
Since July, these new rules have affected your life

author:Released in Shanghai

From July, a number of new regulations and new measures will also be implemented: the "Regulations on the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests", the new "Company Law", the optimization of the driver's license re-application test subjects, the pilot of the electronic motor vehicle driving license and other 8 new measures for the convenience of the people and enterprises...... What other new rules will affect every aspect of our lives? See below ↓ for details


Shanghai will adjust the payment standards for unemployment insurance premiums, social assistance standards such as minimum living guarantees, and the maximum payment limit of the Employee Medical Insurance Pooling Fund

According to the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, the city will adjust the unemployment insurance payment standard from July 1, 2024, specifically: the unemployment insurance payment standard from the first to the 12th month will be increased by 80 yuan to 2,255 yuan per month. The payment standard for the 13th to 24th months is adjusted to 1,804 yuan/month; The payment standard for extension is adjusted to 1,595 yuan/month.

According to the Civil Affairs Bureau, the city will adjust the relevant standards for social assistance such as the minimum living guarantee from July 1, 2024. The relevant standards for social assistance adjusted this time include the minimum subsistence security standard, the subsidy standard for the recipients of regular and quantitative subsidies from the civil administration, the standard for supporting persons living in extreme poverty, the subsidy standard for minors under the age of 16 in families with minimum subsistence allowance, the assistance standard for students who have reached the age of 16 and are still receiving undergraduate education or below, as well as the criteria for determining the income of families on the verge of minimum living security, the monetary property of families on the verge of minimum living security, and the monetary assets of families on the verge of minimum living security.

According to the Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau, from 0:00 on July 1, 2024, the city's employee medical insurance will enter the 2024 medical insurance year (July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025), and the maximum payment limit of the employee medical insurance pooling fund will be increased from 610,000 yuan to 630,000 yuan, and the part above the maximum payment limit will continue to be reimbursed by 80% according to the regulations.

Since July, these new rules have affected your life

The "Notice on Strengthening the Performance of Residential Decoration Management Duties by Property Service Enterprises" came into force

In order to further strengthen the decoration management of the city's residential property management areas, standardize the decoration management activities of residential properties, create and maintain a safe, clean and comfortable living environment, and safeguard the common interests of all owners, the Notice on Strengthening the Performance of Residential Decoration Management Duties by Property Service Enterprises will come into force on July 1, 2024 and will be valid until June 30, 2029. The Notice on Strengthening the Performance of Decoration Management Work Duties by Property Service Enterprises in the Residential Property Management Area of the Municipality (Hu Fang Gui [2019] No. 12) shall be repealed at the same time.

The "Notice on Strengthening the Performance of Residential Decoration Management Duties by Property Service Enterprises" mainly contains the following contents: first, to clarify the responsibilities of property decoration management, second, to implement the decoration matters notification system, third, to strengthen the daily inspection of decoration activities, and fourth, to establish an administrative supervision and inspection mechanism.

Since July, these new rules have affected your life

Eight new measures, including the pilot of electronic motor vehicle driving licenses

The Ministry of Public Security has launched a pilot electronic motor vehicle driving license, implemented the "one-pass service" for motorcycle registration, facilitated the masses to handle car cancellation procedures online, implemented express door-to-door service to facilitate the masses, optimized the subjects of the driver's license re-application, optimized the non-motor vehicle traffic organization at urban intersections, implemented the online precise guidance service of traffic management business, and launched the "traffic management 12123" APP unit user version and other 8 new measures for the reform of public security traffic management to facilitate the people and benefit enterprises. The new measures will be implemented from 1 July 2024.

Since July, these new rules have affected your life

Part of the "Notice on Adjusting the Prohibition Zone for High-emission Non-road Mobile Machinery in the City" will be implemented

From July 1, 2024, the areas within the outer ring road (inclusive) and the five new city areas including Jiading New Town, Qingpu New Town, Songjiang New Town, Fengxian New Town, and Nanhui New Town are prohibited from using the "Emission Limits and Measurement Methods for Diesel Engines for Non-road Mobile Machinery (China I., II. Phases)" (Standard No.: GB 20891-2007) for non-road mobile machinery and the "Compression ignition for vehicles, Vehicles in the field with emission standards of China IV and below in the emission limits and measurement methods of gaseous fuel ignition engines and automobiles (China Phase III., IV., V.) (standard number: GB 17691-2005). The mechanical emissions used in this area should meet the requirements of Class III limits in the "Exhaust Smoke Limits and Measurement Methods for Non-road Diesel Mobile Machinery" (Standard No.: GB 36886-2018).

Since July, these new rules have affected your life

Part of the policy of the "Notice on Adjusting the Restriction Policy of Diesel Motor Vehicles of the National III Standard in this City" has been implemented

In order to promote the improvement of the city's atmospheric environment quality in an orderly manner, with the consent of the Shanghai Municipal People's Government, it has been decided to adjust the traffic restriction policy of the city's National III standard diesel motor vehicles, and from July 1, 2024, all day long, the National III diesel passenger motor vehicles will be prohibited from driving on the roads within the city's S20 Outer Ring Expressway (excluding the S20 Outer Ring Expressway and the ground roads projected by the elevated section of the S20 Outer Ring Expressway). Violation of traffic regulations, by the municipal public security traffic management department in accordance with the relevant provisions of the People's Republic of China Road Traffic Safety Law.

Since July, these new rules have affected your life

Measures for the Management of Subsidy Funds for Encouraging the Renewal of Non-road Mobile Machinery in China II in Shanghai

In order to continuously improve the ambient air quality of the city, accelerate the update of the National II emission standard non-road diesel mobile machinery (hereinafter referred to as "National II non-road machinery"), and improve the level of cleanliness of mobile sources, the "Shanghai Municipal Measures for Encouraging the Renewal of Subsidy Funds for National II Non-road Mobile Machinery" (The original text can be logged in viewed) will come into force on July 1, 2024 and will be valid until December 31, 2026. These measures are also applicable to the management of subsidy funds for the renewal of diesel vehicles in the field of China IV emission standards (hereinafter referred to as "vehicles in the field of China IV").

The amount of subsidy for the renewal of national two non-road machinery is determined according to factors such as the type of machinery. If the classification of newly purchased machinery is equal to or lower than the classification of scrapped machinery, subsidies will be given according to the classification of newly purchased machinery. If the classification of newly purchased machinery is higher than that of scrapped machinery, subsidies will be given according to the classification of scrapped machinery. For those who apply after July 1, 2025, the actual subsidy amount = 80% of the subsidy standard ×, and the rebate ratio is 20%.

If the load classification of the newly purchased vehicles in the yard is the same level or lower than the scrapped vehicles in the fourth yard, the subsidy amount will be subsidized according to the load classification of the newly purchased vehicles in the yard. If the load rating of the newly purchased vehicle in the yard is higher than that of the scrapped vehicle in the fourth country, the subsidy amount will be subsidized according to the load classification of the scrapped vehicle in the fourth yard. The specific subsidy standard refers to the updated subsidy standard for diesel motor vehicles, which will be released separately. For those who apply after July 1, 2025, the actual subsidy amount = 80% of the subsidy standard ×, and the rebate ratio is 20%.

Since July, these new rules have affected your life

The "Implementation Opinions of the Shanghai Municipal People's Government on Deepening the Joint "Double Random, One Open" Supervision of Departments in the Field of Market Supervision was implemented

In order to further deepen the reform of departmental joint "double random, one open" supervision, the city revised and formed the "Implementation Opinions of the Shanghai Municipal People's Government on Deepening the Joint "Double Random, One Open" Supervision of Departments in the Field of Market Supervision on the basis of the "Implementation Opinions of the Shanghai Municipal People's Government on <Implementing the Opinions >of the State Council on Comprehensively Implementing the Joint "Double Random, One Open" Supervision of Departments in the Field of Market Regulation" on the basis of the "Implementation Opinions of the Shanghai Municipal People's Government on Comprehensively Implementing the Opinions of the State Council on Comprehensively Implementing the Joint "Double Random, One Open" Supervision of Departments in the Field of Market Regulation".

The contents of this revision mainly include: (1) promoting cross-departmental comprehensive regulatory reform. (2) Improve mechanisms for the promotion of departmental joint random spot checks. (3) Use more abundant regulatory means. (4) Refine the methods for "credit + risk" spot checks. (5) Other amendments, including the name of the document, the meaning of the purpose, the work requirements, etc.

Since July, these new rules have affected your life

Notice on the issuance of the "Catalogue of Matters Concerning the Centralized Exercise of Administrative Punishment Power in the Field of Training by the Comprehensive Law Enforcement Team for Market Regulation in Shanghai".

There are a total of 49 names of specific punishment rights in the "List of Administrative Punishment Matters and Bases for the Centralized Exercise of the Training Market by the Shanghai Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Department" (the original text can be logged in view), including: administrative penalties for the unauthorized division and merger of private training institutions, Administrative punishments for private training institutions that change their names, levels, categories, and organizers without authorization, administrative punishments for private training institutions that publish false enrollment brochures or advertisements to defraud money, and administrative punishments for private training institutions that have a chaotic management that seriously affects the development of training activities and have a vile social impact, and so on.

This notice will come into force on July 1, 2024 and will be valid until June 30, 2029. The "List of Administrative Punishment Matters and Bases for the Centralized Exercise of the Shanghai Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Department Involving the Training Market" (Shanghai Education Commission Gui [2021] No. 1) shall be repealed at the same time.

