
A piece of content has gained 20,000 fans, is Xiaohongshu's new track a gold rush dream or a wrestling ring?

author:Entertainment Capital

Author |Mia

"Learn to change the socket in one minute", "Sister, you can learn to read the meter", "How to clean the C drive", "Understand the social security provident fund in seconds"...... Some life skills that everyone thinks "this still needs to be learned" have been crowned as "women's independence plans", and suddenly became popular on Xiaohongshu and became popular content.

Since the beginning of this year, @女性独立计划, @姐妹你可以, and @姐妹学起来等同类账号正在批量出现, without showing their faces or on camera, an eye-catching title and pictures and texts explain the operation skills step by step, teaching women living alone a variety of practical life essential knowledge, attracting a large number of followers on Xiaohongshu.

A piece of content has gained 20,000 fans, is Xiaohongshu's new track a gold rush dream or a wrestling ring?

Most of the content of these Xiaohongshu, which focuses on "women's independence", is the first perspective of women, plus the declaration of "independent life, simple and easy to understand, and a small skill every day", which is committed to improving women's self-solving ability in daily life, so as to empower them to live independently.

A typical example is @女蛋计划, as a blogger who started earlier, she gained 300,000 followers in 40 days, and once became a model example of the growth rate of Xiaohongshu's fans. "I just looked at her account before I started my own account, and I will gain nearly 100,000 fans in these two months" blogger Xiaofeng told Chop Pepper, "There is no threshold for the track, fortunately, I got up early, so I can have the current traffic, and I may not be as outstanding as I am now."

A piece of content has gained 20,000 fans, is Xiaohongshu's new track a gold rush dream or a wrestling ring?

In these "life skills" graphic content that can almost meet the needs of women of different ages, there will always be some home promotions with high frequency, mattresses, paints, lamps, and small household appliances have gradually become the basis for the creation of account content.

It is understood that at present, the monetization model of such accounts is mainly based on receiving advertisements and private domain realization, and some of the head accounts of this track have received a lot of advertisements, with a single quotation in 5 figures, and many bloggers have opened their own fan groups and started a private domain traffic business.

However, the low entry threshold and patterned characteristics of this track have attracted a large number of novices to pour in, followed by problems such as content homogeneity and serious handling, and not everyone can get the traffic password, and most of these bloggers are still trapped in the commercialization problem that cannot be realized.

A piece of content has gained 20,000 fans, is Xiaohongshu's new track a gold rush dream or a wrestling ring?

Since the beginning of the year, the content related to the "Women's Independence Program" has been popular on social platforms for several months.

As the topic of women's independence continues to rise, more and more people are beginning to pay attention to and join the field, and Yingying is one of the many content creators who have flocked to this field, "I often see friends sharing this kind of content, and I think the future is good, so I started to try it too." ”

According to Chop Pepper's observation, these bloggers have obvious characteristics from the name of the account and are straightforward. For example, @Girls Independent Plan, @姐妹, you can, @姐妹, you want to be independent, etc., clearly convey the core concept and values of the account. They focused on sharing practical life skills and "learn-and-learn" skills, including cockroach eradication and drain unclogging skills that were traditionally thought to be a woman's lack of mastery, but at the same time a real-life problem.

For example, a post on how to change the socket wiring received more than 40,000 likes on Xiaohongshu, and the tips for connecting to the network panel also resonated widely in the comment section, where many users said that these life skills were very practical.

A piece of content has gained 20,000 fans, is Xiaohongshu's new track a gold rush dream or a wrestling ring?

In terms of content presentation, the works of these bloggers have obvious "altruism", attracting attention by rubbing high traffic topics, seizing big needs, and cutting small and medium-sized pain points.

Specifically, in terms of topic selection and title, such accounts have a certain degree of serialization. They usually use eye-catching, large-text headlines that directly highlight key information, while the cover design is simple and straightforward, with a few lines of large text on the plain cover, which directly point to skill points, such as "how to fix a leaky faucet yourself" and "sister, you can - change the socket yourself". Yingying told Chop Pepper that this method is mainly for ease of reading and for quickly capturing the audience's attention.

A piece of content has gained 20,000 fans, is Xiaohongshu's new track a gold rush dream or a wrestling ring?

What's more, the charm of these types of accounts lies in the fact that they create an independent and confident image of women, which goes straight to the emotional core of "women's independence", and in this way, bloggers build a community that supports and encourages women's independence and growth, so as to obtain the "resonance" of emotional value.

