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author:Released in Shanghai

"Big Aunt" and "Old Friend" visit every month

But for a lot of women

They may just be

"Familiar Strangers"

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Can you eat ice during menstruation? Spicy?

Why is it easy to get angry before menstruation?

Is it possible to eat fat during menstruation?

What should I do about menstrual cramps?


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A lot of boys are also confused

Why is girlfriend/mom always on certain days

Easily angry with yourself?

For girls

Understanding menstruation is the first step to taking control of your body

For boys

Understanding menstruation is the first step to understanding the women around you

All of them!

Get to know menstruation with Xiaobu today!!

This issue is a popular science guest

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Jin Li

Chief Physician, Doctoral Supervisor; Director of Gynecologic Endocrinology (Reproductive Center), Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, Fudan University; Vice Chairman of the Fertility Protection Professional Committee of the Chinese Anti-Cancer Association; Vice Chairman of the Reproductive Medicine Branch of Shanghai Medical Association

What is Menstruation? How is menstruation formed?

Menstruation is accompanied by periodic changes in the ovaries

Periodic shedding and bleeding of the endometrium

Menstruation is a normal physiological process in a woman's body

The appearance of regular menstruation

It is an important sign of reproductive maturation

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The ovaries secrete enough estrogen each month

Thickens the lining of the uterus

Creating a "rich soil" for eggs

And one of the most mature eggs is selected for release

Waiting for the sperm to combine

If the egg is not fertilized during this "waiting period".

The corpus luteum shrinks about 14 days after ovulation

Stops secreting estrogen and progesterone

Spasmodic contraction of blood vessels in the endometrium

The unused endometrium shrinks and peels off

Bleeding is excreted with shedding

Formation of menstrual cramps

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From a clinical point of view

The age at which a girl first menstruates is generally between 8 and 13 years old

The menstrual period generally lasts until the age of 51

How is the menstrual cycle calculated? What happens to a woman's body throughout the menstrual cycle?

Menstruation is not just a few days of bleeding

The calculation of a woman's menstrual cycle is:

Bleeding from this menstrual period on the 1st day

to the 1st day of the next menstrual period

Number of days apart

Menstrual periods

It usually lasts 3-7 days

At this stage

The endometrium is shed and excreted from the body

The body's hormone levels are low

Symptoms such as dysmenorrhea, backache, and chest distension may occur

Feeling tired, stressed, and having a low appetite

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Follicular phase

It usually lasts 7 to 10 days

After the end of the menstrual period

The brain begins to stimulate the ovaries to produce follicles

This process of follicle maturation

It secretes a large amount of estrogen

Estrogen stimulates the thickening of the lining of the uterus

At the same time because of hormonal changes

Women will appear at this time

A state of increased appetite and high energy

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Occurs 12-18 days after menstruation

This is the middle stage of the menstrual cycle

It usually occurs in the middle of the follicular phase

Ovulation may last for 1 week

But the actual day of ovulation is only one of them

With a sustained increase in estrogen

The brain receives positive feedback

Begin to control your body for ovulation

The egg is released from the follicle

This is the peak of estrogen in the body

Secretions will increase in women

It becomes a brushed shape similar to transparent glue

It's the ideal time to try to have a baby!

At the same time, under the action of hormones

Sisters will also have better skin at this stage

Personal state will be more confident

(Allow!) Light! Shining! Hair! )

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Luteal phase

It usually lasts 10-14 days

After the egg is expelled from the follicle

These cells of the follicle become luteal cells

At this time, a large amount of progesterone is released in the body

It is conducive to the endometrium and is rich in nutrients

If the embryo does not implant successfully

The corpus luteum will gradually disappear

At this time, the endometrium will

Lack of progesterone and estrogen support

Intimal peeling and bleeding may occur

A new menstrual period is formed

What is a normal period?

