
What should I do if I am constantly bitten by mosquitoes? Teach you the fastest way to stop itching, as well as to repel mosquitoes

author:Explosive Nutrition Peng Xinrui

Summer is the season of high incidence of mosquito infestation, especially children with fast metabolism, easy to sweat, more likely to attract mosquitoes, after being bitten skin rash accompanied by different degrees of itching, such as red pimples, etc., even scratching is difficult to relieve, and then make the redness and swelling more obvious, how is this good?

What should I do if I am constantly bitten by mosquitoes? Teach you the fastest way to stop itching, as well as to repel mosquitoes

To deal with mosquitoes, you should first know why you are more likely to provoke mosquitoes than others.

In fact, the positioning method of mosquitoes is very simple, mainly relying on pheromones, that is, the appetite of mosquitoes, which does not mean that it is blood, but is related to these factors, including higher body temperature, people sweat at the same time, the body will secrete amino acids, lactic acid and other components, so as to attract mosquitoes;

What should I do if I am constantly bitten by mosquitoes? Teach you the fastest way to stop itching, as well as to repel mosquitoes

Other scientific studies have found that mosquitoes have tentacles on their bodies that can sense carbon dioxide concentrations up to 50 meters away. To put it simply, the more carbon dioxide people produce, the more they attract mosquitoes. At the same time, it also explains why groups that tend to have a fast metabolism, including children, pregnant women, and people who exercise regularly, are more likely to attract mosquitoes;

There are also surveys that people who like to wear dark clothes, such as black, red, etc., usually because mosquitoes are more active in dim environments, so it is not recommended that everyone wear dark clothes when sleeping to avoid mosquito bites.

What should I do if I am constantly bitten by mosquitoes? Teach you the fastest way to stop itching, as well as to repel mosquitoes

In addition, in recent years, it cannot be ignored that mosquito bites are also prone to spread diseases, such as dengue fever, which is an acute insect-borne infectious disease caused by dengue virus, mainly transmitted by Aedes albopictus and Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, and will appear within 1~14 days after infection

How to better stop itching after being bitten by mosquitoes?

What should I do if I am constantly bitten by mosquitoes? Teach you the fastest way to stop itching, as well as to repel mosquitoes

If you are accidentally bitten by mosquitoes, resulting in itching, redness and other reactions, this phenomenon is mainly allergic reactions, at this time, you must not scratch repeatedly in order to stop itching, which will only make the local infection more serious, and even rash, dermatitis, etc.

On the contrary, the correct treatment is to dilute it with soap or baking soda to neutralize the acid toxins of mosquitoes locally, thereby reducing redness, swelling and itching, or you can also choose homemade mosquito repellent at home, which is very simple.

What should I do if I am constantly bitten by mosquitoes? Teach you the fastest way to stop itching, as well as to repel mosquitoes

At home, you can prepare an empty bowl, pour an appropriate amount of sugar, laundry detergent, and toilet water, with a mixing ratio of 1:1:2, and then put in a small amount of water to dissolve, and finally stir, and then cover the bowl with plastic wrap, poke a hole in the middle, and put it in a place where mosquitoes are likely to appear at home, so as to reduce the number of mosquitoes.

Finally, if you go out or treat mosquitoes outdoors, especially children, teenagers, infants and young children, you can also choose mosquito repellent watches, mosquito protection clothes and pants, and mosquito repellent water for different ages to help everyone "armed" away from mosquitoes.
