
Jiangmen Tiger Girl has an annual salary of one million at the age of 23 and is single at the age of 52? What makes her life so special

author:Constant Entertainment

The entertainment industry is really a magical place, today let's talk about a legendary woman who takes an unusual path. Her grandfather was the founding general, but she just wanted to break into the entertainment industry, with an annual salary of one million at the age of 23, she can be described as a winner in life! However, the emotional road of this strong woman has been bumpy, and she is still a single dog at the age of 52. Curious about who she is? Come with me to find out her story!

"Alternative" from a military family

Speaking of Ke Lan, no, it should be called Zhong Haohao, many people may not be familiar with it. But if you mention the "Phoenix Three Sisters", I believe many old viewers will be dazzled. That's right, she is the host who is as famous as Xu Gehui and Chen Luyu.

Zhong Haohao was born in a prominent military family, and his grandfather was the founding general Zhong Qiguang. It stands to reason that this kind of background is a proper second-generation official! But who would have thought that this young lady, who was "born with a golden spoon", would go to the entertainment industry to work hard?

Some say she is trying to escape the aura of her family, while others say she is trying to prove herself. But I think this girl is an "alternative" and doesn't follow the usual path!

Jiangmen Tiger Girl has an annual salary of one million at the age of 23 and is single at the age of 52? What makes her life so special

At the age of 16, she broke into Hong Kong and became a "money-grabbing girl"

At the age of 16, Chung came to Hong Kong alone. has no backers, no connections, and broke into the modeling circle with a beautiful face and a tall figure of 172cm.

Cut her head and put on shorts, this "good girl" from a military family instantly transformed into a trend icon. She is on the international catwalk, and her photos are indispensable on the covers of major magazines. It is said that she could earn 300,000 Hong Kong dollars a month at that time, and was nicknamed "money grabbing girl" by her peers. Tut-tut, this wave of operations is simply a textbook-level "soaring against the wind"!

At the age of 24, with an annual salary of one million, who said that the children of the military would not come?

The pinnacle of life? No, this is just the beginning. At the age of 24, Zhong Haohao joined Phoenix Satellite TV as "Ke Lan" and became one of the "Phoenix Three Sisters". The annual salary is one million, which was an astronomical amount at the time!

Jiangmen Tiger Girl has an annual salary of one million at the age of 23 and is single at the age of 52? What makes her life so special

Someone sour: "It's not because of the background of the family." "Come on, even if your grandfather is the founding general, it is impossible for him to speak on Hong Kong TV! can gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry, relying on real skills.

The love life is chicken feathers, is it because the career has delayed the marriage?

Speaking of Ke Lan's love life, it is really difficult to explain. first fell in love with Li Yapeng, but was deceived by a "love liar". Later, he had a relationship with Li Quan, Geng Le, Wang Zhizhong and others, but in the end they all died of illness.

Some people say that she is too good to find a suitable other half. Some people also say that she is too picky and too demanding of feelings. But I think it's probably that God thinks that he has given her so much talent, wouldn't it be too unfair to give her another wishful husband?

52-year-old single is not lonely, and the winner in life is so capricious

Jiangmen Tiger Girl has an annual salary of one million at the age of 23 and is single at the age of 52? What makes her life so special

The current Ke Lan is still single at the age of 52. But who says you have to be lonely if you're single?

"If I have an independent personality and independent financial ability, why should I find someone to grab this toilet seat with me every day? "I almost didn't laugh when I said that! Ke Lan told us with practical actions: Sister doesn't need a man, Sister lives a wonderful life!

Some people say that she is a "leftover girl", I just want to say: Do you call this a leftover girl? This is obviously a winner in life, okay? With an annual salary of one million, a successful career, and a wonderful life, isn't this the life that each of us dreams of?

Conclusion: Being yourself is the greatest victory in life

Ke Lan's story tells us that there is no standard answer in life. Whether you are a second-generation star or an ordinary person, the most important thing is to live your own wonderful life. As for marriage? It's just a choice in life, not the only destination.

Jiangmen Tiger Girl has an annual salary of one million at the age of 23 and is single at the age of 52? What makes her life so special

is like Ke Lan said: "Today's boys wear pink T-shirts, how can he be able to lower the women who wear sea soul shirts, women who have poetry in their hearts and distant places?" This is simply the gospel of single dogs!

Ladies and gentlemen, what do you think of Ke Lan's life choice? Is there also a sense of envy? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area, let's chat together!