Since July, these new rules have affected your life

Implementation of the Unified Standard for the Application of Building Information Modeling Technology

The Unified Standard for the Application of Building Information Modeling Technology (Standard No.: DG/TJ08-2201-2023) (the original text can be viewed at the, which has been reviewed by the Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, has been approved as a Shanghai Engineering Construction Specification, and will be implemented from July 1, 2024. The original "Building Information Modeling Application Standard" DG/TJ08-2201-2016 shall be repealed at the same time.

Since July, these new rules have affected your life

The "Technical Standard for the Application of Building Thermal Insulation Coatings" (Standard No.: DG/TJ 08-2200-2024) was implemented

The "Technical Standard for the Application of Building Thermal Insulation Coatings" (standard number: DG/TJ 08-2200-2024) (the original text can be viewed on the, which has been reviewed by the Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, is now approved as a Shanghai engineering construction specification and will be implemented from July 1, 2024. The original "Technical Regulations for the Application of Building Reflective Thermal Insulation Coatings" (DG/TJ 08-2200-2016) shall be repealed at the same time.

Since July, these new rules have affected your life

The "Design Standard for Energy Consumption Limits for Office Buildings" (Standard No.: DG/TJ08-2444-2024) was implemented

The "Design Standard for Energy Consumption Limit for Office Buildings" (Standard No.: DG/TJ08-2444-2024) (the original text can be viewed at login), which has been reviewed by the Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and approved as a Shanghai Engineering Construction Code, will be implemented from July 1, 2024.

Since July, these new rules have affected your life

The "Evaluation Standard for Green Eco-urban Areas" (standard number: DG/TJ 08-2253-2024) was implemented

The "Evaluation Standard for Green Eco-urban Areas" (standard number: DG/TJ 08-2253-2024) (the original text can be viewed on the, which has been reviewed by the Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and approved as a Shanghai Engineering Construction Specification, will be implemented from July 1, 2024. The original "Evaluation Standards for Green Eco-urban Areas" (standard number: DG/TJ 08-2253-2018) shall be repealed at the same time.

Since July, these new rules have affected your life

The "Technical Standard for the Construction of Multi-connected Air Conditioning (Heat Pump) Engineering" (Standard No.: DG/TJ08-2091-2024) was implemented

"Technical Standard for the Construction of Multi-connected Air Conditioning (Heat Pump) Engineering" (Standard No.: DG/TJ08-2091-2024) (the original text can be viewed on, reviewed by the Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, approved as the Shanghai Engineering Construction Specification, will be implemented from July 1, 2024. The original "Technical Regulations for the Construction of Multi-connected Air Conditioning (Heat Pump) Projects" (Standard No.: DG/TJ08-2091-2012) shall be repealed at the same time.

Since July, these new rules have affected your life

10 local standards such as "Residential Elevator Safety Management Code" have been implemented

The Municipal Administration for Market Regulation approved 11 local standards in Shanghai, including the "Residential Elevator Safety Management Code", of which 10 standards will be implemented on July 1 (the original text can be logged in view):

Technical Regulations for Three-stubble Rotation of Penaeus vannamei and Giant River Prawn in Pond Greenhouses (Standard No.: DB31/T1464-2024)

"Guidelines for Data Transmission of the Operating Platform of the Internet of Things System for Fire Protection Facilities" (Standard No.:


Classification and Classification of Aliphatic and Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Soil and Groundwater Petroleum Hydrocarbons (C10_C40) Gas Chromatography (Standard No.: DB31/T1466—2024)

Application Guide for Grading and Classification of Face Recognition in Public Places (Standard No.: DB31/T1467—2024)

Code for the Safety Management of Hazardous Chemicals in Industry and Trade Enterprises (Standard No.: DB31/T1468-2024)

Code for Safety Management of Residential Elevators (Standard No.: DB31/T1469—2024)

Basic Requirements for the Operation and Management of Disaster Relief Material Reserve (Standard No.: DB31/T1470-2024)

Technical Conditions for the Scrapping of Main Components of Mechanical Parking Equipment in Use (Standard No.: DB31/T1471-2024)

Technical Specification for Prediction and Control of Plane Tree Square-winged Bugs (Standard No.: DB31/T1036-2024)

"Elevator Maintenance Unit Quality and Credit Evaluation Specification" (Standard No.: DB31/T1172-2024)

Since July, these new rules have affected your life


The "Regulations on the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests" came into force

The "Regulations on the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests" (the original text can be accessed view) will come into force on July 1, 2024. The "Regulations" further strengthen the protection of consumer rights and interests, and make clear and specific provisions on some hot and difficult issues of consumption, which are of great significance for safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of consumers in the future, standardizing the business behavior of operators, creating a safe consumption environment, and promoting economic development.

The Regulations consist of 7 chapters and 53 articles, which mainly stipulate the following:

The first is to refine and supplement the relevant provisions on the obligations of business operators. The Consumer Rights and Interests Protection Law stipulates that the obligations of protecting the personal and property safety of consumers, handling defective products, prohibiting false advertising, clearly marking prices, using standard terms, fulfilling quality guarantee responsibilities, and protecting consumers' personal information are provided in detail. The provisions on the obligations of business operators on the protection of the rights and interests of consumers of the elderly and minors have been supplemented.

The second is to improve the relevant regulations on online consumption. It stipulates that business operators must not use technical means to compel or covertly compel consumers to purchase goods or receive services. Business operators must not, without the knowledge of consumers, set different prices or charging standards for the same goods or services under the same transaction conditions. Where proprietors employ methods such as automatic extension or automatic renewal to provide services, they shall draw consumers' attention in a conspicuous manner. Livestream marketing platform operators shall establish and complete systems for the protection of consumer rights and interests.

The third is to strengthen the obligations of prepaid consumer operators. It stipulates that business operators shall provide goods or services in accordance with the agreement with consumers, and must not reduce the quality of goods or services, and must not arbitrarily increase prices. Where goods or services are not provided in accordance with the agreement, the agreement shall be performed or the advance payment shall be refunded in accordance with the consumer's requirements. If a business operator has a major business risk, it shall stop collecting advance payments; Where a decision is made to suspend operations or relocate service venues, consumers shall be notified in advance, continue to perform their obligations, or refund the balance of the advance payment that has not been consumed.

Fourth, standardize consumer claims. It stipulates that complaints and reports shall comply with laws, regulations, and relevant provisions, and must not be used to seek improper benefits, infringe upon the lawful rights and interests of business operators, or disrupt the order of the market economy. Where there are defects in the labels, instructions, promotional materials, and so forth of goods or services that do not affect the quality of the goods or services and do not mislead consumers, the provisions on punitive damages do not apply. Those who fraudulently obtain compensation or extort business operators through methods such as entrainment, package dropping, counterfeiting, tampering with the date of production of goods, or fabricating facts, are to be dealt with in accordance with law.

Fifth, clarify the responsibilities of the government for the protection of consumer rights and interests. It stipulates that all levels of people's government shall strengthen guidance on efforts to protect consumer rights and interests, and organize, coordinate, and urge relevant administrative departments to implement their duties for the protection of consumer rights and interests. The relevant administrative departments shall promptly handle consumer complaints and reports, carry out consumer early warnings and risk warnings, increase the force of oversight inspections and law enforcement, and promptly investigate and address conduct that infringes on the lawful rights and interests of consumers.

In addition, the Regulations clarify the requirements for consumer associations to perform their duties, refine the relevant provisions on consumer dispute resolution, and stipulate corresponding legal liabilities for illegal acts.

Since July, these new rules have affected your life

The new Company Law came into force

The newly revised Company Law (the original text can be accessed can be viewed) will come into force on July 1, 2024.

The new Company Law improves the subscription registration system for limited liability companies, clarifying that the amount of capital contribution subscribed by all shareholders shall be paid in full by shareholders within five years from the date of establishment of the company in accordance with the provisions of the articles of association; At the same time, if a company registered and established before the implementation of the new Company Law has a capital contribution period that exceeds the time limit specified in this Law, it shall be gradually adjusted to within the time limit specified in this Law, unless otherwise provided by laws, administrative regulations or the State Council; If the term and amount of capital contribution are obviously abnormal, the company registration authority may require them to adjust them in a timely manner in accordance with the law. The specific implementation measures shall be separately formulated by the State Council.

Since July, these new rules have affected your life

China has implemented a visa-free policy for New Zealand, Australia and Poland on a trial basis

In order to further promote people-to-people exchanges between China and foreign countries, China has decided to expand the scope of visa-free countries and implement a visa-free policy for holders of ordinary passports from three countries: New Zealand, Australia and Poland (the original article can be found on login).

During the period from July 1, 2024 to December 31, 2025, holders of ordinary passports from the above-mentioned countries can enter China without a visa for business, tourism, visiting relatives and friends, and transiting for no more than 15 days. Those from the above-mentioned countries who do not meet the conditions for visa exemption still need to apply for a visa to China before entering the country.

