
"The Family of Gold Powder" Mei Li slapped Xiaotong away, and Qingqiu actually made Xiaotong quite puzzled by her

author:Jiang Chenxia

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"The Family of Gold Powder" Mei Li slapped Xiaotong away, and Qingqiu actually made Xiaotong quite puzzled by her

In the previous article, Leng Qingqiu and Liu Zongyi found Jin Yanxi to negotiate Xiaotong's father, and finally reached a consensus.

But Leng Qingqiu hadn't been born for two days, and Mei Li had another "moth" here, which made Leng Qingqiu fall into a predicament again.


Since Xiaotong went to school, the big stone in Qingqiu's heart fell to the ground.

One day, Mei Li went to school to find her husband Xie Yushu, and when it was time for class, she met a handsome teenager at the school gate.

It's Xiaotong.

Since the last time Mei Li secretly saw this boy, she has deeply remembered his appearance, he looks like Qingqiu, but his facial features are very similar to Jin Yanxi.

The boy passed by Mei Li, who was stunned for a moment and didn't know where she got the courage to shout: "Xiaotong." ”

The boy suddenly stopped and turned to look: "This lady, do we know each other?" ”

"You don't know me, but I know you, can I have a cup of tea and talk? It won't bother you for long. Merry said with a smile.

"The Family of Gold Powder" Mei Li slapped Xiaotong away, and Qingqiu actually made Xiaotong quite puzzled by her

Xiaotong was originally full of rejection of all strangers, and I don't know why I followed Mei Li to the teahouse next to the school today.


After entering the teahouse, Mei Li found a clean place by the window, ordered tea and snacks, and waited for the teahouse guys to gather before she began to speak.

"I am your own aunt, and in addition to me, you have three aunts, all of whom are now abroad." Merry plucked up the courage to reveal her identity.

Xiao Tong looked at Mei Li, originally curious, but now he suddenly realized, his tone suddenly became stern: "I don't have any relatives except my mother, I am a child who grew up in a single-parent family, and I don't have any aunts." ”

"Your father is Jin Yanxi, he is my seventh brother, in addition to my younger sister, he has three sisters, three brothers, and you have many relatives." Melly spoke eloquently.

"No, I don't have a father, and I don't want to recognize a flowery negative man as a father, he is a playboy, he can take care of the play, he can do whatever he wants, he can not take any responsibility, but I will not be like him."

"He's not so much a playboy as a hooligan ruffian, and he's not worthy of being a husband and a father at all." Xiao Tong's face turned red from excitement.

As soon as he finished speaking, he only heard a "snap", a big slap loudly, and Mei Li was suddenly shocked, she actually slapped him.

Xiaotong didn't even cover his face, stood up and ran out of the teahouse.

Mei Li also stood up and looked out at Xiao Tong through the window of the teahouse, she was scared silly.

What is this for, how can you hit him? He's still a kid, so it's normal to be emotional!

"The Family of Gold Powder" Mei Li slapped Xiaotong away, and Qingqiu actually made Xiaotong quite puzzled by her

Although his words are ugly, Brother Qi has indeed done a lot of things that are sorry for the two of them!

Merry sat back in her chair with a "plop", she remembered what she had just done, what made her so impulsive?

She has never hit anyone, even her own children rarely do, how can she hit other people's children?

She sat in a daze for a long time, and finally decided to go to the school to find Qingqiu, and then settled the bill and walked out of the teahouse.

"The Family of Gold Powder" Mei Li slapped Xiaotong away, and Qingqiu actually made Xiaotong quite puzzled by her


At this time, Qingqiu just walked out of the classroom after class, she looked at a fashionably dressed woman walking towards her from a distance, she stopped to take a closer look, and found that the woman who was getting closer and closer looked very much like Mei Li.

So she stayed where she was, waiting for the woman to come up to her.

Mei Li saw Qingqiu crying anxiously, Qingqiu saw this situation, something must have happened, and her mood became nervous and hurriedly asked, "Is something wrong?" Merry"

"I slapped the same little one? Just now I went to the school to look for Xie Yushu, and I met Xiaotong at the school gate, I took him to drink tea, and then told him that I was his aunt, he didn't recognize me, and said that the seventh brother was a hooligan, so I slapped him impulsively. Merry said as she cried.

"Why don't you tell him without consulting me?" Qingqiu complained about Mei Li.

"I know it's wrong Sister Qingqiu, I shouldn't have recognized him without saying a word, and I shouldn't have beaten him, what should I do, will this kid hate me for the rest of my life?" Mei Li was very sad when she burst into tears.

Although Qingqiu complained about Mei Li on her lips, she had an inexplicable sense of closeness to her in her heart.

"The Family of Gold Powder" Mei Li slapped Xiaotong away, and Qingqiu actually made Xiaotong quite puzzled by her

When she was in the Jin family, she had a good relationship with Mei Li, she knew that Mei Li and she were sick and sympathetic, and they had been living cautiously in the Jin family since she was a child.

Now although Mei Li beat her beloved son, she can't hate it at all, but comforts Mei Li: "You go home first, Xiaotong will go home tonight, and I will explain it to him well." ”

Mei Li held one of Qingqiu's hands with both hands, crying and nodding: "You must explain it for me, otherwise I will be too guilty." ”

Qingqiu nodded preoccupiedly, watching Mei Li slowly fade out of sight step by step.

"The Family of Gold Powder" Mei Li slapped Xiaotong away, and Qingqiu actually made Xiaotong quite puzzled by her


Xiaotong really went home in the evening.

He appeared in front of Qingqiu with a worried face, and Qingqiu had already figured out how to explain to him what happened today.

"Your aunt is looking for you? And slapped you in the face, didn't he? Qingqiu said lightly.

"Why did I come out with another aunt? How complex is my identity? I'd rather I be the son of a poor people. A pained expression appeared on Xiaotong's face.

"Son, this matter is my mother's fault, my mother married your father because of vanity when she was young, although your father did not do his job properly, and he did not fulfill the slightest father's responsibility to you, but this matter has nothing to do with your aunt."

"Mom also benefited from your aunt's care back then, she is the person who knows her mother best in the Jin family. Although she hit you impulsively, you have to believe that she loves you, and your mother wants you to forgive your aunt. Qingqiu explained for Mei Li.

"The Family of Gold Powder" Mei Li slapped Xiaotong away, and Qingqiu actually made Xiaotong quite puzzled by her

"Why are you speaking for her? Could it be that she gave some benefits? Are you going to make the same mistakes you made back then? Xiao Tong's puzzled face made Qingqiu have to tell him Mei Li's life experience and the story of the second aunt.

After listening to this story, Xiaotong showed a confused expression on his face.

Is it a good thing or a bad thing for him to recognize his aunt? Sometimes decisions made inadvertently can really affect a person's life.

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