought she was crazy, but she knew in her heart that acting was what she really wanted. We have to accept this courage!

Margaret Curry: Model-turned-actress, gorgeous turns rely on more than just beauty

Four: the sparkle of the model's career

In 2012, Curry started modeling, and it was a smooth ride. Chanel, Valentino and other big names have come to her for the catwalk. Her steps on the catwalk are called steady, and her eyes are sharp. There was a show, she was wearing more than ten centimeters of high heels, and she had to withstand the skirt blown by the strong wind, but she was stunned to walk out of the queen's momentum. It is said that because of this show, she became popular all of a sudden, and many brands rushed to cooperate with her.

Margaret Curry: Model-turned-actress, gorgeous turns rely on more than just beauty

Five: A breakthrough in the road of acting

Curry auditioned for HBO's "Watch the World," and the competition was fierce, with hundreds of people vying for a role. She was also nervous, and her heart was about to jump to her throat. Unexpectedly, she actually succeeded! Since then, her acting career has been like a hanging. In "Death Note", the role she played was difficult for many people to play, but she played it very well, and the audience applauded her. In "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood", although there are not many scenes, in just a few minutes, she makes people remember her.

Margaret Curry: Model-turned-actress, gorgeous turns rely on more than just beauty

Six: the embodiment of professionalism

Curry's filming is called a desperate one. There was a winter scene where the river was frozen and she had to jump. Others persuaded her to find a substitute, but she didn't do it, so she jumped down, and when she came up, her lips were purple from the cold. Another time, in order to play a role with a little mental problem, she went to a psychiatric hospital to experience life, chatting with patients and observing their every move. This is not something that anyone can do.

Margaret Curry: Model-turned-actress, gorgeous turns rely on more than just beauty

Seven: the charm of unique temperament

Curry is beautiful, that's recognized. But what is even more attractive is her temperament, fresh and elegant, like a blooming lily. She smiled, feeling like the whole world was lit up. And she is not that kind of vase, she has ideas in her heart and pursuits. In an interview, she said: "I don't want to eat with my face, I want to speak with strength." "Just rush this momentum, can you not succeed?

Margaret Curry: Model-turned-actress, gorgeous turns rely on more than just beauty

The editor has something to say:

Margaret Curry's story made me quite emotional. This girl has courage, perseverance, knows what she wants, and then she desperately pursues it. Our old men are sometimes not as bold as a little girl. Her experience tells us not to be afraid of change, don't be afraid of difficulties, as long as you have a dream in your heart, you have to fight hard. No matter what the result is, at least we don't regret it! I hope we can be like her, for our dreams, open up to work!

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