Since July, these new rules have affected your life

The "Announcement on Adjusting the Technical Requirements for Energy-Saving New Energy Vehicle Products Enjoying Preferential Vehicle and Vessel Tax" was implemented

In order to meet the needs of the development and technological progress of the energy-saving and new energy vehicle industry, promote energy conservation and encourage the use of new energy, the Notice of the Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Transport on Enjoying the Preferential Policies of Vehicle and Vessel Tax for Energy-saving and New Energy Vehicles and Vessels (CS [2018]) No. 74) (the original text can be logged in view) to enjoy the preferential vehicle and vessel tax on the technical requirements of energy-saving and new energy vehicle products are announced as follows:

1. Update the fuel consumption limit standards for energy-saving passenger vehicles, light commercial vehicles, and heavy-duty commercial vehicles under comprehensive working conditions involved in Article 1 (1) and (2) of Cai Shui [2018] No. 74.

2. Adjust the technical standards for new energy vehicle products involved in Article 2 (2) of Cai Shui [2018] No. 74.

3. Other technical requirements for energy-saving and new energy vehicle products enjoying preferential vehicle and vessel tax shall continue to be implemented in accordance with the relevant provisions of Cai Shui [2018] No. 74.

Announcement No. 2 of 2022 of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation shall be repealed at the same time. If the enterprise completes the application before July 1, 2024, the relevant technical requirements will continue to be implemented in accordance with the provisions of Cai Shui [2018] No. 74 and Announcement No. 2 of 2022. After July 1, 2024, the technical requirements of energy-saving and new energy vehicle models newly applying for preferential policies for vehicle and vessel tax shall be implemented in accordance with the provisions of this announcement, and those who meet the requirements shall be included in the new "Catalogue of Energy Saving and New Energy Vehicle Models Enjoying Vehicle and Vessel Tax Reduction and Exemption" (hereinafter referred to as the new "Catalogue").

The new "Catalogue" starts from the 65th batch. After the announcement of the new "Catalogue", the fourth to sixty-fourth batches of the "Catalogue" will be abolished at the same time, and the models that meet the technical requirements of this announcement in the original "Catalogue" will be automatically transferred to the new "Catalogue", and the models that do not meet the technical requirements of this announcement shall complete the rectification before July 1, 2024, and the rectification that meets the requirements can be applied for inclusion in the new "Catalogue".

5. Before the announcement of the new "Catalogue", the energy-saving and new energy vehicles that have been included in the fourth to sixty-fourth batches of the "Catalogue", regardless of whether they are transferred or not, can continue to enjoy the preferential policies of vehicle and vessel tax reduction and exemption.

Since July, these new rules have affected your life

The Measures for the Administration of Personal Loans came into force

The Measures for the Administration of Personal Loans (the original text can be accessed at can be accessed) will come into force on July 1, 2024, and the Interim Measures for the Administration of Personal Loans (Decree No. 2 [2010] of the China Banking Regulatory Commission) shall be repealed at the same time. The new Measures for the Administration of Personal Loans consists of eight chapters and 52 articles, including General Provisions, Acceptance and Investigation, Risk Assessment and Approval, Agreement and Disbursement, Payment Management, Post-Loan Management, Legal Liability, and Supplementary Provisions.

According to the Measures for the Administration of Personal Loans, the term of a loan for personal consumption shall not exceed five years, and the term of a loan for production and operation shall generally not exceed five years. In terms of the purpose of borrowing for loan investigation, "if it is used for production and operation, the borrower's business situation shall also be investigated" has been added, which is intended to ensure the actual use of loan funds. Another important change is the addition of "for loans with an amount of less than RMB 200,000, if the lender can effectively verify the authenticity of the relevant information through off-site indirect investigation and can make a risk assessment of the borrower on this basis, the on-site field investigation may be simplified or eliminated (excluding loans for personal housing purposes)".

Since July, these new rules have affected your life

The Measures for the Administration of Fixed Asset Loans came into force

The Measures for the Administration of Fixed Asset Loans (the original text can be accessed will come into force on July 1, 2024. Interim Measures for the Administration of Fixed Asset Loans (Decree No. 2 [2009] of the China Banking Regulatory Commission), Guidelines for Project Financing Business (Yin Jian Fa [2009] No. 71), Notice of the China Banking Regulatory Commission on Regulating the Repayment Methods of Medium and Long-term Loans (Yin Jian Fa [2010] No. 103), Notice of the General Office of the China Banking Regulatory Commission on Strictly Implementing the Interim Measures for the Administration of Fixed Asset Loans, the Interim Measures for the Administration of Working Capital Loans and the Guidelines for Project Financing Business (CBRC Ban Fa [2010]) 2010] No. 53) shall be repealed at the same time.

The Measures for the Administration of Fixed Asset Loans consists of nine chapters and 62 articles, including General Provisions, Acceptance and Investigation, Risk Assessment and Approval, Contract Signing, Issuance and Payment, Post-Loan Management, Project Financing, Legal Liability, and Supplementary Provisions. The five highlights of the newly revised Measures for the Administration of Fixed Asset Loans are: first, reasonably broadening the scope of the purpose and scope of fixed asset loans to meet the actual needs of the credit market; the second is to adjust and optimize the standards and time limits of entrusted payments, and improve the flexibility of entrusted payments; The third is to fill the gap in the loan term system and guide commercial banks to effectively prevent the risk of loan term mismatch; Fourth, refine the due diligence norms to meet the actual practical needs of current credit processing; Fifth, further strengthen credit risk management and control, and promote commercial banks to improve the standardization of credit management.

Since July, these new rules have affected your life

The Measures for the Administration of Working Capital Loans came into force

The Measures for the Administration of Working Capital Loans (the original text can be accessed view) will come into force on July 1, 2024, and the Interim Measures for the Administration of Working Capital Loans (Decree No. 1 of 2010 of the China Banking Regulatory Commission) shall be repealed at the same time.

The Measures for the Administration of Working Capital Loans consist of eight chapters and 51 articles, including General Provisions, Acceptance and Investigation, Risk Assessment and Approval, Contract Signing, Issuance and Payment, Post-Loan Management, Legal Liability, and Supplementary Provisions. Considering that different types of working capital borrowers are quite different and the actual needs are different, this revision pays more attention to the flexibility of working capital loans and supports commercial banks to actively exert their subjective initiative. The Measures specify that lenders should calculate their working capital needs based on factors such as the borrower's business scale, business characteristics, and capital cycle. Examples of calculation methods are attached to the Measures for reference, and lenders can formulate calculation methods for different types of borrowers according to actual needs. For small and micro enterprise borrowers, lenders can analyze and determine the borrower's working capital needs through other means.

Since July, these new rules have affected your life

The Measures for the Administration of Pollutant Discharge Permits came into force

The Measures for the Administration of Pollutant Discharge Permits (the original text can be logged in viewed) will come into force on July 1, 2024. The Measures for the Administration of Pollutant Discharge Permits (Trial) (Order No. 48 of the Ministry of Environmental Protection) issued by the former Ministry of Environmental Protection shall be repealed at the same time.

After the revision of the "Administrative Measures", the original six chapters and 68 articles were revised to six chapters and 46 articles. Compared with the 2018 version of the "Management Measures", this revision deletes the provisions that are inconsistent with the current management ideas and the content that has been clearly stipulated in the "Regulations", updates and optimizes the relevant provisions from the perspective of connecting the "Regulations" and improving the efficiency of environmental management, and supplements the provisions on pollutant discharge registration management, system convergence, quality verification, re-application, implementation report inspection, information disclosure, etc.

Since July, these new rules have affected your life

The "Provisions on the Security Management of Internet Government Affairs Applications" came into force

The "Provisions on the Security Management of Internet Government Affairs Applications" (the original text can be accessed view) will come into force on July 1, 2024. The provisions require that the construction and operation of internet government affairs applications shall be in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and administrative regulations, as well as the mandatory requirements of national standards, and employ technical measures and other necessary measures to prevent risks such as content tampering, paralysis caused by attacks, and data theft, and ensure the safe and stable operation of internet government affairs applications and data security.

There are 8 chapters in the provisions, including General Provisions, Establishment and Construction, Information Security, Network and Data Security, E-mail Security, Monitoring and Early Warning and Emergency Response, Supervision and Management, and Supplementary Provisions. The regulations require that a party or government organ open a maximum of one web portal. Where other names are used, in principle, the naming method of adding the name of the region plus the name of the responsibility is to be adopted, and the name of the entity is to be indicated in a conspicuous position. The provisions point out that government organs and public institutions shall adopt security and confidentiality prevention and control measures, strictly prohibit the publication of state secrets and work secrets, and prevent the risk of leakage caused by the aggregation and association of Internet government application data. Confidentiality management of the storage, handling, and transmission of work secrets for internet government applications shall be strengthened. According to the provisions, government organs and public institutions shall establish and improve security monitoring capabilities for internet government affairs applications, and monitor the operational status of internet government affairs applications and network security incidents in real time.

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The "Provisions on the Administration of Securities Transaction Costs of Publicly Offered Securities Investment Funds" came into effect

In order to thoroughly implement the "Several Opinions of the State Council on Strengthening Supervision and Preventing Risks and Promoting the High-quality Development of the Capital Market" (the new "National Nine Articles"), further strengthen the management of securities transaction costs of publicly offered securities investment funds (hereinafter referred to as funds), standardize the management of securities transaction commissions and distribution of fund managers, protect the legitimate rights and interests of fund share holders, and improve the service capabilities of institutional investors of securities companies. The China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) formulated and promulgated the Provisions on the Administration of Securities Transaction Costs of Publicly Offered Securities Investment Funds (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations") (the original text can be accessed view), which will be officially implemented on July 1, 2024.

