
Charlotte is at the top of the royal family, with a support rating far exceeding that of Prince George, and the public is looking forward to another queen

author:The concubine said things

Charlotte is at the top of the royal family, with a support rating far exceeding that of Prince George, and the public is looking forward to another queen

Royal expert Ingrid Seward broke the news that Princess Kate was taken care of by the Welsh Sambo during her illness. Among them, Princess Charlotte contributed the most and helped her mother through the most difficult time.

Charlotte is at the top of the royal family, with a support rating far exceeding that of Prince George, and the public is looking forward to another queen

When Kate attended the royal parade, she sweetly interacted with Princess Charlotte and helped her daughter fix her hair. Many readers are also lamenting that only mothers and daughters will be so close, and the stand-in theory has completely disappeared.

Charlotte is at the top of the royal family, with a support rating far exceeding that of Prince George, and the public is looking forward to another queen

The Princess of Wales disappeared for half a year and finally appeared on the balcony of Buckingham Palace, which even caused a sensation offstage. This is Kate's first appearance this year, at least proving that she is still alive and was just recuperating some time ago.

Charlotte is at the top of the royal family, with a support rating far exceeding that of Prince George, and the public is looking forward to another queen

According to foreign media reports, Princess Charlotte has been taking care of her mother and playing a protective role. Ingrid says that Charlotte is a well-behaved child, and at the same time full of admiration for her mother, and their relationship is unbreakable.

Charlotte is at the top of the royal family, with a support rating far exceeding that of Prince George, and the public is looking forward to another queen

Therefore, many royal fans believe that Charlotte's popular support is very high, even surpassing Prince George. In addition to her strong personality and ability, Charlotte looks too much like an elderly version of the queen, and even because of her appearance, she has been on the international hot search many times.

Princess Charlotte is not only a caring little padded jacket, but also the top of the British royal family, and every time she appears, she will attract all the spotlights. According to the royal family's succession order, George is the second in line of succession, but his popularity was surpassed by Princess Charlotte.

Charlotte is at the top of the royal family, with a support rating far exceeding that of Prince George, and the public is looking forward to another queen

In the results of the selection of the richest children in the world in 2023, Princess Charlotte is in the first place, which is not surprising at all. According to foreign media reports, Princess Charlotte is worth about 2.2 billion pounds, which is enough to crush any peer.

Charlotte is at the top of the royal family, with a support rating far exceeding that of Prince George, and the public is looking forward to another queen

In addition, Charlotte's influence is also very strong, and her outfits and accessories will be sold out quickly. Deeply influenced by Princess Kate, Charlotte is also taking the civilian route, and all kinds of dresses are also very affordable, but every time they are matched, they have an extremely amazing effect.

Charlotte is at the top of the royal family, with a support rating far exceeding that of Prince George, and the public is looking forward to another queen

Even though Charlotte is just a little girl, there are hundreds of millions of fans around the world. has lived in the spotlight since childhood, everyone has almost watched Charlotte grow up, and she is in good shape at all times, because she resembles Queen Elizabeth and has been the focus of public attention many times.

Not only did he inherit his great-grandmother's blue eyes, but his facial features and movements were also very similar, almost silly and indistinguishable. Charlotte is not only a textbook of etiquette for the royal family, but also has a calm personality and leadership, and is indeed more suitable for succession than Prince George.

Charlotte is at the top of the royal family, with a support rating far exceeding that of Prince George, and the public is looking forward to another queen

Charlotte's national favorability is almost firmly in the first place, and countless people support her to succeed to the throne as queen. Perhaps people love Queen Elizabeth so much that they even hope that Charlotte will succeed in ascending to the throne and continue the legend of the Queen of England.

Charlotte is at the top of the royal family, with a support rating far exceeding that of Prince George, and the public is looking forward to another queen

However, William and Kate had the opposite opinion with the people and did not want Charlotte to inherit the throne. They have chosen George as their successor, and as for the other two children, they do not want them to be full-time royals, but are trying to fight for more freedom.

Charlotte is at the top of the royal family, with a support rating far exceeding that of Prince George, and the public is looking forward to another queen

Prince William has also revealed before that after he takes the throne, he will continue to carry out drastic reforms. The number of core members of the royal family will be further reduced, and Charlotte will most likely not have a title at that time.

The two brothers, Harry and William, had a very unpleasant quarrel, and I believe Kate also saw this and planned for the children in advance. But in any case, everyone's love for Princess Charlotte will not be diminished in the slightest, this little girl is really too likable.

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