
A Leaf Trip · summer

author:918 Yunnan Traffic Voice
A Leaf Trip · summer
A Leaf Trip · summer

Xia Mo

"The clouds and mist ink dye and paint the freehand landscape of the ancient village, the giant trees that cover the sky flow with the mountains of midsummer flowers, the jacaranda of the feather dream star is full of the red and red fire of the phoenix flowers, and the immortal chapter of contentment and happiness rises in the hookah."

Tea Tree Grandpa VS Little Leaf

Little Leaf: It's so quiet in the forest! Why are the tea pickers gone?

Grandpa: This is a deliberate effort for people to store nutrients for tea trees and have sufficient recuperation time to grow better!

A Leaf Trip · summer

"22°11′14" north latitude, 100°00′39" east longitude, the wrinkles blown out by the wind create the mountain texture of Jingmai Mountain. Hundreds of millions of years ago, the majestic Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the Hengduan Mountains blocked the cold current from the north, and the Lancang River traveled all the way to the south, providing natural and rich nourishment for the mountain camellia plants, so that this river basin could survive and extend in the Quaternary glaciers, becoming the origin and hometown of the world's cultivated tea trees.

According to legend, the Pu people of the ancient Dian Kingdom were squeezed and moved south, and the prince of the Balang tribe, the ancestor of the Brown tribe, discovered the medicinal value of tea on the way and saved the people, so he regarded tea as a sacred tree.

A Leaf Trip · summer

Ancient local texts also record the teachings left by the ancestor Pa Ao Leng:

"If I leave you with cattle and horses, I am afraid that they will die by natural disasters; Leave you treasures of gold and silver, and you will eat them up. Just leave this ancient tea garden and tea trees, so that future generations can be inexhaustible, endless, you must love it as you love your eyes, pass it on from generation to generation, and never let it be lost. ”

Out of awe and the ecological ethics engraved in the genes, Jingmai Mountain respects the natural growth cycle of the forest, leaving the traditional planting method of "only chasing spring and autumn, not asking about winter and summer", and adopts the method of picking ancient tea trees in spring and autumn and keeping summer tea to avoid excessive picking. At the same time, the direction and area of reclamation in the forest should be determined by folk methods, and it is not possible to develop it by itself, let alone cut down trees at will.

A Leaf Trip · summer

(Brown Folk Song "Tea Picking Song")

"When I heard a bird call at noon, I felt that it was a kind of music, and I enjoyed the sound of nature, and I felt that picking tea was not tiring at all, because the birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant."

Walking into the Dapingzhang Ancient Tea Forest, there are patches of ancient tea forests under the dozens of meters high arbor trees, and the trees are covered with moss, dendrobium, orchid grass and other appendages, and there are many low plants below, forming a three-dimensional layered understory tea planting ecological system, witnessing the ancient tradition.

Tea is in the forest, and the village is in the forest. A thousand years are fleeting, and the years are slowing down here. The remnants of the customs, ancient wisdom and diverse breath of life that flow deep in the mountains and mountains are condensed on a leaf, and when soaked in water, the infinite splendor of the living heritage blooms.

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A Leaf Trip · summer
A Leaf Trip · summer

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A Leaf Trip · summer

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