
15 tips for buying vegetables that vegetable sellers never pass on, and you will choose to buy vegetables in the future! It's really practical

author:Seek good food

Going to the vegetable market to buy vegetables seems simple, but for housewives, it is both a responsibility and a challenge, and it is an important task for housewives to face every day. For example, my daughter-in-law likes to eat fish, all kinds of freshwater fish, but my parents are old, and the fish bones are easy to get stuck in the throat, so I have to take care of my parents' feelings, and let my daughter-in-law eat her favorite dishes every once in a while.

When I go out to buy vegetables, I feel that I can buy any vegetables, but I have entered the vegetable market, and I immediately "get sick", and I have difficulty in choosing, and the dazzling array of dishes is dazzling, buy pork, pork belly, and those practices are also those practices, back to the pot meat, fried meat, steamed pork, braised pork, not to mention the trouble in the cooking process, I have done too much, and my parents are tired of eating, and I feel that there is no novelty.

If you buy vegetables, that's what you can do, stir-fried bamboo leaf vegetables, dried stir-fried lotus root, flavored eggplant, roasted eggplant with beans, fried shredded pork with green peppers, hot and sour lotus root, etc. Looking at yesterday, the day before yesterday is what the family ate these vegetables, want to change the tricks, white radish can't look good, don't know how to make it delicious, buy potatoes, do it and do it, the best is the sour and hot potato shreds, beans and green beans are not good to eat, and the cooking process is troublesome, although it is a vegetable, it also needs to be blanched, not fried is not delicious, but also easy to affect health, really difficult.

While I have difficulty in choosing, I also have to fight wits and courage with vegetable vendors, and the price fluctuations in the vegetable market are like a roller coaster, which makes my mood as a family cook also rise and fall. In order to buy cost-effective ingredients, you have to shop around and bargain with stall owners, which requires not only patience, but also a certain amount of skill and experience.

Even if you bargain, the quality of the dishes is uneven, and some dishes look glamorous, but in fact they may hide quality problems, and if you are not careful, you will buy stale vegetables and fruits.

I finally convinced myself that carrying a heavy basket of vegetables home was a big test for my physical strength, especially in summer, when I went home from grocery shopping, my whole body was drenched in sweat, and after a little rest, I had to be busy cooking in the kitchen, and I could only insist silently in order for my family to eat healthy and delicious meals.

Pain and happiness, shopping for many years, but also summed up a lot of experience, accumulated a lot of groceries, some "knowledge", dealing with vegetable vendors for many years, what kind of vegetables are the best, I also sorted out some of my own experience, the following to tell you about some of my own picking, shopping tips.

For those of you who have to go to the vegetable market every day to buy vegetables, the process of buying vegetables should not turn it into a "mechanical repetition", but we need to find the happiness in it, such as some of the experience of buying vegetables shared with you below, there are methods and skills, and you no longer have to worry about buying stale vegetables, fruits, pork, beef and mutton.

15 tips for buying vegetables that vegetable sellers never pass on, and you will choose to buy vegetables in the future! It's really practical

1. Choosing a pumpkin is a science, if you want to pick a good pumpkin, you need some skills, the color of the pumpkin is very important, generally speaking, the darker the pumpkin is more mature, and the taste will be sweeter. Different varieties of pumpkin have different tastes and uses. For example, Beibei pumpkin has a sweet and glutinous taste, which is suitable for steaming and eating; Pumpkin, on the other hand, is more suitable for soup.

There are old people in the family, like to eat old pumpkin, for some new varieties, parents are a little stubborn, unwilling to try, their favorite pumpkin eating is not used to cook, but for breakfast, cook a big pot of pumpkin gnocchi soup. And the smaller and more expensive Beibei pumpkin, in the eyes of my parents, they really don't like it, buy more, and I have accumulated some experience.

Buy one with hoarfrost on it, try to choose a smaller belly, such a pumpkin is big, pumpkin seeds are still few, the most important thing is to pinch it, pinching does not mean that the pumpkin is older, the better the taste, the more satisfying your parents.

15 tips for buying vegetables that vegetable sellers never pass on, and you will choose to buy vegetables in the future! It's really practical

2. Choose kale and Shanghai green, my parents call them cabbage, kale and Shanghai green, which are common vegetables on our table. While they may seem somewhat similar, they actually have a number of differences.

The leaves of kale are wider, oblong, and dark green, while the leaves of Shanghai green are narrower and oval, and the color is light green, and the taste of kale is relatively crisp and slightly bitter, and Shanghai green has a soft taste and sweet taste.

