
He won the Olympic diving championship at the age of 16, was called the "Prince of Dark Horses", and forced his younger sister to get a marriage certificate with him

author:Sister Shangjin talks about the world
He won the Olympic diving championship at the age of 16, was called the "Prince of Dark Horses", and forced his younger sister to get a marriage certificate with him
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He won the Olympic diving championship at the age of 16, was called the "Prince of Dark Horses", and forced his younger sister to get a marriage certificate with him

In the diving world, there is such a legend: a 16-year-old boy won the Olympic gold medal with amazing strength and became the first Olympic champion in the history of Chinese men's diving.

He is Sun Shuwei, a talented diver known as the "Prince of Dark Horses". However, the twist of fate came unexpectedly. Just when everyone was expecting him to do another great job at the next Olympics, an accident in training changed the course of his life forever.

From the much-anticipated champion to the downtrodden who was forced to retire, and then to forcibly pulling his younger sister to get married, Sun Shuwei's life is like a drama of ups and downs. How did this once powerful teenager redefine his life under the weight of fate? Let's unveil this saga together.

In 1976, Guangdong ushered in an ordinary but extraordinary baby - Sun Shuwei. Under the influence of his father, Sun Shuwei, who was only two years old, embarked on the road of swimming training, laying the foundation for his future diving career.

He won the Olympic diving championship at the age of 16, was called the "Prince of Dark Horses", and forced his younger sister to get a marriage certificate with him

However, fate does not seem to favor this little boy.

The poverty of the family is like a shadow, shrouding Sun Shuwei's childhood. Malnutrition made him look thin and weak, and anemia became his daily pain.

Sometimes, the feeling of a splitting headache can make it difficult for him to concentrate. However, instead of crushing the young Sun Shuwei, these difficulties were like whetstones, sharpening his will to be more tenacious.

Every day, he silently struggles with his body, trying to overcome these innate deficiencies.

He won the Olympic diving championship at the age of 16, was called the "Prince of Dark Horses", and forced his younger sister to get a marriage certificate with him

At the age of 8, Sun Shuwei's talent was finally recognized, and he successfully entered the sports school. Here, the coaches quickly discovered the potential in this skinny boy.

Graceful posture in the water, unusually controllable, these qualities make Sun Shuwei stand out from his peers. Soon after, he was selected for the provincial team and began to train more rigorously and professionally.

In the days of the provincial team, Sun Shuwei's personality characteristics gradually emerged. He didn't talk much and was often reticent, and this steadiness beyond his years earned him the nickname "Little Old Man".

The teammates may be joking, but the nickname reflects Sun's unusual maturity and focus. Whenever he smiled, the fine lines that appeared in the corners of his eyes made people forget that he was just a child.

He won the Olympic diving championship at the age of 16, was called the "Prince of Dark Horses", and forced his younger sister to get a marriage certificate with him

At the age of 12, Sun Shuwei ushered in a turning point in his life. He participated in the National Diving Championships, originally just with the mentality of accumulating experience, but he did not expect to win the championship of diving and platform diving in one fell swoop.

This unexpected victory not only surprised the coaches, but also made Sun Shuwei realize his potential.

From that moment on, a new star in the diving world began to rise. Sun Shuwei's story, just like his diving action, is destined to draw a graceful arc in the air from the moment he jumps off the diving platform, and then stirs up layers of ripples in the water.

This skinny boy from Guangdong is using his own way to reach the pinnacle of the diving world step by step.

He won the Olympic diving championship at the age of 16, was called the "Prince of Dark Horses", and forced his younger sister to get a marriage certificate with him

Sun Shuwei's rise is like a meteor, fast and dazzling. At the age of 13, he won another national victory, and this time the victory was no longer an accident, but a proof of strength.

Just a year later, 14-year-old Sun Shuwei is already at the pinnacle of Asian diving. However, this is only the prologue of his illustrious career.

After entering the national team, Sun Shuwei's unique training attitude attracted the attention of coaches and teammates. When the other players responded to the coach's guidance in unison, Sun Shuwei often did not say a word, as if immersed in his own world.