There are 19 articles in the "Provisions", and the main content is four aspects: first, reduce the commission rate of fund stock transactions; the second is to reduce the upper limit of the distribution ratio of fund managers' securities trading commissions; Third, comprehensively strengthen the relevant compliance and internal control requirements of fund managers and securities companies; Fourth, clarify the content and requirements for the disclosure of transaction commission information at the fund manager level. The promulgation and implementation of the "Provisions" will further optimize the commission system for fund securities transactions, reduce the transaction costs of fund investors, and help guide securities and fund operating institutions to further correct their business philosophy, focus on improving investors' long-term returns, provide better trading, research and investment services, and promote the formation of a good industry development ecology.

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The Measures for the Management of Operational Risk of Banking and Insurance Institutions came into force

In order to further improve the operational risk supervision rules of banking and insurance institutions and improve the level of operational risk management of banking and insurance institutions, the State Administration of Financial Supervision has revised the Guidelines for Operational Risk Management of Commercial Banks (hereinafter referred to as the "Guidelines") to form the Measures for the Management of Operational Risk of Banking and Insurance Institutions (hereinafter referred to as the "Measures") (The original text can be accessed view) will come into force on July 1, 2024.

The Measures consist of six chapters and 52 articles and appendices, adhering to the principles of prudence, comprehensiveness, matching and effectiveness, and the main contents include: First, clarifying risk governance and management responsibilities. The second is to stipulate the basic requirements for risk management. The third is to refine the management process and management tools. Fourth, improve supervision and management responsibilities. Fifth, the meaning of some provisions is explained and examples are given in the appendix of the Measures, so as to facilitate the implementation of banking and insurance institutions.

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The "Medical Device Business Quality Management Standards" came into effect

In order to strengthen the quality management of medical device operation, standardize the business behavior of medical devices, promote the standardized development of the industry, and ensure the safety and effectiveness of public use of medical devices, according to relevant laws and regulations, the State Food and Drug Administration has revised the "Medical Device Business Quality Management Specifications" (the original text can be logged in view), which will come into force on July 1, 2024. The announcement of the former State Food and Drug Administration on the implementation of quality management standards for medical device operations (No. 58 of 2014) shall be repealed at the same time.

The main contents of the revision of the "Specification": First, the 2014 version of the "Specification" has difficulties in implementation and ambiguity in the practice of enterprise management and supervision, and the appropriateness revision is carried out, so as to make the content of the specification more in line with the actual situation of quality management and supervision in the operation of medical devices. The second is to identify and supplement new regulatory elements to adapt to new regulatory methods. Clarify the requirements for the unique identification of medical devices in product acceptance, outbound review, and computer systems, clarify that electronic licenses and paper certificates have the same legal effect, and encourage enterprises to use information technology to transmit and store electronic license materials. The third is to identify the new forms of business and new business methods that have emerged, and supplement the blind spots of quality management in business links. For example, the quality management of vending machines, the management of multi-warehouse collaboration, the quality management of direct adjustment, and the management of sales products after clinical confirmation have been added.

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The Announcement of the National Health Commission on Adjusting the List of Psychotropic Drugs came into force

In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Regulations on the Administration of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, the State Drug Administration, the Ministry of Public Security, and the National Health Commission have decided to adjust the list of psychotropic substances. The announcement is as follows:

1. Dextromethorphan, diphenoxylate-containing combination preparations, nalfuraphine and lorcaserin are included in the list of Class II psychotropic drugs.

2. The midazolam API and injection will be adjusted from Class II psychotropic drugs to Class I psychotropic drugs, and other unilateral preparations of midazolam will remain Class II psychotropic drugs.

This announcement will come into force on July 1, 2024 (the original text can be viewed at

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Implementation of the Technical Guidelines for the Identification and Assessment of Ecological and Environmental Damage to Ecosystems Part 1: Farmland Ecosystems

In order to implement the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, the Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China and other laws and regulations, as well as the Reform Plan for the Compensation System for Ecological Environmental Damage, the Regulations on the Administration of Compensation for Ecological Environmental Damage and other documents, protect the ecological environment, protect public health, and standardize the identification and assessment of ecological environmental damage, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, together with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, has formulated the Technical Guidelines for the Identification and Assessment of Ecological Environmental Damage Ecosystem Part 1: Farmland Ecosystem" (the original text can be viewed at login), jointly issued by the State Administration for Market Regulation, and the standard will be implemented from July 1, 2024.

This is the first national standard issued in the field of agricultural ecological and environmental damage in mainland China, which can consolidate and ensure the quality, safety and stability of agricultural products from the institutional perspective, solve the long-standing problems of "difficulty in identification" in agricultural environmental public interest litigation cases from the perspective of the rule of law, and provide key support for fully ensuring the "safety on the tip of the tongue" of the people. The standard stipulates the content, working procedures, methods and technical requirements for the identification and assessment of farmland ecosystem damage, and standardizes the contents of farmland ecosystem damage investigation, causal relationship analysis, loss assessment, restoration plan preparation and restoration effect assessment. In terms of solving the "difficulty in identification", the national standard released this time proposes that the baseline level of identification should be confirmed in accordance with control data, historical data, standard thresholds, expert opinions, and special research sequences. In the key technical aspects of farmland ecosystem damage identification and assessment, the national standard released this time cites the relevant content of the industry standards that have been promulgated in the agricultural environmental damage identification and assessment standard system, which not only avoids the problems of standard "fighting" and basis conflict, but also unifies and classifies the originally scattered industry standards, which is a milestone in improving and improving the construction of the standard system.

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The "Operational Guidelines for Bank Correspondence" came into effect

In order to further implement the Notice on Accelerating the Standardization, Intensification and Digitization of Bank Correspondence (Cai Kuai [2022] No. 39) and strengthen the guidance on bank correspondence, the "Operational Guidelines for Bank Correspondence Work" (the original text can be accessed can be accessed) will come into force on July 1, 2024. After the implementation of these operational guidelines, the Notice on Printing and Distribution (<银行函证及回函工作操作指引>Cai Ban Hui [2020] No. 21) issued by the General Office of the Ministry of Finance and the former General Office of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission on August 10, 2020 shall be repealed at the same time.

The main text of the "Operation Guidelines" includes three parts: instructions for handling bank confirmations, general instructions for the format of bank confirmations, and instructions for filling in the items of bank confirmations, and the appendix provides the reference format of bank confirmations and cases of capital pool business confirmations. The "Operational Guidelines" have been improved in the following aspects: First, it closely follows the trend of intensive and digitization of bank correspondence. The second is to further improve the transparency and efficiency of the confirmation work. The third is to further strengthen the normative requirements for confirmation work. Fourth, further clarify and refine the content and interpretation caliber of the confirmation project.

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The Basic Rules for the Operation of the Electricity Market came into force

In order to regulate the behavior of the electricity market, protect the legitimate rights and interests of market members in accordance with the law, and ensure the unity, openness, competition and orderliness of the electricity market, the Basic Rules for the Operation of the Electricity Market (the original text can be accessed view) will come into force on July 1, 2024, and the The Basic Rules for the Operation of the Electricity Market (Decree No. 10 of the former State Electricity Regulatory Commission) shall be repealed at the same time.

The full text of the Rules is divided into 11 chapters and 45 articles, which are mainly adjusted and improved as follows:

The first is to revise the name of the regulation. The second is to adjust the expressions of the relevant market scope, operating institutions, and trading entities. The third is to improve the relevant expressions of market members and market transaction types. Fourth, improve the definition and transaction methods of electric energy and ancillary service transactions. Fifth, refine the relevant requirements for risk prevention and control.

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The Measures for the Classification and Management of Power Supply Business Areas came into force

In order to divide and manage power supply business areas, protect the franchise rights of power supply in accordance with the law, ensure the safety of power supply for users, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of users, the Measures for the Division and Management of Power Supply Business Areas (the original text can be logged in view) will come into force on July 1, 2024. The Measures for the Division and Management of Power Supply Business Areas (Order No. 5 of the Ministry of Electric Power Industry) promulgated by the former Ministry of Electric Power Industry on May 19, 1996 shall be repealed at the same time.

The full text of the Measures is divided into 5 chapters and 25 articles. The revision still retains the main framework of the original Measures, and at the same time adjusts the relevant provisions with a clear basis in accordance with the revision of the upper-level law and the spirit of the relevant documents:

The first is to revise the "power supply business license" in the original "Measures" to "power business license";

The second is to clarify the division of power supply business areas and the main body and related working mechanisms for the issuance of power business licenses: the establishment and change of power supply business areas shall be issued to the power business license by the dispatched agency of the National Energy Administration in accordance with their responsibilities and management authority, in conjunction with the provincial power management department;

Third, according to the current situation and the actual work, some articles have been modified, deleting the content involving power distribution and inter-provincial business areas, adding relevant provisions on the obligations of power supply enterprises for obtaining evidence, and clarifying the principle of dynamic adjustment of the division of power supply business areas and the setting of power supply business branches.

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The Administrative Measures for the Filing and Approval of Foreign Contracted Projects came into force

The Administrative Measures for the Filing and Approval of Foreign Contracted Projects (the original text can be accessed can be viewed) will come into force on July 1, 2024.

The management measures have a total of 7 chapters and 49 articles, involving general project filing management, specific project approval, timely reporting of project information, the implementation of business hierarchical management, strengthening promotion and supervision, etc., with the following characteristics: First, simplify the procedure and handle it online. The second is to clarify the timeliness and provide convenience. The third is classified management to prevent risks. Fourth, punish violations and standardize order.

