
[Zhou Youshou] education: is to educate people with a sunny heart

author:Qinghai online network official micro

—— Reading Woolford Psychology of Education (12th Edition).

[Zhou Youshou] education: is to educate people with a sunny heart

Today's Nishikawa Middle School

Recently, it took nearly 4 months to finish Anita. Wolford's classic work of educational psychology, Wolford Educational Psychology (12th Edition), has an in-depth and comprehensive viewpoint, which still has typical guiding significance for current school education. Woolford Educational Psychology is a work that combines the essence of pedagogy and psychology, and its core idea is to reveal the application of psychological principles in educational practice. The book delves into the cognitive process of learning, emphasizing the role of teachers in guiding students to construct knowledge and develop critical thinking. Wolfolk proposed a student-centered teaching philosophy, advocating that teachers should pay attention to the individual differences of students and adopt a variety of teaching strategies to meet the needs of different students. At the same time, the book also emphasizes the importance of emotional factors in education, arguing that positive teacher-student interaction and students' emotional engagement are the key to promoting learning. After reading it, I feel that the main points are as follows:

[Zhou Youshou] education: is to educate people with a sunny heart

Today's Xichuan Middle School campus

Emphasis is placed on individual differences and individualized education. The book's perspectives emphasize the importance of individual student differences. Every student is unique, and there are significant differences in their knowledge background, learning ability, interests, etc. This is completely consistent with the pre-Qin period of the mainland, which advocated "education without class" and advocated "teaching students according to their aptitude". Therefore, teachers should fully consider the individual differences of students in the teaching process and adopt teaching strategies according to their aptitude. This means that teachers need to develop personalized teaching plans and teaching methods according to the characteristics and needs of students, so as to maximize students' interest and potential in learning.

Pay attention to the combination of theory and practice. This book attaches great importance to the combination of theory and practice. The book not only introduces the theoretical knowledge of educational psychology in detail, but also shows how these theories can be applied to practical teaching through a large number of cases, classroom clips and case studies. This combination of theory and practice helps teachers better understand and master the principles of educational psychology and improve the teaching effect.

Focus on learning motivation and emotional needs. The book points out that students' learning motivation and emotional needs have an important impact on learning outcomes. Therefore, teachers need to pay attention to students' learning motivation and stimulate their interest and enthusiasm for learning. At the same time, it is important to focus on the emotional needs of students and create a positive and supportive learning environment that helps students build self-confidence and responsibility. By meeting students' motivational and emotional needs, teachers can better promote the holistic development of students.

[Zhou Youshou] education: is to educate people with a sunny heart

Today's Xichuan Middle School campus

Promote the teaching and assessment of diverse education. The main points of the book advocate for teachers to adopt a variety of teaching methods and assessment methods. Traditional teaching methods tend to focus on the inculcation of knowledge and ignore the initiative and creativity of students. This book encourages teachers to adopt diversified teaching methods such as heuristic teaching and cooperative learning to stimulate students' interest in learning and thinking ability. At the same time, it advocates the use of diversified assessment methods, such as observation and communication, work display, self-evaluation, etc., to have a more comprehensive understanding of students' learning and progress.

Focus on professionalism and self-improvement. The book concludes by emphasizing the importance of teachers' professionalism and self-improvement. As a teacher, you not only need to have solid professional knowledge and teaching skills, but also need to keep learning and improving to adapt to the changing educational environment and student needs. At the same time, it also provides teachers with a wealth of educational psychology knowledge and practical guides, which helps them improve their professional quality and teaching ability.

After reading Woolford Educational Psychology, I have a deeper understanding of educational psychology. It also inspired me to think deeply about the practice of education.

Education is: there are little stars in the heart, and the eyes are shining. The study of Woolford's educational psychology content made me realize that the essence of education is not only to impart knowledge, but also to light the hearts of students. Every student is a unique individual, and they have a little star of their own, waiting to be discovered and lit up. As teachers, it is our job to discover and light up these little stars so that the children's eyes shine. The book emphasizes the importance of understanding the individual differences of students. Each student has their own unique learning style and rhythm, and as teachers, we need to observe and understand each student with our hearts to find the right educational method for them. When we truly teach students according to their aptitude, we can stimulate students' interest in learning and make their eyes shine brighter. At the same time, the book also mentions the impact of teachers' expectations on students' motivation to learn. When we have positive expectations for our students, that expectation often translates into self-fulfilling prophecies for the students. Therefore, as teachers, we should believe that every student has potential, give them enough trust and encouragement, let them feel worthy, and thus stimulate their inner motivation to learn.

[Zhou Youshou] education: is to educate people with a sunny heart

Today's Xichuan Middle School campus

Education is: only teachers with light sources can have sunshine education. As teachers, the impact of our own state on our students is enormous. A positive teacher can pass on positive energy to students and create a sunny educational environment. The book highlights the importance of teacher self-efficacy, and when we are confident in our ability to teach, this confidence is contagious to students, making them trust us more and be more engaged in learning. Therefore, as teachers, we should constantly improve our professionalism, enhance our self-efficacy, and become role models for our students. An emotionally stable and positive teacher is able to create a relaxed and enjoyable learning atmosphere in which students can learn better. Therefore, it is very important for teachers to manage their own emotions and face each student with a positive attitude, so that education is full of sunshine.

Education is: to educate people with a sunny heart. The role of the teacher is not only to impart knowledge, but also to guide the growth of students. Our words and actions have an impact on our students. As teachers, we need to keep ourselves pursuing and growing at all times, so that we can influence and motivate students with a better version of ourselves. We may not be perfect, but we should strive to be that light in our students' hearts and light their path. A teacher who cares for students can make students feel warm and supported, so that they can face challenges in learning and life more positively. Therefore, we should listen to the voices of students, understand their needs and confusions, and give them enough attention and help.

[Zhou Youshou] education: is to educate people with a sunny heart

Herun education brand

Reading the book "Woolford Educational Psychology" made me more deeply aware of the true meaning of education and the responsibilities of teachers. Education is not only about imparting knowledge, but also about lighting up the hearts of students and leading them into the future. As teachers, we need to continuously improve our professional and psychological qualities to become role models and guides for our students. At the same time, we also care for each student with our hearts, so that they can thrive in warmth and support. Woolford Educational Psychology is not only a valuable academic work, but also a good book to guide educational practice. It made me realize that the true meaning of education is to stimulate the potential of students, to light up the light in their hearts, and to lead them to a better future. As teachers, we have a huge responsibility and mission to do everything well and contribute to the growth and development of our students. On the road of education, we may not be able to shine brightly, but as long as we do it with our hearts and teach with love, we will definitely be able to become the warm light in the hearts of students and illuminate the road of life.

Author: Zhou Youshou, senior teacher.

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