This unusual performance has been criticized by the coach on several occasions. However, in actual training, Sun Shuwei can always show extraordinary focus and strength, and his every movement is precise and in place, as if he was born to belong to the diving platform.

He won the Olympic diving championship at the age of 16, was called the "Prince of Dark Horses", and forced his younger sister to get a marriage certificate with him

At the age of 14, Sun Shuwei stepped onto the international stage for the first time. Facing top players from all over the world, this skinny teenager didn't have the slightest stage fright. In the competition, he amazed the audience with a difficult backflip for three and a half weeks.

The moment he broke through the water, the audience erupted in thunderous applause. In the end, Sun Shuwei won the championship by a narrow margin, which was not only his personal victory, but also an important breakthrough for Chinese men's diving on the international stage.

At the age of 15 and 16, Sun Shuwei won the world championship two years in a row, demonstrating his unrivalled strength in the diving world. In every match, he is like a precise artist, tuning every movement of his body to the extreme, drawing perfect arcs in the air.

However, the most glorious moments are yet to come. At the 1992 Barcelona Olympics, 16-year-old Sun Shuwei made history. Not only did he become the first Chinese gold medalist in the history of the men's diving Olympics, but he also won a perfect score from four judges for his flawless performance.

He won the Olympic diving championship at the age of 16, was called the "Prince of Dark Horses", and forced his younger sister to get a marriage certificate with him

At that moment, time seemed to stand still. From the moment the referee blew the whistle, Sun Shuwei seemed to be cut off from the whole world. His every movement is precise to the minute, from jumping and his stance in the air to entering the water, all of which are textbook-level demonstrations.

When he broke through the water, the audience erupted in deafening cheers. At this moment, the title of "Prince of Dark Horses" followed, and Sun Shuwei's name was forever engraved in the history of Chinese sports.

This skinny boy from Guangdong has completed the transformation from obscurity to standing at the top of the Olympics in just four years. His story has not only inspired countless Chinese athletes, but also allowed the world to witness the rise of the new generation of Chinese diving.

Every time Sun Shuwei dives, it is like telling a story about dreams and perseverance.

He won the Olympic diving championship at the age of 16, was called the "Prince of Dark Horses", and forced his younger sister to get a marriage certificate with him

However, the wheel of fate is always unpredictable. Just when everyone was expecting Sun Shuwei to achieve another glory in the next Olympic Games, an accident changed the trajectory of his life forever.

This teenager, who was once called the "little old man", proved his talent and the power of hard work with his strength. However, in his most brilliant moment, fate prepared a cruel turn for him.

Sun Shuwei's story is far from over. From "Little Old Man" to "Prince Dark", he has interpreted what true sportsmanship is in his own way. And what awaits him next is an even greater challenge, a test of how to redefine himself in the face of adversity.

The halo of Olympic gold medals has not faded, and the 17-year-old Sun Shuwei has already devoted himself to preparing for the next Olympic Games. However, fate played a cruel joke on him at this time.

He won the Olympic diving championship at the age of 16, was called the "Prince of Dark Horses", and forced his younger sister to get a marriage certificate with him

During a seemingly ordinary training session, Sun Shuwei suddenly made a mistake and fell heavily into the water. The accident not only interrupted his training schedule, but also ended his illustrious athletic career.

After being rushed to the hospital, the doctor's diagnosis was like a bolt from the blue: Sun Shuwei suffered from "retinal perforation". Doctors' warnings are still in the ears that if you continue to train and compete at high intensity, you may lead to irreversible vision damage.

Faced with this cruel reality, Sun Shuwei, who was only 17 years old, felt a deep sense of powerlessness for the first time.

In order to save his eyesight, Sun Shuwei had to undergo "retinal cryosurgery". After the surgery, he began a long and difficult recovery process. Every day, he struggles with illness and a desire to get back on the field.

He won the Olympic diving championship at the age of 16, was called the "Prince of Dark Horses", and forced his younger sister to get a marriage certificate with him

However, fate always seemed to play tricks on him. During his return to training, he suffered another peripheral tear in the retina of his right eye and had to undergo a second surgery.