Menstruation comes almost every month

It can be said to be a "barometer" of women's health

Generally speaking, we can pass

Here are a few ways to tell if your period is normal

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menstrual cycle

The normal menstrual cycle is 28±7 days

i.e. 21-35 days

If the menstrual cycle changes frequently and is irregular

Not even for a long time

The general concern is irregular ovulation

As a result, the endometrium does not shed properly

It is recommended to go to the hospital for a check-up

If menstruation is regular

Occasional delayed menstruation generally doesn't require special treatment

Don't worry

After all, our bodies are not machines

Of course, TA should be allowed to have some small "surprises"~

Period (bleeding) timing


Menstruation (bleeding) usually takes 3-7 days

But the specifics vary from person to person

Short menstrual periods do not mean

There must be a specific disease

So, in that range

3 days and 7 days are normal

There is no clear superiority or inferiority

But if it often exceeds 7 days

It's also been "tick-tock" and not clean

It is advisable to go to the hospital to see the specific cause


The amount of menstrual bleeding

Normal menstrual flow is generally 20~60ml

More than 80ml is menorrhagia

If the amount of bleeding does not affect physical health

There is no psychological, social functioning, etc

to cause damage

In fact, it can be considered that the menstrual flow is normal

But if menstrual bleeding is excessive

It can lead to excessive blood loss

Anemia may develop

If there is a large amount of acute bleeding during a single menstrual period

It can even be life-threatening

Prompt medical attention is recommended

Menstrual (bleeding) color


The color of menstrual blood is usually dark red

Bleeding due to the peeling of the lining of the uterus

At the time of outflow through the body

will be oxidized to a dark red color

If it's bright red

It may be because of the heavy bleeding

As soon as the blood is discharged, it comes out

If the color is too dark

It may be caused by poor discharge

Menstruation is a physiological process of the body

There is a certain regularity

But this is not absolute

So if once or twice once in a while

If you have "abnormal" menstruation

Generally, you don't have to worry too much~

But if there is an abnormality for a long time

It's best to go to the hospital as soon as possible to seek help from a doctor~!

How does the body react during menstruation? What are the precautions?

When it comes to the physical reaction of menstruation

Many people think of bleeding and menstrual cramps

Those 7 days that were particularly uncomfortable

But physical discomfort doesn't just happen on those days

For a lot of women

Hormonal changes will be uncomfortable in addition to those days

It can also occur before menstruation

in the female body

Hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, etc

Cyclical changes in the body

Ups and downs, ups and downs

Firmly grasped the feminine's

Mood, behavior, sleep, and even appearance

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Such as abdominal distension and pain, a feeling of sagging

The pelvis becomes congested before menstruation

Causes distension and pain in the lower abdomen

Breast tenderness

Breasts are very sensitive to hormonal changes in the body

Progesterone stimulates breast hyperplasia

This can lead to tenderness in the breasts


Fluctuations and changes in hormones in the body lead to breakouts

have diarrhea

Associated with pelvic congestion and prostaglandin secretion

During menstruation

To enhance the shedding of the intima

The body secretes prostaglandins to enhance smooth muscle contractions

And there is smooth muscle in the intestines

So many people have diarrhea during menstruation


Endometriosis can also cause menstrual diarrhea

Mood swings, insomnia, etc

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In addition to the hormonal effects themselves and the physiological discomfort of menstruation

It is also difficult not to be upset by the various "problems" caused by menstruation

For example, I accidentally got my pants dirty again

Go to the toilet regularly to change sanitary napkins

Summer is always wet and hot


So here is the point!

Men must pay more attention to women during menstruation

At this time, they really need support and understanding~

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Menstruation is actually a normal physiological process

Don't be overly concerned and worried

During this period

It is enough to maintain a normal and healthy life

What if you want to talk about precautions

The main reason is that the body's immunity decreases due to body bleeding

Susceptible to bacterial infections

So at this stage, you have to be a little better for your body

Avoid catching a cold and rest more~

Why do I have menstrual cramps? Do gynecologists also have menstrual cramps?

Menstrual cramps are caused by many causes

It is broadly divided into two categories: primary and secondary

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Primary pain

Primary dysmenorrhea is basically a physical pain

Most women with menstrual cramps fall into this category

The main reason is

Caused by prostaglandins stimulating uterine contractions

During menstruation, the body needs to remove the shedding lining of the uterus

The lining contains prostaglandins

It is used to stimulate uterine contractions to help the lining expel out

The process of contraction is often painful

So why do uterine contractions be needed?