Gently pinch the stem of kale or sea green with your hand, if it feels stiff and elastic, it means that it is relatively fresh, and the stem should be straight, without bending or soft rotten.

Kale is the greener the taste is more tender, so you need to buy a thicker one, and at the same time pinch the tail of the kale, the movement of the pinch means that it is more tender, and Shanghai green, but you have to buy the kind with a smaller root, if you buy Shanghai green with a larger root, the taste will be very poor.

The method is also relatively simple, shoot more garlic, put more cooking oil and lard in the pot, fry the garlic cloves, stir-fry on high heat, and fry the Shanghai green or cabbage at high oil temperature, the taste will be more delicious.

If you are more concerned about oxalic acid, you can blanch them and then fry them in the pot, boil the water into the pot, put a little cooking oil in the pot, blanch for about 20 seconds to drain the water, and then fry in the pot.

15 tips for buying vegetables that vegetable sellers never pass on, and you will choose to buy vegetables in the future! It's really practical

3. The easiest way to choose edamame is to peel off a few edamame rice on the spot to see, the one with the bean coating is more delicious, and at the same time, you can neither choose too shriveled, nor buy too full, too full edamame is not good to peel edamame rice.

Fresh edamame usually has a green skin, the beans are full but not too full, there are no breaks or dark spots, they are full and elastic to the touch, not soft, if the edamame feels moist, it may have gone bad, fresh edamame will have a faint bean aroma, if it smells peculiar, then don't choose.

Edamame rice fried shredded pork, edamame rice sprouts fried minced meat are very appetizing, cold edamame is also a more appetizing cold dish in summer, I don't know if other provinces like to eat cold edamame, anyway, in Wuhan, cold edamame is a household, a frequent guest on the summer table.

15 tips for buying vegetables that vegetable sellers never pass on, and you will choose to buy vegetables in the future! It's really practical

4. When choosing green beans, try to choose the kind that feels softer, such green beans taste delicate, if the color turns white, it means that such green beans have been old.

Green beans and cowpeas should have a bright, shiny appearance, free of spots and breakage, and the heads and tails of green beans and cowpeas should be neat, with no obvious breakage or decay. Fresh green beans and cowpeas should have a fresh bean aroma, and if they have an off-flavor, they may not be too fresh.

Green beans and cowpeas, we call cowpeas long beans here, and I like to use green beans and long beans with meat and soybean sauce to make minced bean noodles. The taste of green beans is still different from that of long beans, and the cooked minced meat and bean noodles are very good whether they are eaten for breakfast or dinner.

Green beans and long beans are more troublesome in the cooking process, they need to be blanched, when making noodles with minced meat and beans, cut green beans into thin strips, and long beans into small dices, boil them in boiling water for a while, and after they are completely cooked, they are fried together with the minced meat.

15 tips for buying vegetables that vegetable sellers never pass on, and you will choose to buy vegetables in the future! It's really practical

5. The loofah is a frequent guest on the table in summer, and there are two ways to do it in my family, one is the loofah scrambled eggs, and the other is the loofah egg soup. When choosing a loofah, try to choose a loofah with a more consistent thickness, which is easier to ripen during the cooking process. The loofah is easy to blacken, before frying in the pot, marinate it with salt, and then rinse it with water after marinating the juice, and the loofah will not turn black.

The skin of a fresh loofah should be smooth, spot-free, and undamaged. If the skin of the loofah is wrinkled or has obvious spots, then it means that the loofah is no longer fresh and the taste will be affected.

A good loofah should have a hard skin and a certain amount of elasticity. If the skin of the loofah is too soft, it means that it is overripe and the taste will be poor. In addition, if the skin of the loofah is too hard, it may not be ripe yet, and it is not recommended to buy it.

The head of the loofah should be fuller and the tail should be rounded. If there is a significant depression or bulge in the head and tail, then the loofah may not be good.

15 tips for buying vegetables that vegetable sellers never pass on, and you will choose to buy vegetables in the future! It's really practical

Sixth, the skills of choosing tomatoes, do not buy this variety of tomatoes from Provence, I feel that the taste of this kind of tomatoes is not good, the price is still expensive, buy ordinary kind of redder tomatoes, usually sandy, sweet and sour taste is more suitable.

Ripe tomatoes usually show a bright red color and are uniform in color, good tomatoes should be full and elastic, not too soft and not too hard to the touch, the fruit pedicle part should be green and fresh, and fresh tomatoes will have a faint aroma.

Tomatoes in summer, you can make sugar tomatoes, refrigerate for a while to eat better taste, tomato scrambled eggs are more ordinary, now the price of beef brisket, beef ribs is basically close to the price of pork belly, you can buy some beef ribs or brisket, with tomatoes at home to make tomato stewed brisket, or quite good.

