
The ambulance driver is racing while live broadcasting, how can he take life as a child's play!

author:Interesting alpine NRiyR

On June 29, a shocking incident occurred in Shenzhen, Guangdong. Netizens broke the news that they swiped a netizen named "Ambulance Ah Gang" while racing on the live broadcast, and the vehicle was suspected to be an ambulance. According to the content of the video, the driver continuously changed lanes and overtook the double yellow line without sounding the siren, and also interacted with fans while driving. When netizens asked if there were any patients in the car, the driver said: "There's nothing to play, is there a patient in the car, who dares to do this, the fans say that if they are super, I will surpass him, it is the courage that the fans gave me!" ”

The ambulance driver is racing while live broadcasting, how can he take life as a child's play!

As a special vehicle, ambulances have the right of way on the road when performing emergency tasks, and their purpose is to get patients to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible, buying precious time. However, this does not mean that ambulance drivers can ignore traffic rules at all times. Even if there is no sick person in the vehicle, the ambulance driver should drive the vehicle with caution and responsibility, and not drive dangerously for the sake of thrills or to satisfy fans.

The ambulance driver is racing while live broadcasting, how can he take life as a child's play!

This kind of behavior is not only a serious violation of traffic rules, but also a great disregard for the safety of one's own life and the safety of others. Road traffic safety is of paramount importance, and it is the responsibility of every motorist to obey traffic laws and ensure order and safety on the road. Ambulance drivers are racing while live streaming, which undoubtedly increases the risk of traffic accidents and poses a serious safety threat to other vehicles and pedestrians.

The ambulance driver is racing while live broadcasting, how can he take life as a child's play!

In addition, the role of the ambulance driver is to ensure the safety of the patient's life, and his behavior represents the image and credibility of the medical emergency system. Such irresponsible behaviour undermines public trust in ambulances and emergency medical systems. If the ambulance is questioned or uncooperative by the public due to the bad behavior of the driver when it is really necessary to carry out an emergency mission, it will be a great threat to the patient's life.

The ambulance driver is racing while live broadcasting, how can he take life as a child's play!

After the incident was exposed, the Shenzhen traffic police said that the verification department was following up. This response shows that the traffic police department attaches great importance to the incident, and also shows the public the seriousness of the relevant departments towards such violations. We expect the traffic police department to find out the truth as soon as possible, and if the driver does have violations, he must be severely punished in accordance with the law to serve as a warning.

The ambulance driver is racing while live broadcasting, how can he take life as a child's play!

This incident also sounded the alarm for the live broadcast platform. Livestreaming platforms shall strengthen oversight of the conduct of hosts, drafting clear rules and standards to prohibit hosts from engaging in dangerous, illegal, or immoral conduct during the livestream. For anchors who violate regulations, measures should be taken in a timely manner, such as banning accounts, restricting live broadcast permissions, etc., to maintain the good order and social atmosphere of the platform.

The ambulance driver is racing while live broadcasting, how can he take life as a child's play!

The ambulance driver's behavior of racing while live streaming is extremely irresponsible, and this kind of disregard for safety for the sake of traffic and fan "support" is really outrageous. We call on all motorists, no matter what kind of vehicle they drive, to always remember the rules of the road, respect life, and not to act in a way that endangers themselves and others because of impulse or vanity. Only when everyone abides by the rules can roads be safer and society more harmonious and orderly. We also hope that the relevant authorities can strengthen supervision to prevent the recurrence of such incidents, so that ambulances can truly become a reliable tool to protect lives, rather than a dangerous manufacturer. Let us all pay attention to the follow-up progress of the incident and look forward to a fair and reasonable outcome.

Finally, I would like to remind the majority of netizens that they should also maintain rational and correct values in the online world. Don't blindly support or encourage some bad behaviors, distinguish between right and wrong, and work together to create a positive, healthy, and positive online environment. At the same time, violations of laws and regulations should be reported to the relevant departments in a timely manner to jointly maintain public safety and order in the society.

Life is not child's play, safety is more important than Mount Tai! I hope that everyone can take responsibility for their own lives and the lives of others, so that our roads are safer and our society is better.

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