Wounds occur when the intima is peeled off

There will be bleeding spots in the uterus

To prevent increased bleeding

The body instinctively works through uterine contractions to help clot

If some women have a larger intimal mass

Then at the time of passing through the palace entrance

In order to drain smoothly

The uterus will contract, and the uterine opening will be opened

This results in pain

There are also women who have a curved uterus

Causes the intima to accumulate inside

For smooth discharge

Uterine contractions can also intensify

The pain will intensify


Secondary dysmenorrhea

Secondary dysmenorrhea is pathologic pain

May be due to dysmenorrhea due to organic lesions in the pelvis

For example, endometriosis, myometriosis, etc

This needs to be done by the doctor depending on the cause of each patient

Targeted testing, diagnosis, and treatment

If you ask

Since the doctor knows so much

So do gynecologists have menstrual cramps?

The answer, of course, is


After all, this is a normal physical reaction in women

Everyone will have it to a greater or lesser extent

Everyone's physical condition is different

The level of pain also varies

If menstrual cramps interfere with our normal life

It is recommended that everyone go to the hospital for a check-up

Whether there is a pathological problem

If only a physiological reaction

We can be relieved by painkillers on a daily basis

(Normally, it will not affect the body.)

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Partner/mom menstruate, what should a boy do?


Menstruation is a physiological process that every woman goes through

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Understanding menstruation isn't just a girl's thing

Every man around me

It is also necessary to have a basic understanding of menstrual knowledge

It's understanding mom/partner/daughter

An important lesson for every woman around you!

In addition, it is accompanied by the arrival of menstruation

The woman's body appears more or less uncomfortable

At this time, you must remember to help them keep their mood happy!

Hot Q&A

In those years, we had a misunderstanding of the "big aunt".


Menstruation is detoxification, the darker the menstrual blood, the more toxins in the body?

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There are many sisters who think that menstruation is a detoxification process, and they are always worried that bad menstruation will affect the excretion of toxins from the body. Of course not! Again: menstruation is the periodic exfoliation of the endometrium, a physiological process! Menstrual blood is not toxin-filled waste blood, but normal bleeding accompanied by intimal detachment. It has nothing to do with detoxification! In many cases, due to the relative reduction of menstrual activity, menstrual blood accumulates in the vagina for a longer time, and may appear in different degrees of dark red, dark purple, etc. Therefore, the color of menstruation is closely related to the length of bleeding, the amount of bleeding and the speed of outflow. It's not because of the toxin!!

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Is it possible to eat during menstruation without gaining weight?

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No! 1 week before menstruation, high estrogen levels can cause sodium and water retention in the body, and edema appears, causing signs of weight gain. With the onset of menstruation, estrogen and progesterone levels drop sharply, edema will subside, weight will decrease, and some sisters have the illusion that "they don't get fat after eating a lot". (Heart-piercing?) However, the body's metabolism will be relatively enhanced during menstruation, coupled with the body's bleeding, proper nutrition supplementation should be, but don't overeat!

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Am I sick because my period will pass something like a small piece of meat?

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Small pieces of flesh are generally the shedding of the endometrium, and some people have obvious endometrial peeling, so there will be larger pink pieces of meat, which is normal. However, if the menstrual flow continues to increase and there are a large number of blood clots compared to the past, it is recommended to seek medical attention to check whether there are disease factors.


Menstrual cramps, just give birth to a baby?

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This statement is not entirely unreasonable, but it is not entirely true. As mentioned by Xiaobu just now, dysmenorrhea has both primary dysmenorrhea and secondary dysmenorrhea. After pregnancy gives birth to a baby, the uterus becomes larger and the reproductive tract expands, which helps the menstrual blood to drain more smoothly, and primary dysmenorrhea may be relieved. For secondary dysmenorrhea, in the process of pregnancy and breastfeeding, due to changes in hormone levels and ovulation suppression, endodysmenorrhea will be suppressed to a certain extent, and dysmenorrhea may be reduced, but as menstruation resumes and the condition progresses, dysmenorrhea will still appear or even worsen.


If you need to take medicine to delay menstruation in special circumstances, it will hurt your body, right?

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In general, it is not recommended to take medicine to delay menstruation. If you encounter special circumstances, such as physical dysmenorrhea, which seriously affects normal work, exams, etc., you can consider taking medicine and postponing it, but you need to prepare in advance. It is recommended to go to the hospital 1~2 months in advance to seek help from a doctor and choose the right medicine according to your physical condition. This is generally a short-acting drug that can be metabolized quickly, so you don't have to worry about any effect on your body.


