
Candy|Riding all the way west on the road(7)

author:Ōin Kojo


On the road 5 (5.28) - 2024 the first phase of the Silk Road D13

The light rain fell all night, and it was still falling at dawn, so depressed! It is said that there is little rain in the northwest, is it that the only rainy days let me catch up? It rained overnight, the temperature dropped a lot, the surrounding mountain tops were covered with a layer of snow, the rain decreased at more than seven o'clock, and there must be special scenery in special weather.

A bowl of beef noodles and a fritter, breakfast is full, today to cross the Qilian Mountain to Zhangye direction, fortunately, the new national highway has been built through the Dongshan Tunnel without the hard work of going over the mountain, the tunnel mouth is 3800 meters above sea level, and 20 kilometers of climbing can not escape.

Candy|Riding all the way west on the road(7)

Out of the township, the rain gradually stopped, the Qilian Mountains after the rain were colorful, the sky after the rain was cloudy and mist, the top of the Qilian Mountains after the rain was snow-capped, the clouds and mist wandered among the mountains, like a jade belt wrapped around the mountains, and the scenery after the rain was simply beautiful.

The road continues to go upriver along the Heihe River, the Heihe River valley of Yeniugou Township is wide, and the continuous alpine meadow vegetation is distributed in Pingchuan, valley, and the wetlands of the surrounding mountains and ravines, forming a complete plateau wetland landscape style, where cattle and sheep are herded, here is also a paradise for wild animals, Yeniugou Township inhabits the national first-class protected animals white-lipped deer, snow leopard, wild yak, national second-class protected animals Tibetan wild ass, rock sheep, musk deer, red deer, argali, brown bear, blue horse chicken and other wild animals.

Candy|Riding all the way west on the road(7)

12 kilometers to the S301 and G213 forks, this 12 kilometers to ride very easily, I didn't expect to go up to the 213 National Highway, it gave me a dismount, the straight road stretches to the depths of the Qilian Mountains, it seems that the slope is not big, in fact, I always suspect that the ratio of the bicycle is not the smallest, otherwise how to use the power of the flood but still can't ride it? The two legs are weak and weak like poured lead, the first time I want to cramp, two zigzag winding mountain roads alleviate the steep slope, eight kilometers to the entrance of the Dongshan Tunnel, 3800 meters above sea level, clouds and mist shrouded the top of the mountain, the ice and snow in the river valley have not melted, and the cold air is even more pressing when entering the tunnel, so I hurriedly put on a raincoat and rain pants to resist the cold.

Passing through the 3640-meter Dongshan Tunnel, imagining that the tunnel side is raining and sunny, sunny, blue sky and white clouds, I didn't expect to go through the tunnel and return to Gansu from Qinghai again, but I saw the majestic and magnificent snow-capped mountains, and the snow-capped snow-capped mountains are standing, which is simply a wonderful experience beyond time and space.

In addition to the surprise of the winding mountain road and snow-capped mountains, the weather here is not satisfactory. The super cool downhill quickly leaves the snow line and slides to the bottom of the valley, 213 National Highway goes down the Longchang River, this canyon is more steep, rockfalls, landslides are very easy to occur, the rockfalls on the road can be seen everywhere, you can only concentrate on riding, plus the sky is cloudy, it is fog and rain and wind, do not dare to stay. On the way, I encountered a landslide, and the earth and rocks that fell down like a waterfall fell straight down to the Longchang River, which was very terrifying.

Candy|Riding all the way west on the road(7)

The first county through the tunnel is Sunan Yugur Autonomous County, Zhangye City, Gansu Province, is the only Yugur Autonomous County in the People's Republic of China, the world's largest prayer wheel "Sunan Shambhala Choke prayer wheel" was built in Sunan County, the splendid Sunan prayer wheel is a collection of religious worship, tourist landscape in one of the new landmark buildings, by the Guinness World Association of Records identified as the world's largest prayer wheel.

Candy|Riding all the way west on the road(7)

Zhangye must-see attractions are known as Zhangye colorful Danxia and Binggou Danxia, the two places are ten kilometers apart, according to my route first Binggou and then Zhangye, today's destination is Binggou Danxia, and it is accompanied by rain to Binggou Danxia Scenic Area, if the weather is good, today you can see the Binggou Danxia landform. The eldest brother of the Yeniugou Township Government said that the Danxia landform is the most beautiful after the rain, and I hope that tomorrow will give me a good weather, and I will come to you all the way through wind and rain.

It's not the peak season and the weather is bad, the entrance of the scenic spot is very depressed and nothing, one kilometer to the town to eat a bowl of braised pork fried noodles, and then return to the scenic spot, the empty house at the entrance of the scenic spot is today's camp.

Today's cycling route: Yeniugou Township - Dongshan Tunnel - Sunan Yugur Autonomous County - Binggou Danxia Scenic Area, the distance is 107 kilometers, the cumulative climb is 570 meters, and the total trip in 13 days is 1307 + 107 = 1414 kilometers.

Candy|Riding all the way west on the road(7)


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