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The electronic license system of the registration certificate for the use of construction lifting machinery is implemented nationwide

The "Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development on Carrying out the Trial Operation of the Electronic Certificate for the Use of Construction Lifting Machinery" clarifies that from July 1, 2024, the electronic license system for the registration certificate for the use of construction lifting machinery will be implemented nationwide (the original text can be logged in view).

The "National Integrated Government Service Platform Electronic License Construction Lifting Machinery Use Registration Certificate (C0330-2023)" stipulates the information, cataloging requirements, style requirements and other requirements of the electronic license of the construction lifting machinery use registration certificate. The document is suitable for the generation, processing, sharing, exchange and application of the electronic certificate of registration for the use of construction lifting machinery.

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The Measures for the Management of Agricultural and Rural Standardization came into force

In order to strengthen the standardization of agriculture and rural areas and promote the modernization of agriculture and rural areas, the "Measures for the Management of Agricultural and Rural Standardization" (the original text can be logged in viewed) will come into force on July 1, 2024. The agricultural and rural standards (including standard samples) mentioned in these measures refer to the planting, forestry and grassland, animal husbandry and fishery industries, including the pre-production, production, and post-production services directly related to them, as well as the technical requirements for rural facilities and environment, public services, rural governance and other fields that need to be unified.

The revision of the Measures for the Administration of Agricultural and Rural Standardization mainly includes the following five aspects:

The first is to expand the scope of application from a single agriculture to the field of agriculture and rural areas, and define the definition and scope of agricultural and rural standards.

The second is to clearly stipulate that the formulation of agricultural standards should fully consider the characteristics of the whole life cycle of agricultural production, the environment of origin and regional characteristics, and widely absorb the participation of relevant stakeholders such as new agricultural business entities to ensure the scientificity, standardization and timeliness of the standards.

The third is to put forward restrictive requirements for local standards and group standards in agriculture and rural areas, stipulate the conditions for the formulation of national standardization guiding technical documents in the field of agriculture and rural areas, and adjust the legal status of agricultural standards and norms at the county level.

Fourth, highlight the innovation of standard implementation means, encourage the use of informatization and other means to strengthen the publicity and implementation of standards, and clarify the specific requirements for carrying out pilot demonstrations, building service platforms, integrating the use of quality infrastructure, and promoting the development of agricultural and rural standardized service industries.

Fifth, it is necessary to clarify the responsibilities of the standardization administrative department of the State Council, including the overall planning of major issues of agricultural and rural standardization, and the coordination of major issues in the formulation, implementation and supervision of standards.

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The "Provisions on Procedures for the Handling of Criminal Cases by State Security Organs" came into force

In order to ensure the implementation of the Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, to ensure that state security organs correctly perform their functions and powers in criminal proceedings, to standardize case-handling procedures, to ensure the quality of case-handling, and to improve case-handling efficiency, in accordance with relevant laws, the "Provisions on Procedures for Handling Criminal Cases by State Security Organs" (The original text can be viewed at, and it will come into force on July 1, 2024.

The "Provisions on the Procedures for the Handling of Criminal Cases by State Security Organs" consists of 11 chapters and 360 articles, including general provisions, jurisdiction, recusal, lawyers' participation in criminal proceedings, evidence, compulsory measures, case filing, case withdrawal, investigation, enforcement of criminal punishments, special procedures, and supplementary provisions. The "Provisions" make it clear that the tasks of the state security organs in criminal proceedings are to ensure that the facts of the crime are accurately and promptly ascertained, the law is correctly applied, criminals are punished, the innocent are not criminally prosecuted, citizens are educated to consciously abide by the law, actively struggle against criminal acts that endanger national security, safeguard the socialist legal system, respect and protect human rights, protect citizens' personal rights, property rights, democratic rights, and other rights, safeguard state sovereignty, security, and development interests, and ensure the smooth progress of the cause of socialist construction.

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The "Civil Aviation Dangerous Goods Transport Management Regulations" came into force

The "Regulations on the Administration of Civil Aviation Transport of Dangerous Goods" (the original text can be logged in viewed) will come into force on July 1, 2024. The "Civil Aviation Dangerous Goods Transport Management Regulations" consists of 11 chapters and 91 articles, including general provisions, transportation restrictions, transportation permits, transportation manual management, shipper liability, carrier and its ground service agent responsibility, transportation information, training management, supervision and management, legal liability, and supplementary provisions.

After the revision, the "Civil Aviation Dangerous Goods Transport Management Regulations" mainly has the following changes:

1. Integrate new ideas and new requirements to provide impetus for enterprises to strengthen self-management;

2. Focus on key links and promote the implementation of the main responsibility of enterprise security;

3. Simplify administrative procedures and provide efficient and convenient services for enterprises;

Fourth, make up for the shortcomings of emergency response and improve the emergency response ability of enterprises;

5. Refine legal responsibilities and further enrich management methods.

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The mandatory national standard "Safety Code for Inflatable Amusement Facilities" was implemented

The "Safety Code for Inflatable Amusement Rides" (the original text can be accessed view) will be implemented from July 1, 2024. The new standard comprehensively improves the safety requirements of inflatable amusement facilities on the basis of the original recommended standards, and the introduction and implementation of the standard will play an important role in technical support for ensuring the safe operation of inflatable amusement facilities and protecting the personal safety of children.

First, in view of the problem of easy overturning, the requirements for fixed and ballast systems have been strengthened. For the first time, the new standard proposes that inflatable amusement facilities must be operated outdoors with a fixed foundation or a ballast device fixed to its body, and equipped with an anemometer. Second, in view of the problems of air leakage and overpressure, new technical early warning measures are proposed. The third is to further clarify and refine the use management requirements in view of the problem that the use management is not in place. In addition, the new standard includes emerging wading inflatable rides and non-continuous inflatable rides within the scope of the standard.

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The Rules for the Survey of Inland River Vessels (2024) came into force

In order to clarify the basic system of statutory inspection of inland waterway vessels and ensure that inland waterway vessels continue to meet the safety and environmental protection technical standards during their life cycle, the Rules for the Inspection of Inland Waterway Vessels (The original article can be accessed view) will come into force on July 1, 2024.

The Rules for the Survey of Inland River Vessels stipulate the institutional requirements for the statutory inspection of inland waterway vessels, aiming to clarify the basic system of statutory inspection of inland waterway vessels, ensure that inland waterway vessels continue to meet safety and environmental protection technical standards during their life cycle, and promote the healthy and orderly development of the shipping industry and shipbuilding industry.

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Five industry standards related to construction safety, including the "Regulations for the Preparation and Review of Special Construction Plans for Highway and Water Transport Dangerous Projects", have been implemented

The Ministry of Transport issued five industry standards related to construction safety, including the "Regulations for the Preparation and Review of Special Construction Plans for Highway and Waterway Transport Dangerous Projects", which will be implemented on July 1, 2024:

1. "Regulations for the Preparation and Review of Special Construction Plans for Highway and Water Transport Dangerous Projects" (JT/T 1495-2024), full text link:

2. Technical Requirements for Access Control Systems for Highway Tunnel Construction (JT/T 1496-2024), full text link:

3. Technical Requirements for the Safety of Highway Bridge Tower Column Construction Platforms and Passages (JT/T 1497-2024), full text link:

4. Technical Requirements for Highway Engineering Construction Safety Monitoring and Early Warning System (JT/T 1498-2024), full text link:

5. Technical Regulations for Temporary Electricity Consumption in Highway and Water Transport Projects (JT/T 1499-2024), full text link:

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The recommended industry standard "Requirements for the Configuration of Facilities and Equipment in Air-Land Intermodal Cargo Transfer Areas" (JT/T 1487-2024) has been implemented

The "Requirements for the Configuration of Facilities and Equipment in the Air-Land Intermodal Cargo Handover Area" (JT/T 1487-2024) (the original text can be logged in viewed) stipulates the composition of facilities and equipment in the air-land intermodal cargo handover area. The basic requirements and requirements for the configuration of facilities and equipment are applicable to the planning, construction and operation of air and road intermodal cargo transfer areas.

The main contents of the standard include: facility and equipment composition, basic requirements, facility configuration, and equipment configuration. The issuance and implementation of this standard will further standardize and guide the planning and construction of air-land intermodal cargo handover areas, which is of great significance for improving the operational efficiency of air-land intermodal transport.

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The recommended industry standard "Gesture Signal Requirements for Helicopter Lifeguards Search and Rescue Operations" (JT/T 1502-2024) is implemented

The recommended industry standard "Gesture Signal Requirements for Helicopter Lifeguards Search and Rescue Operations" (JT/T 1502-2024) (the original text can be logged in to view), will be implemented from July 1, 2024. This standard stipulates the basic requirements and use requirements for helicopter lifeguard operation gesture signals when helicopters perform search and rescue tasks, and is applicable to the rescue flight agencies under the competent department of transportation to perform helicopter search and rescue tasks, and other institutions involved in helicopter rescue can refer to the use.

The main content of the standard includes two parts: basic requirements and gesture signal use. This standard is the first standard in the continental helicopter rescue industry for the technical requirements of gesture signals for lifeguard search and rescue operations, and is the accumulation and summary of experience in helicopter rescue operations. The purpose of this standard is to standardize the gesture signals of helicopter lifeguards and lifeguards in search and rescue operations of various rescue flight teams under the competent departments of transportation, so as to achieve the purpose of unified action, clear semantics and efficient communication.