Does menstruation worsen anemia?

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Bleeding occurs all the time during menstruation, so menstruation can aggravate anemia in general. Anemia can affect physical health, so if it is iron deficiency anemia, it is necessary to supplement iron in time, and if it is other types of anemia, it should be treated according to the doctor's advice.


How Long After Giving Birth Is It Normal For Menstruation?

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Postpartum menstruation is generally related to whether or not to breastfeed, as it is related to changes in progesterone in the body. Women who do not breastfeed usually resume menstruation at 6-10 weeks postpartum, but it is normal for menstruation to resume at 5-12 weeks postpartum. Breastfeeding mothers generally delay the resumption of menstruation than non-lactating mothers, and there are more women who resume menstruation within 4-8 months after giving birth, but some women may not have menstruation because of breastfeeding until the end of breastfeeding, and some will resume menstruation early even if they are breastfeeding, and individual differences are relatively large. However, some women may not have menstruation after giving birth because of heavy bleeding or uterine damage during delivery, so if you do not have menstruation for a long time after weaning, it is recommended to go to the hospital for a professional diagnosis.


Can I have sex during my period? Can't get pregnant if you have intercourse at the end of menstruation?

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It is not recommended to have sex during menstruation, as menstruating women's vaginal defense function is reduced, and bacteria are easy to invade the vagina and ascending infections, leading to acute/chronic inflammation of the vagina and pelvis, and may also lead to menstrual blood reflux, increasing the risk of endometriosis. So, boys, pay attention, don't run red lights during menstruation!

Plus, there's no absolute safe period! There is no absolute safe period! There is no absolute safe period! Say the important thing three times! Although the menstrual period is near the end or just after the end, the probability of pregnancy is relatively low. However, sperm can survive in the body for a long time, and if the sisters usually have irregular menstruation or short menstrual cycles, there may also be occasional ovulation at the end of menstruation.


Can I eat ice, eat spicy food, and drink coffee during my menstrual period?

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Generally speaking, try not to eat irritating things during the menstrual period, mainly because the stomach and intestines are relatively weak during this period, and eating these irritating things is easy to make the body uncomfortable. For example, if you eat ice, you will be prone to diarrhea, so eating ice at this time is easy to aggravate this discomfort.

But this is not absolute, everyone's physical condition is different, if eating ice and spicy will not make you feel uncomfortable, then you can eat it if you want!

Coffee has a dilating effect on blood vessels, so drinking coffee may affect the vasoconstrictive function, resulting in more bleeding. But it varies from person to person, if you don't experience obvious discomfort after drinking, you can drink it normally.

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Can't exercise during your period?

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It is recommended not to exercise vigorously during menstruation, but to do some soothing exercises appropriately is conducive to menstrual blood discharge and is conducive to relieving pain. Swimming is not encouraged due to hygiene concerns. Pelvic congestion during menstruation, when the endometrium falls off, the uterine cavity will form a wound, which is more likely to be "infected"; The cervix is usually tightly closed, and the menstrual period is slightly open, which is conducive to the discharge of menstrual blood, but at the same time, germs are more likely to invade. If you can, don't toss. (Hot springs too)


Can I wear a crop top during my period?

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Wear it if you want, as long as you don't catch a cold! The main concern during menstruation is the cold, but from a medical point of view, there is a big difference between having an open stomach and showing your arms

。 So as long as you're not cold!


Can I soak my feet during menstruation, will it cause blood vessels to dilate and bleed more?

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You can soak your feet in hot water, don't put a medicine bag~ The vasodilation caused by soaking your feet in (pure) hot water is local and will not affect menstruation.

At last

Xiaobu wants to tell everyone

Menstruation is like eating and drinking Lazar

It is to ensure the normal functioning of the human body

A physiological process

We know TA

It is to better understand the female body


I hope you don't "specialize" your menstruation too much

Don't get your period and your whole body will be sluggish

Be careful not to do anything

During this period, we still eat when we want to, and drink when we want!

How comfortable you are

Don't turn TA into a shackle to your body!

Congratulations to all sisters (who have no plans to get pregnant).

"It's not too early or too late, and I don't feel it when I arrive on time"

Pick up "Auntie" every month

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