
How to identify and send Qi Baishi grass insect flower album, Qi Baishi's descendant Tang Fazhou said, first look at the grass insects

author:Qi Baishi Art Research Association
How to identify and send Qi Baishi grass insect flower album, Qi Baishi's descendant Tang Fazhou said, first look at the grass insects

There was Qi Baishi in the world, and the remaining ink still exists in the world.

If you ask Yu Mo where to ask, Baishi Mountain Hall is less white!

Baishi Shantang is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Qi Baishi Painting and Calligraphy Institute in China: it is currently the painting and calligraphy institute with the largest collection of Qi Baishi's works, and is fully responsible for the establishment and development of Qi Baishi cultural and creative brands, Qi Baishi fashion and other brands, and is committed to the content mining, system combing, industry promotion, business innovation, value reproduction and other assets such as Qi Baishi calligraphy and painting, art, seal carving, appraisal and auction, etc., which is an important part of building a product innovation platform based on Qi Baishi culture and art.

How to identify and send Qi Baishi grass insect flower album, Qi Baishi's descendant Tang Fazhou said, first look at the grass insects
How to identify and send Qi Baishi grass insect flower album, Qi Baishi's descendant Tang Fazhou said, first look at the grass insects
How to identify and send Qi Baishi grass insect flower album, Qi Baishi's descendant Tang Fazhou said, first look at the grass insects

In the world of artworks, Qi Baishi's name is like a bright pearl, shining with a unique light. His albums of grasses, insects and flowers are treasures among art treasures, each of which embodies his profound artistic attainments and deep friendship with the natural world. However, among the many works that claim to be the authentic works of Qi Baishi, how to identify their authenticity? Tang Fazhou, a descendant of Qi Baishi and a disciple of Qi Liangzhi, the president of Qi Baishi Painting and Calligraphy Academy, pointed out that the key is to observe the painting of grass insects.

How to identify and send Qi Baishi grass insect flower album, Qi Baishi's descendant Tang Fazhou said, first look at the grass insects

The reason why Qi Baishi's album of grass insects and flowers is unique is not only because of his exquisite painting skills, but also because he pours infinite emotion and vitality into each grass insect. To identify the authenticity of these works, the first thing that needs to be paid attention to is the detailed treatment of grass insects. Qi Baishi's grass insects are lifelike, as if they could fly out of the paper at any time. He is adept at using delicate lines to outline the body structure of grass insects and give them a smart eye through the finishing touch.

How to identify and send Qi Baishi grass insect flower album, Qi Baishi's descendant Tang Fazhou said, first look at the grass insects

Tang Fazhou emphasized that the two key words of "grass insects" and "painting method" are the key to identification. The so-called "grass insect" is not only the subject of the picture, but also the object of Qi Baishi's emotional sustenance; The "painting method" reflects the artist's unique style and technical level. The real Qi Baishi grass insect flower album, every stroke is full of life, whether it is the transparent texture of the cicada's wings or the subtle bend of the ant's antennae, all of them show extraordinary charm in the subtleties.

How to identify and send Qi Baishi grass insect flower album, Qi Baishi's descendant Tang Fazhou said, first look at the grass insects

In order to better understand Qi Baishi's grass insect painting method, we might as well start from the following aspects:

1. **Lines**: Qi Baishi is good at depicting the outline of objects with simple and powerful lines. The real Qi Pai grass insect flower album has smooth lines without losing strength, giving people a feeling of flowing water.

2. **Color**: Qi Baishi makes good use of contrasting colors to express the vitality of the natural world. His grass insects are often embellished with bright colors to bring the whole picture to life.

3. **Composition**: Qi Baishi's works pay attention to the integrity and coordination of the layout. The position relationship between grass insects and flowers, as well as the size ratio, need to be carefully considered to achieve the best results.

How to identify and send Qi Baishi grass insect flower album, Qi Baishi's descendant Tang Fazhou said, first look at the grass insects
How to identify and send Qi Baishi grass insect flower album, Qi Baishi's descendant Tang Fazhou said, first look at the grass insects
How to identify and send Qi Baishi grass insect flower album, Qi Baishi's descendant Tang Fazhou said, first look at the grass insects
How to identify and send Qi Baishi grass insect flower album, Qi Baishi's descendant Tang Fazhou said, first look at the grass insects
How to identify and send Qi Baishi grass insect flower album, Qi Baishi's descendant Tang Fazhou said, first look at the grass insects
How to identify and send Qi Baishi grass insect flower album, Qi Baishi's descendant Tang Fazhou said, first look at the grass insects

All in all, the process of identifying the album of Qi Baishi grass insects is not only a judgment of the authenticity of the artwork, but also a baptism of the soul. Through the attention to the painting method of grass insects and the understanding of key words, we can feel more deeply the essence of Master Qi Baishi's art and his deep insight into the natural world. At the same time, we should also respect and inherit this precious cultural heritage, so that more people can appreciate the greatness and uniqueness of Qi Baishi's art.