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The recommended industry standard "Technical Requirements for Loss Reduction in Bulk Grain Port Operations" (JT/T 1491-2024) has been implemented

The Technical Requirements for Loss Reduction in Bulk Grain Port Operations (JT/T 1491-2024) (the original text can be logged in view) stipulates the overall requirements for loss reduction in bulk grain port operations, loading and unloading operations, and technical requirements for transit and storage operations. It is suitable for bulk grain port operations.

The issuance and implementation of the standard will help guide and standardize the management of loss reduction and saving in bulk grain port operations, and is conducive to guiding the industry to form an efficient and low-consumption operation mode in all aspects of bulk grain loading and unloading and transit storage operations, which will play a positive role in reducing grain loss and waste in port transportation links and ensuring food security, and will promote the further improvement of the quality of bulk grain transportation services in mainland ports.

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The recommended industry standard "Classification and Coding of Port Security Facilities" (JT/T 1490-2024) is implemented

The recommended industry standard "Classification and Coding of Port Security Facilities" (JT/T 1490-2024) (the original text can be accessed view), will be implemented from July 1, 2024. The standard stipulates the classification and coding rules of port safety facilities, and gives a classification and coding table, which is applicable to the design, construction, review, maintenance management and supervision and management of port safety facilities.

The issuance and implementation of the standard will further clarify the definition and scope of port security facilities, standardize the classification and name of port security facilities, and determine the coding rules of port security facilities, so as to facilitate the application units of port security facilities to carry out information management, and have important practical significance for the digital construction of port security facilities.

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The recommended industry standard "Safety Requirements for Bulk Cargo Continuous Ship Loaders" (JT/T 1492-2024) is implemented

The recommended industry standard "Safety Requirements for Bulk Cargo Continuous Ship Loaders" (JT/T 1492-2024) (the original text can be logged in to view), will be implemented from July 1, 2024. The standard stipulates the safety technical requirements for the metal structure, mechanism, main parts, electrical system, safety protection device, operating system, installation, disassembly and test, use, inspection and maintenance of bulk cargo continuous ship loader, and is applicable to the design, manufacture, installation, disassembly and test, use, inspection and maintenance of bulk cargo continuous ship loader such as coal, ore and bulk grain.

The release and implementation of the standard will provide important technical support for ensuring the quality control in the design and manufacturing process of the equipment, ensuring the safe use of the equipment in the actual production process, and prolonging the life of the equipment.

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The recommended industry standard "Evaluation Index for Inland Waterway Transport Vessels" (JT/T 382-2024) has been implemented

The recommended industry standard "Evaluation Indicators for Inland Waterway Transport Vessels" (JT/T 382-2024) (the original text can be viewed at login) will be implemented from July 1, 2024. The standard stipulates the evaluation index and comprehensive evaluation index of inland waterway transport vessels. It is suitable for the comprehensive performance evaluation of inland waterway transport vessels.

The implementation of the standard provides a reference basis for the comprehensive evaluation of various indicators of inland waterway transport vessels, and plays a positive role in the development of new inland waterway ships with excellent comprehensive performance, promoting the healthy, safe and environmental protection development of inland waterway shipping, and improving the economic and social benefits of shipping enterprises.

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The recommended industry standard "Safety Requirements for Port Bench Cranes" (JT/T 561-2024) has been implemented

The recommended industry standard "Safety Requirements for Port Bench Cranes" (JT/T 561-2024) (the original text can be logged in to view), will be implemented from July 1, 2024. The standard stipulates the basic requirements of port bench cranes and the safety technical requirements in metal structure, mechanism, main components, electrical system, safety protection device, operating system, installation, disassembly and test, use, inspection and maintenance, etc., and is applicable to the design, manufacture, installation, disassembly and test, use, inspection and maintenance of port bench cranes.

The issuance of the standard is of great significance to improve the quality and production technology level of port bench cranes, and has significant social and economic benefits to protect the interests of users, ensure operation safety, reduce costs, and extend the service life.

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The recommended industry standard "Guidelines for the Deployment of Standard Allocation in Sea Areas" (JT/T 1494-2024) will be implemented

The recommended industry standard "Guidelines for the Layout of Maritime Area Guidance Standards" (JT/T 1494-2024) (the original text can be viewed at, will be implemented from July 1, 2024. The standard stipulates the overall requirements and technical requirements for the distribution of the guide standard in the sea area, including the scope of application of the guide mark, the visibility requirements of the distribution, the requirements for the guide mark body and the sign, the requirements for the setting of the guide lamp, etc., and stipulates the calculation method of the axis of the guide mark, the deviation, the distance between the front and rear guide marks, the position of the front and rear guide marks and the elevation of the top of the mark, the vertical opening angle of the front and rear guide mark tops, and the sensitivity coefficient of the side of the guide mark. This standard applies to the standard distribution of seaports, sea-opening estuary ports, coastal waterways and specific water areas.

The issuance and implementation of this standard will standardize the distribution of guide standards in the sea area, guide the standardization of the construction and use of guide standards, ensure the efficiency of navigation aids, improve the management level of navigation support services, and support the adjustment of port areas and the effective implementation of port planning; On the other hand, it also makes the mainland's aerial survey standard system more perfect, and also helps the mainland's navigation support business to be in line with international standards and achieve good performance.

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"Prefabricated Highway Steel Bridges Part 2: Technical Requirements for Component Management, Maintenance and Scrapping" (JT/T 728.2-2024) is implemented

"Prefabricated Highway Steel Bridges Part 2: Technical Requirements for Component Management, Maintenance and Scrapping" (JT/T 728.2-2024) (the original text can be logged in to view), will be implemented from July 1, 2024. The standard stipulates the classification, management, maintenance and scrapping technical requirements of prefabricated highway steel bridge components, and is applicable to the warehousing management, maintenance and scrapping of "321" and ZB-200 (HD200) prefabricated highway steel bridge components.

The standard will further standardize the management, maintenance and scrapping of prefabricated highway steel bridge components, which is conducive to improving the management and maintenance level of traffic emergency reserve materials and enhancing traffic emergency support capabilities.

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The recommended industry standard "Visual Navigation Surface Color Measurement Method" (JT/T 1500-2024) is implemented

The recommended industry standard "Visual Navigation Surface Color Measurement Method" (JT/T 1500-2024) (the original text can be logged in viewed) will be implemented from July 1, 2024. The standard stipulates the measurement classification of the surface color of the visual buoy, the measurement equipment and conditions, the selection of the measurement point and the measurement steps, and the calculation of parameters. This standard is applicable to the measurement of the surface color of coastal and inland waterway visual buoys.

The standard is mainly a supplement and refinement of the detection method of GB 17381, aiming to standardize the detection methods and detection conditions of the surface color of the visual navigation beacon, and the use of the GB 17381 standard, which can be directly applied to the production, manufacturing, testing and application of navigation equipment, and provides a unified standard basis for the detection, quality control and maintenance of the surface color of the navigation beacon.

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The recommended industry standard "Safety Requirements for Cruise Terminal Embarkation Bridges" (JT/T 1493-2024) is implemented

The recommended industry standard "Safety Requirements for Boarding Bridges at Cruise Terminals" (JT/T 1493-2024) (the original text can be viewed at the, which will be implemented from July 1, 2024. The standard stipulates the safety requirements of the cruise terminal boarding bridge in terms of metal structure, mechanism, main components, electrical system, safety protection device, operating system, installation, disassembly and test, use, inspection and maintenance, etc., and is applicable to the design, manufacture, installation, disassembly and testing, use, inspection and maintenance of the cruise terminal boarding bridge used by passengers to disembark and disembark at the cruise terminal.

The implementation of the standard will improve the safety technology level of the boarding bridge, provide technical support for the designers, manufacturers, managers, operators and inspection and maintenance personnel of the boarding bridge, and ensure the safety of passengers getting on and off the ship, which has significant social and economic benefits.

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The recommended industry standard "Specification for Road Freight Transport Services on Online Platforms" (JT/T 1488-2024) has been implemented

The recommended industry standard "Specification for Road Freight Transport Services for Online Platforms" (JT/T 1488-2024) (the original text can be logged in will be implemented from July 1, 2024. It stipulates the functional requirements of the online platform, information verification and registration, service process, safety production, network information security, and service evaluation indicators, and is applicable to the operation and service of the online platform road cargo transportation (except for the road transport of dangerous goods). Relying on the network platform to carry out road cargo transport information services can be implemented with reference.

The standard extends the specification of network freight services from "transportation" to "transaction, delivery, transportation, settlement, tax payment, market competition, rights and interests protection, and network security", fills the gap in the standard system in the field of new freight formats, standardizes the business behavior of new online freight formats, guides the industry to improve service quality and safe operation level, and promotes the high-quality development of new online freight formats.

The recommended industry standard "Data Compliance Test for Transportation Information Systems" (JT/T 1489-2024) has been implemented

The recommended industry standard "Data Compliance Test for Transportation Information Systems" (JT/T 1489-2024) (the original text can be viewed at login), which will be implemented from July 1, 2024. The standard stipulates the overall requirements, test methods and results judgment and follow-up test requirements for the compliance test of data and standards of transportation information system, and is applicable to the compliance test of structured data and standards in the detailed design, database implementation, acceptance and other stages of information system in the transportation industry, as well as the development of test tools.

