
The tour of "Sound Red Six Plates to Celebrate the Party's Birthday" was successfully concluded

author:The economy is big

In order to celebrate the arrival of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, sponsored by the Guyuan Municipal Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Radio, Film and Television, the Guyuan Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League, the School of Music and Dance of Ningxia Normal University, the Liupan Mountain Red Army Long March Memorial Hall, and the Liupan Mountain Red Army Long March Tourist Area, the "Sound of Red Liupan, Celebrate the Party's Birthday" tour to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China kicked off in the Liupan Mountain Red Army Long March Tourist Area.

The tour of "Sound Red Six Plates to Celebrate the Party's Birthday" was successfully concluded
The tour of "Sound Red Six Plates to Celebrate the Party's Birthday" was successfully concluded

First of all, the Guyuan Municipal Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Radio, Film and Television and all the party members of Xiaqingshi, Kaicheng Town, Yuanzhou District, faced the bright red party flag, solemnly raised their right hands, and reviewed the oath of joining the party. The sonorous and powerful oath echoed in the square, expressing the firm belief of the party members not to forget their original intention and keep their mission in mind.

The tour of "Sound Red Six Plates to Celebrate the Party's Birthday" was successfully concluded
The tour of "Sound Red Six Plates to Celebrate the Party's Birthday" was successfully concluded

On the same day, the atmosphere of the hilltop square in the scenic spot was warm. With full enthusiasm and exquisite skills, the actors brought a series of singing and dancing performances full of red erotic to the audience.

The tour of "Sound Red Six Plates to Celebrate the Party's Birthday" was successfully concluded
The tour of "Sound Red Six Plates to Celebrate the Party's Birthday" was successfully concluded

The opening program "Liupan Song" instantly ignited the atmosphere of the scene with a unique national orchestra, and the performers used the forms of playing, playing, blowing and playing to bring out the magnificent performance of Liupan Mountain to the fullest. The women's solo "The Power of Revival" sang the people's yearning for a better life and their love for the motherland.

The opera "Yimeng Mountain", with its smart posture and affectionate interpretation, seems to bring people back to the revolutionary war years, and feel the heroism and fearlessness of the Red Army soldiers and the ardent expectations of the people.

The tour of "Sound Red Six Plates to Celebrate the Party's Birthday" was successfully concluded

Classic red songs and wonderful dances immersed the audience in the memories of the party's glorious history and their vision for a better future. The audience erupted in warm applause from time to time, and some even sang loudly along with the melody.

The tour of "Sound Red Six Plates to Celebrate the Party's Birthday" was successfully concluded

This event not only brought an audio-visual feast to tourists and local people, but also inherited and promoted the red culture through singing and dancing, and stimulated people's patriotic enthusiasm and national pride.

The relevant person in charge of the organizer said that in the future, he will continue to play a leading role in culture and create more excellent works. Celebrate the party's birthday in a variety of forms, and contribute to the inheritance and development of red culture.

Source: Ningxia Liupan Mountain Red Army Long March Tourist Area

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