15 tips for buying vegetables that vegetable sellers never pass on, and you will choose to buy vegetables in the future! It's really practical

7. The skills of selecting eggs, the difference between red shell eggs and white shell eggs is determined by the breed and feed of hens, in fact, their nutritional value is almost the same, and do not worry about whether they buy native eggs, they are all farms for the supermarket vegetable market supply, we should focus on the freshness of eggs.

Eggs with coarser shells are usually fresher, pick up the eggs and shake them, there is a feeling of shaking inside the eggshell, such eggs are not very fresh, do not buy them, and at the same time do not buy broken eggs, no matter how cheap they are.

15 tips for buying vegetables that vegetable sellers never pass on, and you will choose to buy vegetables in the future! It's really practical

8. Tips for selecting celery, choose complete leaves, bright colors, petioles should be straight and strong, no cracks or soft collapses, gently pinch the celery petiole with your hands, if it feels crisp and elastic, it means that the celery is relatively fresh.

But in daily life, celery in the vegetable market is different from local celery, with the petioles of celery being wider and thicker and having relatively few leaves; The local celery has a thinner petiole and more leaves, and the taste of celery is more crisp, which is suitable for raw or cold dressing, of course, with shredded meat, it is also very delicious to make a plate of celery fried shredded pork, and local celery does not look at its petioles, and it is easy to buy celery that cannot be chewed.

15 tips for buying vegetables that vegetable sellers never pass on, and you will choose to buy vegetables in the future! It's really practical

9. The skills of selecting leeks, the classification of leeks, the root leeks are also called broad-leaved leeks and large-leaved leeks, which mainly eat the roots and buds of leeks, which are fleshy and spicy, can be fried, and young leaves can also be eaten. The leaf leek, with its wide and tender leaves, mainly eats leaves and leaf sheaths, and is widely cultivated in various parts of the mainland.

Broad-leaved leeks have more water, a slightly lighter fragrance and some sweetness, less fiber, and a very crisp and tender taste, which is more suitable for stir-frying or stewing soup, and cooks faster.

Narrow-leaved leeks, the roots are purple, the color is relatively dark, the fragrance of leeks is strong, the spicy taste is also heavy, buy this kind of fine-leaf leeks, not very suitable for stir-frying, usually use this fine-leaf leeks to make dumpling filling, bun filling.

The practice of leeks is the most familiar to everyone, which can be used to scramble eggs, broad beans, shrimp, and can also be combined with minced meat to make dumpling filling, bun filling, etc.

15 tips for buying vegetables that vegetable sellers never pass on, and you will choose to buy vegetables in the future! It's really practical

10. The skill of selecting eggplant, tender eggplant, can be judged by its "big eyes", the "eyes" of the eggplant can be seen where the sepals of the eggplant meet the fruit, basically every eggplant has, usually white with yellowish or white with a slight cyan, this is the "eye" of the eggplant, and the "big eye" eggplant must be very tender.

Eggplants are more eye-catching, purple, white, black, tender eggplant, the color should be smooth and bright, if the color is darker, wrinkled, no luster at all, then you can judge that such eggplant is not fresh enough.

Long eggplant, the fruit is slender and stick-shaped, about 30 cm, there are purple, green, light green, planted more in the south of our country, belonging to the middle and late maturing varieties. The eggplant meat is soft and has no seeds, so it is easy to absorb the flavor and has a smooth and soft texture, which is suitable for steaming or stir-frying.

Eggplant is most taboo to eat raw, so when you cook eggplant at home, you must completely cook the eggplant before eating.

15 tips for buying vegetables that vegetable sellers never pass on, and you will choose to buy vegetables in the future! It's really practical

11. The skills of choosing winter melon, buy winter melon in the vegetable market, there are several varieties such as green skin, black skin, white skin, etc., when you choose winter melon, try to choose black winter melon, the flesh is thick and edible part, do not buy white winter melon, the quality is not good, and the quality of green winter melon is between the two, when you can buy black winter melon, try not to choose the other two.

The way to eat winter melon is relatively simple, cut into thin slices and put it into the pot, stir-fry for a while, in fact, fry the winter melon slices for a while, and then simmer it with water for a while, after seasoning, the winter melon is very delicious.

15 tips for buying vegetables that vegetable sellers never pass on, and you will choose to buy vegetables in the future! It's really practical

12. The skills of selecting green peppers, green peppers should be divided into two kinds, one is green round peppers, and the other is green peppers, green round peppers are round and chubby, and green peppers are divided into two kinds, one is spicy and one is not spicy.

