
Diffusion Alert! New drugs may be disguised as candy drinks

author:Jining News Network

June 2024 is the 14th National Anti-Drug Awareness Month, and this year's theme is "Preventing Drug Abuse among Youth".

Drugs can cause serious damage to a person's physical and mental health, including addiction, memory loss, emotional instability, cardiovascular disease, impaired immune system, etc. Long-term drug use can also lead to death. Therefore, everyone should enhance their awareness of anti-drug safety, learn to identify new drugs, and protect their own safety.

Diffusion Alert! New drugs may be disguised as candy drinks

New drugs are more deceptive

Opium, heroin, methamphetamine, ecstasy, marijuana, cocaine...... It is a drug that everyone is familiar with. People often think that these drugs are far away from you, but in fact, some new drugs may have crept into your side.

Unlike traditional drugs, these new drugs are often dressed in a dazzling "coat" that makes them difficult to identify. Let's uncover the true face of these new drugs.

Diffusion Alert! New drugs may be disguised as candy drinks
Diffusion Alert! New drugs may be disguised as candy drinks
Diffusion Alert! New drugs may be disguised as candy drinks
Diffusion Alert! New drugs may be disguised as candy drinks
Diffusion Alert! New drugs may be disguised as candy drinks

It is important to note that the variety of new drugs is constantly increasing, and their appearance and packaging are becoming more and more diverse. The above list is just a few of the many camouflage schemes. In the face of the ever-changing "coat" of drugs, children, teenagers and parents must keep their eyes open.

How to identify new drugs

Observe the form of items: new drugs may be disguised as candy, drinks, tablets and other forms, everyone must be vigilant about strange packaging, especially items with unclear purchase channels.

Watch for unusual odors: Some drugs have a peculiar smell, so be on the lookout for unusual odors that you can't pinpoint to source.

Pay attention to the behavior of others: If you notice that someone has unexplained abnormal excitement, trance, slurred speech, hyperactivity, etc., you should be alert that he may be under the influence of drugs.

Reject the "kindness" of strangers: Parents should educate their children to raise their awareness of precautions and not to accept food, drinks, small toys, etc. from strangers.

Understand the knowledge of new drugs: understand the common types and characteristics of new drugs through various channels, and enhance the ability to identify. Especially in bars, KTVs and other entertainment venues, you must be careful with drinks and snacks from unknown sources.

Diffusion Alert! New drugs may be disguised as candy drinks

Help your child to be more aware of poison prevention

As the first guardian of their children, parents should explain the dangers of drugs to their children from an early age, share some real cases with their children, and let children intuitively feel the terrible consequences of being exposed to drugs. Parents should let their children know about some items and places where drugs may be hidden, so as to improve their ability to discriminate.

In daily life, parents should establish a good relationship of trust with their children, so that children are willing to share what they encounter. At the same time, parents should also pay close attention to their children's daily behaviors and emotional changes, and communicate in time if they find abnormalities.

In addition, parents should guide their children to establish correct values and outlook on life, learn more about their children's social situation, be clear about their children's friend groups, and remind their children to make friends carefully. Parents can also take their children to participate in anti-drug publicity and other related activities to raise awareness of drug prevention.

Children themselves should also strengthen their awareness of self-prevention, learn to refuse drugs, understand anti-drug laws and regulations, and know that drug use and drug trafficking are illegal acts and must bear corresponding legal responsibilities. If you find that you or someone close to you has signs of drug abuse, you should seek help and support from your parents, teachers, psychological counselors or anti-drug agencies in time.

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