
Three cokes are not passable! Traditional Chinese medicine prescription through the ages, Xuan Shang Chang Zhong Li Xia to get through the three Jiao body easily!

author:Dr. Lee, the descendant of Qi Huang

The three focal points of our human body are the channels for the whole body qi and essence to run, and it is the hub of communication between our internal organs. Once the three focal points are not smooth, there will be all kinds of problems in the body.

Three cokes are not passable! Traditional Chinese medicine prescription through the ages, Xuan Shang Chang Zhong Li Xia to get through the three Jiao body easily!

First of all, let's talk about the upper focus.

It includes our heart and lungs. Among them, the lungs are responsible for the release of the body's qi, and are also in charge of the opening and closing of the body's pores and the guard's qi, while the heart is responsible for the operation of the body's qi and blood.

Three cokes are not passable! Traditional Chinese medicine prescription through the ages, Xuan Shang Chang Zhong Li Xia to get through the three Jiao body easily!

If the function of the heart and lungs is abnormal, people will feel that the qi is not enough, the chest is swollen, and the heart is often panicked, uneasy, and the physical constitution is relatively poor, and it is easy to catch a cold and fever if it is a little windy, and in serious cases, there will be chronic diseases such as coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, and tracheitis.

For this kind of situation, you can refer to the addition and subtraction of Astragalus Shengmaisan to promote lung and heart.

Next up is the medium focus.

The function of the spleen and stomach is like a food processing factory, the food and water we ingest into the body every day must be transported and decomposed by the spleen and stomach before it can be converted into the energy subtleties required by our body, and then supplied to all parts of the body through the spleen's clearing and stomach turbidity reduction function.

Three cokes are not passable! Traditional Chinese medicine prescription through the ages, Xuan Shang Chang Zhong Li Xia to get through the three Jiao body easily!

However, if the spleen and stomach qi are not smooth and the middle focus is blocked, the digestive function of the spleen and stomach will be abnormal at this time, and there will be no appetite for eating, and the food is difficult to digest, there will be bloating, abdominal pain, and more severe cases, nausea, vomiting, and more hiccups and farts.

If you want to get through the middle focus, you need to strengthen the spleen and invigorate qi, you can refer to the Four Gentlemen's Tang plus and minus syndrome.

Finally, there is the lower focus.

The liver, kidney, and bladder of our body are located in the lower coke, which stores the essence and blood of the body, and is also responsible for the excretion of qi and the metabolism of water and fluids throughout the body.

Three cokes are not passable! Traditional Chinese medicine prescription through the ages, Xuan Shang Chang Zhong Li Xia to get through the three Jiao body easily!

If the lower focus is not cleared, the qi is not smooth, the water metabolism will also malfunction, and the essence and blood will continue to be lost, and the person will have chest and flank swelling pain, irritability, frequent urination and urgency, edema of the limbs, fatigue and drowsiness, and functional problems. At this time, you can refer to the addition and subtraction of the water and liver cleansing drink to nourish the kidneys and soft the liver.

This is the end of today's sharing, if you feel unwell, you must seek medical attention offline in time, syndrome differentiation and conditioning, do not blindly use medicine, we will see you next time.

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