On this road of exploration and discovery, I hope that every friend who loves art can find his own touching and resonance. Let us feel with our hearts, screen with our eyes, and jointly protect this pearl of art, so that it will never be dusted and shine forever. (To be continued) collection of calligraphy and painting, just look for the "Baishi heirs" of Qi Baishi Painting and Calligraphy Institute, all rights reserved, on-site creation, Qi Baishi painting school, a hundred years of inheritance, one line, only do real calligraphy and painting, gather the heads of the family, on-site creation, can be customized according to the requirements of the collector, can take a group photo! Perennial sales of high-end paintings and calligraphy, looking for cooperation with high-end painting and calligraphy brokers, partners, regional leaders, mainly operating Qi Baishi's painting brush before his death, Qi Baishi's special rice paper for painting shrimp, Qi Baishi's graphite block, Qi Baishi's self-made pigment formula, Qi Baishi's painting brush grass insect secret method, Qi Baishi's little daughter Qi Liangzhi's father Qi Baishi's calligraphy and painting relics exhibition and Qi Baishi's little daughter Qi Liangzhi's self-collection of calligraphy and painting special auction, Qi Baishi's heirs, Tang Fazhou, President of the China Qi Baishi Painting and Calligraphy Institute, paid tribute to the 160th anniversary of Qi Baishi's birth and reproduced the microcosm of Qi Baishi's calligraphy and painting exhibition, as well as the operation of Qi Baishi, Qi Liangzhi, Qi Liangchi, Qi Liangmo, Qi Bingyi, Qi Jingshan, Qi Bingzheng, Qi Zhanyi, Qi Huijuan, Qi Shouyu, Qi Yuwen, Qi Lixia, Qi Yuanlai, Qi Folai, Qi Shuilian, Qi Yanjun, Li Keran, Li Kuchan, Lou Shibai, Guo Xiuyi, Wang Senran, Wang Xuetao, Lu Guangguang, Wang Shushi, Wang Tianchi, Wang Wennong, Yang Xiuzhen, Tang Fazhou and other Qi Baishi heirs worth more than 100,000 million of calligraphy, paintings, seals and authentic works can also accept NFT, digital collections, metaverse, cross-border brand alliance, cultural empowerment resource integration and other operations, welcome powerful network companies to bid. (Pictures and texts are selected from: Qi Baishi's Descendants Calligraphy and Painting Network) (The pictures in this article are selected from: Qi Baishi in the eyes of Qi Liangzhi, Qi Baishi Painting and Calligraphy Academy, Qi Baishi's Descendants Calligraphy and Painting Network)

How to identify and send Qi Baishi grass insect flower album, Qi Baishi's descendant Tang Fazhou said, first look at the grass insects
How to identify and send Qi Baishi grass insect flower album, Qi Baishi's descendant Tang Fazhou said, first look at the grass insects
How to identify and send Qi Baishi grass insect flower album, Qi Baishi's descendant Tang Fazhou said, first look at the grass insects
How to identify and send Qi Baishi grass insect flower album, Qi Baishi's descendant Tang Fazhou said, first look at the grass insects
How to identify and send Qi Baishi grass insect flower album, Qi Baishi's descendant Tang Fazhou said, first look at the grass insects
How to identify and send Qi Baishi grass insect flower album, Qi Baishi's descendant Tang Fazhou said, first look at the grass insects
How to identify and send Qi Baishi grass insect flower album, Qi Baishi's descendant Tang Fazhou said, first look at the grass insects

Note: The above pictures and texts are excerpted from the lecture "Shaobai Gongzi Fun Talks about Qi Baishi" Speaker: Tang Fazhou

Jia Chennian [Year of the Dragon] compiled in East China Shanghai Qi Baishi Painting and Calligraphy Institute (Shanghai Pudong General Institute)

How to identify and send Qi Baishi grass insect flower album, Qi Baishi's descendant Tang Fazhou said, first look at the grass insects

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