
Rabbits who dismantle the house

author:Writer 荟

Author: Xiyun

Rabbits who dismantle the house

"Wife, I'm working overtime tonight, and I won't be able to go back until after ten o'clock."

There was no one in the corridor at eight o'clock, and the old men and ladies had already finished eating and turned on the TV to enjoy their retirement. But I'm hungry, and not only that, but I also have to take care of another hungry creature - my pet rabbit milk tea.

Milk tea is a rabbit I raised a year ago, I can't tell what breed it is, yellow and white coat color, like my favorite mochi milk tea, so I gave it this name. What I look forward to every day after work is this little fluffy guy and the little life in my belly.

When I opened the door, I couldn't help but be stunned, the living room was in a mess, there was hay scattered everywhere, the cage door of milk tea was wide open, and she was running out with a handful of hay, more like a hairball.

"Milk tea, what's the matter with you? How did you dismantle your own home? "Milk tea is very clingy, like a puppy, who knows that it has been infected with the habit of a puppy.

Milk Tea stopped to look at me, her small black pearl-like eyes flashing with a hint of confusion, and ran back to my room.

"Milk tea, don't tell me to stain my room too—belch."

I gave birth for the first time, but my mother's intuition told me that it was going to start, and I trembled and took out my phone to call my husband: "I'm going to give birth-"

My husband's leader was kind and actually put him back. At this point, I was just one step away from my room, and Milk Tea was still running around between her cage and our room. My husband rushed into the room and took out the delivery bag, and then carried me to the hospital.

Rabbits who dismantle the house

I tossed in the hospital for a day and a night to give birth to my daughter, my husband stayed outside, and every day he took the time to come back to feed milk tea absent-mindedly, and no one looked at the monitoring in the living room. Three days later, I went home for confinement surrounded by my husband and four elderly people, and as soon as I entered the door, I said as usual: "Milk tea, I'm back." ”

Milk Tea scratched the door when she heard the voice, and I was going to let my husband carry her in after a while, so I walked to the bedroom first. I saw two sticks of hay sticking out of the bedroom door, and I couldn't help but shake my head.

Rabbits who dismantle the house

When my husband opened the door, I couldn't help but be stunned.

Milk Tea built me a dense and thick nest in front of the bedside table.

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