Their homepages often include "I wish every girl to be independent and confident, brave and strong", "Gender is not a boundary, prejudice is", etc., encouraging and inspiring women and enhancing their sense of self-worth by sharing how to solve problems independently in daily life and the display of every small skill.

To some extent, part of the reason why these bloggers are so popular is that their content is close to the big emotions of women's lives, touching the pain points of many women who live alone, and allowing many viewers to find psychological comfort and emotional release outlets in them.

A piece of content has gained 20,000 fans, is Xiaohongshu's new track a gold rush dream or a wrestling ring?

From a business point of view, it is traffic and dividends that have contributed to the rise of the "female independence" track, and creators who have successfully become among the top bloggers have further attracted more followers and new creators through high advertising revenues such as "1-20,000 advertising fees for a single article" and "the most profitable track in 2024".

As a result, taking advantage of the time difference has become crucial, and bloggers who can start early are often able to get a head start. Xiao Feng, a creator who has been in the business for more than two months, revealed to Chop Jiao, "Because everyone's content is not much different, this field pays special attention to the time difference, and I can be considered to have the current traffic by laying it out relatively early." "With the emergence of more and more creators of the same genre, the competition for content in this field has become more and more volatile.

"Indeed, there are more and more content that hits the theme, and I can obviously feel that the recent open rate and fan growth rate are getting slower and slower" Lin Linzi, who has been in the game for half a year, also perceives the fierce competition within the track.

In addition to the attraction of traffic, the influx of this track is also due to its low barrier to entry.

According to Cho Jiao's interview, the bloggers behind such accounts are usually women who live alone, and most of them are newcomers to Xiaohongshu for the first time. For them, it is important to choose a suitable track with a low barrier to entry, and most people see it as a side hustle.

"Basically, each picture and text is based on information integration, and some content that can be retrieved is systematically presented, and the update speed is one to two days to produce one." Xiaofeng said that the content is highly reproducible, does not require a large amount of investment, and is simple and easy to operate.

In terms of topic selection, these topics cover specific and sustainable life scenarios. "We summarize everyone's sharing and the questions raised by some sisters, and take out the needs of most people and share them while learning", which is often more attractive.

A piece of content has gained 20,000 fans, is Xiaohongshu's new track a gold rush dream or a wrestling ring?

This content strategy can not only generate high traffic, but also direct traffic into the private domain, becoming a stable source of traffic. As Xiaofeng said, by providing practical "dry goods", his account has accumulated nearly 100,000 followers in a short period of time, and there are usually more "favorites" than "likes".

Lin Linzi's experience also confirms this. One of her posts about "dealing with traffic accidents" garnered 70,000 likes, 89,000 favorites and more than 800 discussions on Xiaohongshu, increasing her followers by 20,000 in a single day.

The reason behind this is that Xiaohongshu has a unique community attribute, and the "tool" attribute is becoming more and more prominent, and the specific subdivision, the women's independence plan track is now divided into different routes.

Women's Independence + Life Skills, Women's Independence + Workplace Work, Women's Independence + Healthy Living, Women's Independence + Financial Literacy...... Different scenarios and consumer groups have their own unique topics and needs.

The theme of women's independence has penetrated into many areas of life, forming a rich and diverse consumption scene and target group.

A piece of content has gained 20,000 fans, is Xiaohongshu's new track a gold rush dream or a wrestling ring?

Despite the problem of homogenization, its low threshold and easy monetization make this track still very popular, and with it, the track involution is very serious, and it is very difficult to stand out from many competitors and successfully commercialize.

In fact, the proliferation of female independent track bloggers has not further helped commercialization, and it is understood that only a very small number of active bloggers can continue to be active, and even fewer can successfully monetize.

A piece of content has gained 20,000 fans, is Xiaohongshu's new track a gold rush dream or a wrestling ring?

The main challenge for these bloggers is how to monetize their business effectively, and many bloggers talk about the recent problem of not knowing how to explore the possibilities of commercializing their accounts.

Currently, advertising partnerships are their most common way to commercialize. Xiao Feng, who has 100,000 followers, is at the waist level of the entire track, and she revealed to Chop Jiao: "Since opening the account for more than two months, I have received some invitations for advertising cooperation, with an average of about 1-2 per month. The cooperation is mainly on home-related products, such as sweepers, washing machines, mattresses and light bulbs, etc., and I will only implant one advertising product per content. She also mentioned that she was confused about how to set the price, "The initial price was 700 yuan, and then it was raised to 1,500 yuan." ”

Lin Linzi told Chop Jiao that since opening her account for half a year, she has accumulated more than 10,000 followers and has almost no income. She receives advertisements through Xiaohongshu's dandelion system, but the advertising fee is often pressed to 100 yuan per article, which is far below expectations.