The two surgeries were not only physical, but also psychological. He used to be like a fish in water on the diving platform, but now he can't even complete simple training.

Whenever he saw his teammates training, Sun Shuwei's heart would swell with a sourness. The boy who was once known as the "Prince of Dark Horses" can now only sit on the edge of the pool and watch others soar through the water.

But Sun Shuwei did not give up. After a two-month break, he resolutely returned to training in the hope of making it to the Olympic trials. However, due to the long-term interruption of training and the impact of his physical condition, he ultimately failed to meet the competition standards.

He won the Olympic diving championship at the age of 16, was called the "Prince of Dark Horses", and forced his younger sister to get a marriage certificate with him

The twist of fate came so suddenly, and Sun Shuwei's dream seemed to be shattered overnight. However, it was in the midst of such adversity that new possibilities began to brew in his heart.

Although this blow was heavy, it also opened a new door for his life. Sun Shuwei's story is far from over, but has opened a new chapter.

After being forced to retire, Sun Shuwei was once confused. The glory of the past seems to have become a distant dream, and the road ahead is full of uncertainties. However, his love for diving has always burned in his heart, driving him to rethink the direction of his life.

Eventually, he made a decision: to transform into a coach and pass on his experience and wisdom to the next generation of athletes.

He won the Olympic diving championship at the age of 16, was called the "Prince of Dark Horses", and forced his younger sister to get a marriage certificate with him

At the age of 25, Sun Shuwei officially embarked on the road of coaching. Although he can't compete in person, he can still feel the familiar excitement and pride when he sees his students perform well on the diving platform.

This change in role allowed him to find a new value in life.

At the same time, Sun Shuwei's personal life also ushered in a turning point. He fell in love with his younger sister Cai Yuyan. However, due to the distance between their workplaces, the two get together less and leave more, and this long-distance relationship makes Sun Shuwei feel tormented.

In 2004, 28-year-old Sun Shuwei made a bold decision: to propose to 22-year-old Cai Yuyan. However, the young Cai Yuyan felt that she was not ready to take on the responsibilities of the family and rejected Sun Shuwei's marriage proposal.

He won the Olympic diving championship at the age of 16, was called the "Prince of Dark Horses", and forced his younger sister to get a marriage certificate with him

In the face of refusal, Sun Shuwei took an unexpected action: he forcibly took Cai Yuyan to the Civil Affairs Bureau and insisted on obtaining a marriage certificate.

This move has caused quite a bit of controversy. Although Cai Yuyan repeatedly expressed her opposition, she finally compromised under the persuasion of relatives and friends and Sun Shuwei's insistence.

This marriage, which began as "forced", unexpectedly reaped sweet fruits. The two started a family together and welcomed a lovely child.

Sun Shuwei's life has changed from a star athlete on the diving platform to a coach by the pool and the pillar of a family. Although the road was tortuous, he never gave up his love and pursuit of life.

He won the Olympic diving championship at the age of 16, was called the "Prince of Dark Horses", and forced his younger sister to get a marriage certificate with him

Time flies, and the former "dark horse prince" is now a 48-year-old middle-aged man. Sun Shuwei is still active in the front line of diving, using his experience and wisdom to cultivate a new generation of diving talents.

Looking back on the past, his eyes have both nostalgia for the glory of the past and feelings for the impermanence of fate.

However, it is more about cherishing the present life and looking forward to the future. Although his athletic career came to an abrupt end, Sun Shuwei has no regrets. He used to say, "If it hadn't been for that accident, maybe I would have won more gold medals."

But I probably wouldn't have the family I have now, and I wouldn't have become a coach to train more diving talent. This open-mindedness is the crystallization of his wisdom in life.

He won the Olympic diving championship at the age of 16, was called the "Prince of Dark Horses", and forced his younger sister to get a marriage certificate with him

Sun's story, from a 16-year-old Olympic champion to a 48-year-old winner, illustrates what true success is. It is not only the glory on the field, but also the ability to find self-worth in the ups and downs of life.

Today's Sun Shuwei is still using her own way to contribute to China's diving industry and write her own wonderful life.

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