
Giant pandas Cheng Cheng and Qi Guo celebrate their 8th birthday on the Tibetan Plateau



Video shooting and production: CCTV reporter Wang Xiaoqing

Xining, June 30 (Reporter Wang Xiaoqing) On June 30, in the Xining Panda Pavilion in Qinghai Province, the national treasure giant panda Yuanman and Qiguo ushered in their 8th birthday, and many citizens and tourists rushed to the Xining Panda Pavilion early to celebrate the birthday of the national treasure giant panda and taste the birthday cake together.

Giant pandas Cheng Cheng and Qi Guo celebrate their 8th birthday on the Tibetan Plateau

The scene of the birthday party of Yuanman and Qiguo (photo by CCTV reporter Wang Xiaoqing)

Giant pandas Cheng Cheng and Qi Guo celebrate their 8th birthday on the Tibetan Plateau

Giant pandas taste "cake" (photo by CCTV reporter Wang Xiaoqing)

"We made their favorite fruit and flower cake for Yuanman and Qiguo, and the base of the cake was made of bamboo poles of bitter bamboo, and on top were dragon fruit, watermelon, apples, carrots, etc., which were Yuanman and Qiguo's favorite food." Qi Yan, a giant panda keeper at the Xining Panda Museum, said.

In the outdoor activity field of the Xining Panda Pavilion, Yuan Man and Qiguo play leisurely, sometimes look at the cake, sometimes roll the body, or pick up the bamboo to eat, the cute appearance attracts citizens and tourists to watch and take pictures.

Giant pandas Cheng Cheng and Qi Guo celebrate their 8th birthday on the Tibetan Plateau

Enjoy a birthday dinner (photo by CCTV reporter Wang Xiaoqing)

Giant pandas Cheng Cheng and Qi Guo celebrate their 8th birthday on the Tibetan Plateau

Take a break after eating enough (photo by CCTV reporter Wang Xiaoqing)

Giant pandas Cheng Cheng and Qi Guo celebrate their 8th birthday on the Tibetan Plateau

The back is still cute (photo by CCTV reporter Wang Xiaoqing)

"Auntie, I want to give this painting to Yuan Man and Qiguo, and wish them a happy birthday!" Qiao Yanxi, a 6-year-old child, specially approached Qi Yan and wanted to give her paintings to the giant panda.

"Thank you, children, this is the most meaningful gift that Yuan Man and Qiguo have received!" Qi Yan said.

Giant pandas Cheng Cheng and Qi Guo celebrate their 8th birthday on the Tibetan Plateau

The children sent birthday gifts to Yuanman and Qiguo (photo by CCTV reporter Wang Xiaoqing)

In the Xining Panda Pavilion, there is an endless stream of citizens and tourists, everyone tastes the cake together, raises their mobile phones and cameras to take pictures, and celebrates their birthdays with laughter and strange fruits.

Giant pandas Cheng Cheng and Qi Guo celebrate their 8th birthday on the Tibetan Plateau

At the birthday party, citizens and tourists celebrated together (photo by CCTV reporter Wang Xiaoqing)

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