In addition, the main audience of these bloggers is women who have just started to live alone, and this part of the population itself does not have strong spending power, Xiaofeng told Chop Pepper that the unit price of the goods she brings is between 100 and 150 yuan. Usually, I don't directly mark the price in the content, but tend to reveal the brand information in the comment section to guide the product, but the conversion rate is not ideal.

On the other hand, compared with other types of bloggers on the track, this type of creator faces a relatively narrow monetization path.

is also a track of women's independent life, and the creators can be roughly divided into two categories: fantasy and practical. Although the two are on the same track, their respective audience positioning, content forms and monetization strategies are different.

The fantasy independent women's track usually attracts the audience by rendering an idealized lifestyle, such as showing exquisite home furnishings, elegant personal life, etc., which often have a strong visual beauty and emotional expression, and focus more on stimulating the audience's sense of yearning. For example, such accounts often start with "My ideal solitary life" and "My daily life alone", telling how to create beautiful and functional corners in a small space, or how to make homemade food and enjoy alone time on the weekend.

A piece of content has gained 20,000 fans, is Xiaohongshu's new track a gold rush dream or a wrestling ring?

The practical women's independent track focuses on providing specific and operational life skills, such as housekeeping, personal finance, life tips, etc., and pays more attention to the practicality and education of the content, directly solving the audience's life problems, and each tutorial is detailed to the use of tools and step analysis, to meet the needs of users who want to improve their lives by doing it themselves.

A piece of content has gained 20,000 fans, is Xiaohongshu's new track a gold rush dream or a wrestling ring?

In terms of commercialization, the personalized IP bloggers who directly show their personal life living alone have a more "good life sharing" sense of content. This kind of dreamy, non-practical content, while may not seem down-to-earth, is easy to attract the attention and cooperation of home, food and lifestyle-related brands because of its dreamy and idealistic nature, and by highlighting the features, benefits and convenience of the product, this type of account can effectively open up a broad avenue for business cooperation.

A piece of content has gained 20,000 fans, is Xiaohongshu's new track a gold rush dream or a wrestling ring?

In contrast, the field of female independent practical departments is more focused on graphic content creators, their content tends to life and teaching, these accounts are usually positioned as pragmatic tool bloggers, due to the lack of fantasy or yearning for emotional tonality, the overall style is not biased towards grass, often difficult to attract brand cooperation, commercial monetization path is relatively narrow.

Nowadays, in the current "involution" competition, the women's independent track is seeking new growth points and gradually showing new development characteristics.

On the one hand, more and more creators are looking for more subdivided verticals in the women's independent track to meet the specific needs of different user groups.

For example, the Girls' Driving Independent Program, the Girls' Computer Knowledge Independent Program, the Post-00s Girls' Independent Decoration Program, and the Girls' Independent Guide (Home Edition)...... A variety of accounts in more vertical fields are constantly emerging, providing more accurate and in-depth content.

A piece of content has gained 20,000 fans, is Xiaohongshu's new track a gold rush dream or a wrestling ring?

However, the transition to a more specialized field places higher demands on creators, requiring not only the necessary knowledge and skills, but also a deep grasp of the details of their field. For example, driving skills bloggers need to be proficient in various driving knowledge and rules; Decoration bloggers should have decoration design and practical operation ability, and be able to explain construction skills in detail; Computer knowledge bloggers need to be able to continuously provide practical computer use and maintenance advice to help viewers solve specific technical problems.

On the other hand, there are also many bloggers who have begun to appear in person, shifting the form of content from traditional graphics to video, so as to stand out in the highly competitive market.

For example, @她行技能站自6月6日起发布视频 amassed 230,000 followers in less than a month with just eight pieces of video content; And the 400,000 followers of the head blogger @女女女Independent Project has also begun experimenting with video content, hoping to broaden its reach with a wider audience.

A piece of content has gained 20,000 fans, is Xiaohongshu's new track a gold rush dream or a wrestling ring?

It is foreseeable that the women's independent track will continue to lean towards video content, which can provide a more intuitive and vivid way to communicate, help content creators establish a deeper connection with the audience, and open up a broader path to commercialization.

In the buzzing track of female independent bloggers, the key challenge is how to move away from the mere "instrumental" label and achieve a successful commercial transformation, which is the primary problem faced by these accounts.

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