
Hero Blossom Hero City | The "Red Echo Praise to the Party's Grace" choral concert was successfully held

author:Pearl River Channel

In order to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, conscientiously implement Xi Jinping Cultural Thought, vigorously carry forward the great spirit of party building, continue the red blood, celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China with singing, welcome the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, promote the construction of a culturally strong city in Guangzhou, and show the style of red Guangzhou, vibrant Guangzhou, and happy Guangzhou, on June 29, 2024, the heroes of the Huacheng Music Festival series of activities will bloom in the hero city "Red Echo and Praise the Party's Grace" The choral concert was held in the Kaiserburg Concert Hall of Guangzhou Pearl River Piano Group.

Hero Blossom Hero City | The "Red Echo Praise to the Party's Grace" choral concert was successfully held

The red color of the red cotton tree shows the charm of the flower city, and the music is used as the medium to decorate the grand scenery of southern Guangdong. This concert is sponsored by the Propaganda Department of Zengcheng District Party Committee, the Youth Committee of Guangzhou Yan'an Spiritual Research Association, Guangzhou Choral Association, and Pearl River Piano Group. Integrate resources, uphold integrity and innovate to build a large platform for Guangzhou to inherit and promote red culture, so that red seeds can take root and sprout in people's hearts, boost the spirit of high-quality development, take the Long March road in the new era, and truly assume the responsibility of strengthening the city with culture and benefiting the people through literature and art.

Hero Blossom Hero City | The "Red Echo Praise to the Party's Grace" choral concert was successfully held
Hero Blossom Hero City | The "Red Echo Praise to the Party's Grace" choral concert was successfully held
Hero Blossom Hero City | The "Red Echo Praise to the Party's Grace" choral concert was successfully held

The event specially invited Zhang Xin, Zhang Bin, Lai Yuankui, Wang Huaijian, Chen Jianjun and other famous conductors, led the Pearl River Piano Choir of Guangzhou Choral Association, Pearl River Senior Choir, Pearl River Youth Choir, Wisdom Children's Palace Choir and other outstanding teams to present classic red repertoire such as "China with a Smile", "Ten Sending the Red Army", "As Wished", "The Destiny of the Stars", "Ode to the Motherland" and "Magnificent Yan'an".

Hero Blossom Hero City | The "Red Echo Praise to the Party's Grace" choral concert was successfully held

Conductor: Wang Huaijian Piano accompaniment: Zheng Zhijun

Singing: Pearl River Piano Choir of Guangzhou Choral Association

Hero Blossom Hero City | The "Red Echo Praise to the Party's Grace" choral concert was successfully held

Conductor: Zhang Bin Piano accompaniment: Chen Ken

Singing: Guangzhou Choral Association Pearl River Senior Choir

Hero Blossom Hero City | The "Red Echo Praise to the Party's Grace" choral concert was successfully held

Conductor and Artistic Director: Lai Yuankui

Singing: Pearl River Youth Choir of Guangzhou Choral Association

Hero Blossom Hero City | The "Red Echo Praise to the Party's Grace" choral concert was successfully held

Conductor: Chen Jianjun Piano accompaniment: Zheng Zhijun

Singing: Wisdom Children's Palace Choir

Hero Blossom Hero City | The "Red Echo Praise to the Party's Grace" choral concert was successfully held

Conductor: Zhang Xin Piano Accompaniment: Yuan Jin

Singing: Pearl River Piano Choir of Guangzhou Choral Association

Bursts of red songs express pride and praise the motherland. The sonorous and impassioned hymns ignited the passion in my heart, inspired the love of the party and the country, and sang the strong voice of the times. At the end of the concert, under the command of Mr. Zhang Xin, hundreds of people sang and sang "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China".

Hero Blossom Hero City | The "Red Echo Praise to the Party's Grace" choral concert was successfully held
Hero Blossom Hero City | The "Red Echo Praise to the Party's Grace" choral concert was successfully held

Zhang Xin, a famous conductor, vice president of the Guangdong Provincial Choral Association, president of the Guangzhou Choral Association, and professor of Xinghai Conservatory of Music, said: This is a high-standard, high-quality choral concert, with various highlights and wonderful activities. As the choral capital of the world, Guangzhou has built a choral art highland in the Greater Bay Area, and has long been committed to benefiting the people, serving the people, and enjoying the people.

Hero Blossom Hero City | The "Red Echo Praise to the Party's Grace" choral concert was successfully held

When culture is prosperous, the country is prosperous, and when culture is strong, the nation is strong. Pearl River Piano Group has long focused on the cultural industry and cultural undertakings, with music, art, culture and operation as the core of coordinated development, which is not only a loyal inheritor and promoter of China's excellent traditional culture, but also an active advocate and developer of China's advanced culture, so that the cultural charm is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the sense of cultural belonging and happiness of the people in southern Guangdong is enhanced. Taking the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China as an opportunity, this event sang red classics, inherited red genes, enriched the cultural life of the masses, further promoted the high-quality development of cultural undertakings, conveyed and continued the style and spirit of Guangzhou, a heroic city, and presented the birthday with a cultural feast.

Hero Blossom Hero City | The "Red Echo Praise to the Party's Grace" choral concert was successfully held

In the future, Pearl River Piano Group will continue to give full play to the advantages of state-owned cultural enterprises, assume the responsibility of benefiting the people through culture, take the initiative to meet the new expectations of the people, play the National Games and the Paralympic Cultural and Sports Festival, strive to provide more high-quality and diversified public cultural services, and enrich the cultural life and spiritual world of the citizens with high-quality cultural and artistic activities.

Hero Blossom Hero City | The "Red Echo Praise to the Party's Grace" choral concert was successfully held

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