Green peppers are larger and straighter in shape, light green in color, and usually not spicy, while they are smaller, darker in color, and a little curved at the tip, which is most likely spicy.

Green peppers with slender shape and smooth and firm skin are relatively spicy, while non-spicy green peppers are usually fat, flat or lantern-shaped, and may have some wrinkles on the skin.

Go to the vegetable market vegetable stall to buy green peppers, you can ask the merchant directly, the sales staff usually have a better understanding of the quality of the vegetables they sell, because when they buy in the farmers' market, spicy and non-spicy green peppers, the wholesale price is not the same, they are sensitive to the price, and naturally know whether the green peppers they buy are spicy or not?

15 tips for buying vegetables that vegetable sellers never pass on, and you will choose to buy vegetables in the future! It's really practical

13. What is the difference between "tight flower" and "loose flower" cauliflower? The "tight flower" cauliflower grows more compactly, so the moisture content will be more, and when cooking, it is not the crisp and tender taste, but relatively soft.

"Loose flowers" cauliflower grows loosely, the moisture content will naturally be less, after cooking, it is a crisp and tender taste, like to eat crisp and tender taste of the small partner, you can choose this cauliflower, used to make dry pot cauliflower is also very good.

When buying cauliflower, if you see obvious black spots, it means that it has been left out for several days, and this cauliflower may not be very fresh. Focus on the bottom of the cauliflower to see if it is discolored or rotten, if it is not discolored or rotten, it means that the cauliflower is still relatively fresh.

There are many cooking methods for cauliflower, the most common is dry pot cauliflower and pork belly roasted cauliflower, but before frying, you should blanch the water, put the cauliflower in cold water, boil over high heat, remove the cold water, drain the water and then fry it in the pot.

15 tips for buying vegetables that vegetable sellers never pass on, and you will choose to buy vegetables in the future! It's really practical

14. Choosing cabbage, that is, the skills of cabbage, buying cabbage, you should choose the kind of heavy weight, of course, if you are making hand-torn cabbage at home, it is most suitable to choose flat-headed cabbage, flat-headed cabbage has low moisture content, thin leaves, easy to taste, and is suitable for daily stir-frying.

Flat-headed cabbage is native to our country, belongs to the old variety, the appearance is relatively flat, the luster is not strong, the leaves are relatively loose between the leaves, and the space can be clearly felt when pressed by hand.

Native to Europe, the round-headed cabbage looks three-dimensional spherical and shiny, and the leaves are tightly wrapped in layers between the leaves, and when pressed by hand, it is basically impressable, and it can feel particularly tight.

The round-headed cabbage has a crispy taste and high water content, which is suitable for blanching to make cold salad, kimchi, and vegetable salad, that is, it is suitable for raw eating.

During the stir-frying process, cabbage needs to be stir-fried on high heat, and it is best to add a little lard, as the aroma of the fat will make all kinds of vegetables more delicious.

In addition, after the cabbage is cleaned, you need to pay special attention to the water, if you do not dry the water, it will affect the taste of the cabbage.

When frying cabbage, you should remember to fry until it is broken, you should put in salt, if you fry until the cabbage comes out of the water, it means that the fried cabbage is overdone, and at the same time cooking shredded cabbage, you must put a little aged vinegar along the edge of the pot, of course, adding a little white sugar can also improve the freshness.

15 tips for buying vegetables that vegetable sellers never pass on, and you will choose to buy vegetables in the future! It's really practical

15. The skills of choosing spinach, "sharp-leaf spinach is better than round-leaf spinach", there is no bitter taste, and at the same time, red root spinach is better than white root spinach, the same reason, the taste of white root spinach is not good, and it also has a bitter taste.

Red spinach is a native spinach, and in the mouth of vegetable farmers, it is called "red-billed green parrot", because spinach is called parrot green. The white root spinach is a variety imported from abroad, and the taste is indeed inferior to the local red root spinach.

Red root spinach is a local spinach variety, the growth cycle is long, the most obvious feature is that the roots are red, and white root spinach is also called "foreign spinach", the growth cycle is shorter than red root spinach, and the growth cycle is at least 20 days less than that of red root spinach.

White-root spinach has a soft texture and a bitter taste, while red-root spinach has a better texture, crispy and sweet taste, and plenty of moisture.

Put half a pot of water in the pot, add a little cooking oil, boil over high heat, put in the drained spinach, boil the soup for about 30 seconds, remove and drain the water, oxalic acid dissolves in the water, and the taste of the spinach will no longer be astringent.

15 tips for buying vegetables that vegetable sellers never pass on, and you will choose to buy vegetables in the future! It's really practical
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