The standardization of data is an important basis for sharing and exchange. The release and implementation of the standard is conducive to promoting the compliance test between data and standards, promoting the interconnection between information systems and the in-depth application of data, effectively improving the standardization of data in the transportation industry, reducing the cost of information resource exchange, and providing standard support for industry data integration, data sharing and macro decision-making.

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The recommended industry standard "Overall Technical Requirements for the Construction of Intelligent Systems for Integrated Passenger Transport Hubs" (JT/T 980-2024) has been implemented

The recommended industry standard "General Technical Requirements for the Construction of Intelligent Systems for Integrated Passenger Transport Hubs" (JT/T 980-2024) (the original text can be viewed at login) will be implemented from July 1, 2024. The standard stipulates the functional requirements, data requirements, technical requirements for facilities and equipment and system performance requirements for the construction of intelligent systems for integrated passenger transport hubs. It is suitable for the planning, design, new construction, reconstruction and engineering acceptance of the intelligent system of the integrated passenger transport hub.

The issuance and implementation of this standard will meet the development needs of new technologies and new businesses, and will further standardize the intelligent construction of comprehensive passenger transport hubs in mainland China, improve the management efficiency of comprehensive passenger transport hubs, and improve the overall service level and emergency response capabilities of passenger transport hubs.

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Three industry standards, including the Technical Specification for Maintenance and Renewal of Urban Rail Transit Operation Equipment Part 4: Rails (JT/T 1218.4-2024), have been implemented

Industry standards "Technical Specifications for Maintenance and Renewal of Urban Rail Transit Operating Equipment Part 4: Tracks" (JT/T 1218.4-2024) "Technical Specifications for Maintenance and Renewal of Urban Rail Transit Operating Equipment - Part 5: Communication" (JT/T 1218.5-2024) and "Technical Specifications for Maintenance and Renewal of Urban Rail Transit Operating Equipment Part 6: Platform Doors" (JT/T 1218.6-2024) (The original article can be viewed on, and it will be implemented from July 1, 2024.

The Technical Specifications for the Maintenance and Renewal of Urban Rail Transit Operating Equipment Part 4: Rails stipulate the basic requirements, maintenance requirements and renewal requirements for the maintenance and renewal of urban rail transit tracks, which are applicable to the maintenance and renewal of rail line equipment of subways, light rails, trams and medium and low-speed maglev transportation systems, and are used as reference for other urban rail transit systems.

The Technical Specification for the Maintenance and Renewal of Urban Rail Transit Operating Equipment Part 5: Communication stipulates the basic requirements, maintenance requirements and renewal requirements for the maintenance and renewal of urban rail transit communication equipment, which is applicable to the maintenance and renewal of urban rail transit communication equipment.

The Technical Specification for the Maintenance and Renewal of Urban Rail Transit Operation Equipment Part 6: Platform Door stipulates the basic requirements, maintenance requirements and renewal requirements for the maintenance and renewal of urban rail transit platform door equipment, which is applicable to the maintenance and renewal of urban rail transit platform door equipment.

The above standards serve as a technical basis for guiding urban rail transit operators to carry out the maintenance and renewal of track, communication and platform door equipment, which is conducive to improving the technical management level of urban rail transit operators and providing an important reference for the competent authorities to formulate industry operation and maintenance management policies.

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The recommended industry standard "Classification Methods and Evaluation Procedures for Transportation Conditions of Bulk Toxic Liquid Substances in Sea" (JT/T 1041-2024) has been implemented

The recommended industry standard "Classification Methods and Evaluation Procedures for Transportation Conditions of Bulk Toxic Liquid Substances in Sea" (JT/T 1041-2024) (the original text can be logged in to view), will be implemented from July 1, 2024. The standard specifies the classification method of noxious liquid substances in bulk by sea and the procedures for evaluating the conditions of transport, including general requirements and specific evaluation procedures. It is suitable for the classification and evaluation of transportation conditions of bulk toxic liquid substances by sea.

The revised standard provides a more scientific method and procedure for the classification of bulk noxious liquid substances and the determination of their transportation conditions, provides a technical basis for more scientific guidance on the classification of bulk noxious liquid substances and the evaluation of transportation conditions, and provides technical support for maritime departments, marine departments, ports and terminals and shipping enterprises to strengthen the management of bulk noxious liquid substances on ships.

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The recommended industry standard "Basic Geographic Information Elements of Coastal Ports and Waterways Part 4: Exchange Format" (JT/T 1161.4-2024) has been implemented

The recommended industry standard "Basic Geographic Information Elements of Coastal Ports and Waterways Part 4: Exchange Format" (JT/T 1161.4-2024) (the original text can be viewed at login), which will be implemented from July 1, 2024. The standard stipulates the overall requirements for the exchange of basic geographic information elements of coastal ports and waterways, as well as the exchange format of product data and element data, and is suitable for the identification, exchange, sharing, system interface design and development of basic geographic information data of coastal ports and waterways.

According to the national geographic information exchange standards and relevant international standards, the standard establishes the coding method of the exchange format of geographic information elements of coastal ports and waterways from the overall requirements of data model, description mode, exchange mode and the definition of specific exchange format of product data and element data. From the perspectives of internal measurement data collection and external data service, two exchange formats of product data and thematic element data are designed. On the basis of realizing the compatibility of the national basic geographic information exchange system and international geographic information exchange, the release and implementation of the standard can meet the needs of the development of digital transportation, intelligent shipping construction and navigation support services, and accelerate the exchange and deepening application of basic geographic information along the mainland coast.

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The recommended industry standard "Safety Supervision Requirements for Diving Operation Sites" (JT/T 1501-2024) is implemented

The recommended industry standard "Safety Supervision Requirements for Diving Operation Sites" (JT/T 1501-2024) (the original text can be logged in viewed) will be implemented from July 1, 2024. The standard stipulates the conditions for safety supervisors, regulatory knowledge and skill requirements, and regulatory work requirements at the diving operation site. It is suitable for the safety supervision of diving operations in the field of salvage and underwater engineering.

The standard can be used to standardize the safety supervision of diving operations in the mainland, guide the safety supervisors at the diving operation site to implement the diving safety supervision operation on the site, standardize the conditions of the on-site safety supervisors, the knowledge and skill requirements of the supervisors, and the safety supervision operation process, improve the overall level of health and safety of the mainland diving operations, reduce the occurrence of diving diseases and accidents, and improve the economic benefits of diving operations.

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The Measures for the Administration of Statistical Work in Agricultural and Rural Departments came into force

In order to further strengthen and standardize the statistical work of the agricultural and rural departments, prevent and punish statistical fraud and fraud, improve the quality of statistical data, and give full play to the important role of statistics in serving the comprehensive promotion of rural revitalization and accelerating the construction of an agricultural power, the Measures for the Management of Statistical Work in the Agricultural and Rural Departments (The original text can be accessed view) will come into force on July 1, 2024.

The Measures are divided into 6 chapters and 27 articles, including General Provisions, Statistical Survey, Statistical Data Management, Statistical Institutions and Statisticians, Supervision and Management, and Supplementary Provisions. The main content includes five aspects: first, improve the statistical work mechanism; the second is to standardize the statistical survey process; the third is to strengthen the management of statistical data; the fourth is to consolidate the responsibility of statistical work; Fifth, refine the supervision and management regulations.

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The Measures for the Management of Exploration and Mining Information of Mining Rights Holders shall be implemented

In order to standardize the supervision of mining rights holders' exploration and mining activities during and after the event, promote the integrity and self-discipline of mining rights holders, and create a fair competition market environment, the "Measures for the Management of Exploration and Mining Information of Mining Rights Holders" (the original text can be logged in viewed) will come into force on July 1, 2024.

There are a total of 30 articles in the Measures, which clarify the specific requirements for the filling, publicity and verification of exploration and mining information of mining rights holders, and focus on the identification of seriously untrustworthy entities and the management of the abnormal list of mining rights holders. In terms of the designation and management of seriously untrustworthy entities, the Measures clarify and standardize the designation standards, designation procedures, management measures, and other aspects. The Measures have also been adjusted and improved to the circumstances and criteria for inclusion in the abnormal list. The Measures also clarify the credit repair mechanism. In addition, from the perspective of convenient operation and reducing the burden on mining rights holders, the Measures further streamline and standardize the content and scope of exploration and mining information filling and publicity by mining rights holders.

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The "Urban Rail Transit Engineering Investment Estimation Index" was implemented

The "Investment Estimation Indicators for Urban Rail Transit Projects" (the original text can be logged in view) will be implemented from July 1, 2024. The original "Indicators" (GCG101-2008) shall be repealed at the same time. The "Indicators" are divided into comprehensive indicators and sub-indicators, including construction and installation engineering costs and equipment purchase costs. Among them, the construction and installation project cost is composed of direct costs and comprehensive costs. The direct cost consists of labor costs, material costs, and construction equipment usage costs. The cost of organizational measures (safe and civilized construction cost, night construction increase fee, secondary handling fee, winter rainy season construction increase fee, completed project and equipment protection fee) in the "Composition of Construction and Installation Project Expense Items" is divided into labor costs, material costs and construction equipment use fees in proportion. The cost of entering and exiting the site and installing and dismantling of large machinery and equipment, concrete and reinforced concrete formwork and support, and scaffolding is included in the direct engineering cost. The combined cost consists of sporadic construction costs, management fees, profits, fees and taxes.

The "Index" is applicable to new and expanded urban rail transit projects (excluding maglev, monorail and tram), and urban railway projects can be implemented with reference, and are not applicable to urban rail transit projects for maintenance and partial transformation. It can be used as a reference standard for the preparation of investment estimates in the construction planning stage and feasibility study stage. In the implementation of quota design, multi-scheme comparison, project evaluation and other activities, investment estimation can also be carried out with reference to the "indicators".

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Inclusion of 46 substances, including bromophine, in the Supplementary Catalogue of Controlled Varieties of Non-medical Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances

In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Regulations on the Administration of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances and the Measures for the Administration of Non-medical Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, the Ministry of Public Security, the National Health Commission and the State Drug Administration have decided to include 46 substances such as bromine and phine (see the attached table for details) in the Supplementary Catalogue of Controlled Varieties of Non-medical Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances. It will come into force on July 1, 2024 (the original text can be viewed at

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The "Procedures for Accreditation of Occupational Health Technical Service Institutions" and the "Technical Evaluation Criteria for Qualification Accreditation of Occupational Health Technical Service Institutions" were implemented

In order to implement the Decision of the National Health Commission on Amending the Administrative Measures for Occupational Health Technical Service Institutions (Decree No. 11 of the National Health Commission), the National Health Commission has formulated the Procedures for the Accreditation of Occupational Health Technical Service Institutions and the Criteria for the Technical Evaluation of Qualification Accreditation of Occupational Health Technical Service Institutions (The original article can be viewed at login), and will come into force on July 1, 2024.

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The "Mine Rescue Regulations" came into effect

In order to quickly, safely and effectively deal with mine production safety accidents and protect the lives of mine employees and emergency rescue personnel, the "Mine Rescue Regulations" will come into force on July 1, 2024 (the original text can be viewed at

The "Regulations" have a total of 10 chapters and 172 articles, which clarify the guiding principles and basic requirements of mine rescue work, and standardize the mine rescue work from the aspects of mine rescue team, rescue equipment and facilities, rescue training and training, general provisions on emergency rescue, rescue methods and action principles, on-site first aid, preventive safety inspection and safety technical work, funding and occupational security.

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The mandatory industry standard "Basic Conditions for Safety Production Training Institutions" (AQ 8011-2023) has been implemented

The revision of the "Basic Conditions" (the original text can be logged in to view), improve the software and hardware conditions of safety production training institutions, strengthen the control of the training process, is conducive to standardizing the management of safety production training institutions, is conducive to improving the overall training level of safety production training institutions, and can further strengthen the supervision of training institutions during and after the event. Regulate the safety production training market, promote fair competition, and achieve the combination of decentralization and regulation.

The "Basic Conditions" stipulate the basic conditions that institutions engaged in safety production training activities should have, and further clarify the applicable industries and objects, including the general requirements of safety production training institutions, the training conditions for special operation personnel, and the training conditions for the main person in charge of the enterprise and the safety production management personnel.

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The "Service Specification for Pharmaceutical Centralized Procurement Platform (Version 1.0)" was implemented

The National Health Insurance Administration (NHSA) issued the "Specifications for Pharmaceutical Centralized Procurement Platform Services (Version 1.0)" (the original text can be viewed at (hereinafter referred to as the "Specifications"), which will come into force on July 1, 2024. Relying on the national unified medical insurance information platform, the "Specification" solves the problem of "what to do, what information to bring, and how long to do" from the perspective of convenience for enterprises; From the perspective of standardized handling, solve the problem of "what to do" in business acceptance.

The "Specification" focuses on the service matters applied for by enterprises, and does not include management matters such as national medical insurance negotiation and volume procurement. In terms of framework, each chapter is arranged according to the business cycle of "information authentication, online declaration, and information change" of the platform trading entity, and separately lists the consulting service specifications and query service specifications according to the needs of pharmaceutical enterprises. In terms of style, each chapter contains 8 elements, including business description, handling materials, handling location, processing time, contact number, handling process, precautions and basic specifications.

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The "2024 Work Plan for the Adjustment of the National Basic Medical Insurance, Work-related Injury Insurance and Maternity Insurance Drug Catalogue" was launched

The "2024 Work Plan for the Adjustment of the Drug List of National Basic Medical Insurance, Work-related Injury Insurance and Maternity Insurance" (the original text can be accessed view) has been slightly adjusted. It mainly includes the following three aspects: First, the declaration conditions. According to the rules, the time requirements for drug approval and indication modification have been postponed, and drugs approved for marketing or modified indications after January 1, 2019 can be declared. The second is the range of varieties to be called. Conventional catalogue drugs that have not been supplied to designated medical institutions for medical insurance in the past three years, as well as negotiated drugs that have not been guaranteed to supply to the market as agreed in the agreement, are listed as key considerations, and the management of supply guarantee is strengthened. The third is to strengthen the supervision and management of experts. Clarify the rules and selection criteria for expert participation, strengthen professional training and guidance for participating experts, and improve the scientificity and standardization of evaluation and measurement. Establish and complete provisions on experts' commitment to the fair performance of their duties, confidentiality management, and external publicity.

According to the "Work Plan", this year's work procedures are still divided into five stages: preparation, application, expert review, negotiation and announcement of results. The application will be officially launched on July 1, and the negotiations will be completed and the results will be announced in November.

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17 industry standards for the protection of cultural relics, including the Code for Emergency Management of Public Safety in Museums, have been implemented

17 cultural relics protection industry standards, including the "Regulations for Emergency Management of Public Safety in Museums" (the original text can be logged in viewed), will come into force on July 1, 2024.

Focusing on the four stages of emergencies before, during, and after emergencies, the "Museum Public Safety Emergency Management Specification" clarifies the basic elements of museum public safety emergency management from 12 aspects, including the scope of application of standards, normative reference documents, terms and definitions, general principles, organizational structure and responsibilities, and requirements and traceability methods for each stage of emergencies.

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The "Procedures for Accreditation of Occupational Health Technical Service Institutions" and the "Technical Evaluation Criteria for Qualification Accreditation of Occupational Health Technical Service Institutions" were implemented

In order to implement the Decision of the National Health Commission on Amending the Administrative Measures for Occupational Health Technical Service Institutions (Decree No. 11 of the National Health Commission), the National Health Commission has formulated the Procedures for the Accreditation of Occupational Health Technical Service Institutions and the Criteria for the Technical Evaluation of Qualification Accreditation of Occupational Health Technical Service Institutions (The original article can be viewed at login), and will come into force on July 1, 2024. Annex 1 "Procedures for Accreditation of Class A Qualifications of Occupational Health Technical Service Institutions" and Annex 2 "Technical Evaluation Criteria for Qualification Accreditation of Occupational Health Technical Service Institutions" in the Notice of the General Office of the National Health Commission on Implementing the Administrative Measures for Occupational Health Technical Service Institutions (Guo Wei Ban Zhi Jian Fa [2021] No. 2) are invalid at the same time.

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The newly revised "Catalogue of Railway Locomotives and Rolling Stock" (China Railway Equipment Supervision Gui [2024] No. 4) came into force

The newly revised "Railway Locomotive and Rolling Stock Catalogue" (China Railway Equipment Supervision Gui [2024] No. 4, hereinafter referred to as the catalogue) (the original text can be logged in viewed) will come into force on July 1, 2024.

The newly revised "Catalogue", firstly, solves the problem that the current "Catalogue" covers the product categories are not comprehensive, and adds "railway infrastructure equipment and facilities maintenance equipment" and "other" product categories, including: "Railway infrastructure equipment and facilities maintenance equipment" product category, breaking the existing industry management mode classified by operation function, and reorganizing and dividing according to the operation object, which can cover all the current research and maintenance equipment products; The "Other" product category can cover all innovative products of railway rolling stock, including new energy locomotives. The second is to solve the problem of incomplete product categories covered by the current "Catalogue", and add key components in addition to the whole vehicle under the product category, including 2 locomotives, 7 EMUs, 1 passenger car and 2 freight cars, forming a relatively complete railway locomotive and rolling stock product license catalog of "vehicle + key components". The third is to solve the problem of non-standard passenger car product categories in the current "catalog", optimize the passenger car product category according to the technical characteristics of the bus, and adjust the 8 categories of the original seat car, sleeping car, dining car, luggage car, power generation vehicle, postal vehicle, test vehicle and special bus to ordinary passenger cars, power generation vehicles, control vehicles and other 4 categories.

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Four railway industry standards, including "Hook Retardation Device and Component Buffer", were implemented

The State Railway Administration issued four railway industry standards, including "Hook Retardation Device and Component Buffer". Among the 4 standards, 1 new standard and 3 revised standards will be implemented from July 1, 2024 (the original text can be viewed at login).

The four standards released this time are professional equipment and technical standards for rolling stock and traction power supply. Locomotive buffer, air brake, brake disc, electrified railway power supply safety detection and monitoring system is the key equipment and system that affects the safety of railway operation, and the four standards provide a technical basis for the design, manufacturing, inspection and application of railway products, which are of great significance to ensure the safety of railway operation and improve product quality.

Since all technical contents have been incorporated into the relevant railway industry standards, the railway industry standard "Locomotive Coupler Buffer Device" (TB/T 3334-2013) will be abolished as of July 1, 2024.

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