
What are the most demanded requirements in the market? Can 5 poor and 6 desperate usher in "7 turnovers"?

author:Li Zhilin
What are the most demanded requirements in the market? Can 5 poor and 6 desperate usher in "7 turnovers"?

4 sets of data lead to the statement of the new village chief to "open the door to accept the market".

What are the most demanded requirements in the market?

Can 5 poor and 6 desperate usher in "7 turnovers"?

Dear investors, I am a good word

Today is Sunday, June 30th

The topics discussed with you today are:

4 sets of data lead to the statement of the new village chief to "open the door to accept the market".

What are the most demanded requirements in the market?

Can 5 poor and 6 desperate usher in "7 turnovers"?

First topic:

Four sets of data led to a new statement by the new village chief

The first set of data: this week's weekly line is six consecutive negatives

11 indices fell another 0.56%, 0.17%, and 0.97% this week


3.15%, 2.34% and 2.96%

This is a weekly decline

The second set of data: June opened a big moon black line

11 indices fell 3.5%, 2.73%, 3.3%,



The big moon in June

Stock markets in many countries have fallen so much in a year

The third set of data: 11 indices rose three times and fell eight times in the first half of the year

Only the CSI 50 rose 0.8% and the SSE 50 rose 2.92%

CSI 300 up 0.87%

The remaining eight indexes, the Shanghai Composite Index fell 0.24%, and the Shenzhen Component Index fell 7.1%

The ChiNext fell 11%, the Science and Technology Innovation Board fell 16.5%,

CSI 50 fell 9%, CSI 1000 fell 16.84%,

The CSI 2000 fell 23.3%, and the Beijing Stock Exchange fell 34.6%

This is the data for the first half of the year

The fourth set of data: there are 3,137 stocks below the market value of 5 billion

Only 131 rose, accounting for 4.18%

There are 4,111 with a market value of less than 10 billion

Only 287 rose, accounting for 6.98%

There are 243 stocks with a market value of more than 50 billion

There were 153 up, accounting for 63.7%

There are 116 stocks with a market value of more than 100 billion

82 were up, accounting for 71.6%

In other words, only CSI 50, SSE 50,

CSI 300, 42 bank stocks, power,

Coal, the three major telecom operators and the three barrels of oil are rising

The remaining eight to ninety percent of individual stocks are falling

These four sets of data show that since last year's 7.24 important meetings

By February 4 this year, the village chief was changed

By April 12, the national nine articles were introduced

On April 30, the 1+N policy was implemented

The three exchanges issued new regulations

The Great Leap Forward in expansion has been curbed

Introduced the strictest new rules for non-shareholding reductions in history

Then the economic GDP grew by 5.35

Real estate new deal combination punch

The policy package of the new village chief at the Lujiazui forum

None of these measures have worked

The hard part is that they all failed

None of them were able to save A-shares, and they were getting lower and lower

It is now back in front of the 2930 moat

What's the problem?

I thought it was because I had hit the hard bones of interest groups

They will not dare to reform

Or the reform measures were too hasty and skewed

Or behind closed doors

It is far from the expectations of the market and the reality of the market

As a result, the stock market reform in the past year could not be continued

Last week, I said that the new village chief did his best

Because it is still far from the requirements of the market

But the market is unforgiving

The second topic: the highest demand in the market is to solve the five crux of the problem

In desperation

Under severe pressure from market trends

At the end of this week, the website of the China Securities Regulatory Commission finally posted the latest statement of the new village head

That is, it is necessary to open the door to evaluation and reform

Listen extensively and carefully study the opinions and suggestions of all parties

Improve the relevant systems and rules of reform in a timely manner

This is Avenue news

The latest speech by the new village chief.

The so-called open door to reform and open door to evaluation

Strengthen communication with the market and listen widely

Carefully study the opinions and suggestions of all parties

I think it's important to open the door to what market participants say

Okay, so I'm going to talk about what is the problem that the market is most looking to solve?

In short, it is to solve the problem of overuse of short-selling tools

The first point is to borrow and borrow securities to short

May 20 arrived after 3174 o'clock

Then it was the weekly line that fell all the way down for six consecutive years

The first of these is securities borrowing and shorting

It is to borrow stocks to refinance shorting

This is only a conditional institution

in order to have a unique advantage

Everyone wants to go short around 3000 points

Isn't that short selling with last year's 7.24 meeting?

Is it short with a series of bailout policies?

Short with Kokujo

Is it empty with the new village chief and the national team?

and restore the economy and restore investor confidence

There is also the country's financial security and financial stability

and the credibility of the government to short?

The Government of our neighbouring Republic of Korea has long since issued a ban on air skies

Short selling is not allowed, and a decree has been issued

Shorting is not allowed until March 2025

If the offender is guilty, the maximum penalty is life imprisonment

Therefore, I think that below 4000 points, short borrowing and borrowing should be prohibited

Only in this way can we talk about bailing out the market

Otherwise, the policy is self-contradictory

The second is to restrict shorting of stock index futures

At the time of the stock market crash in 2015, it was stipulated

Limit short selling, limit short orders, and improve shelf life

At that time, the effect was still relatively obvious

The third strong hope is quantitative trading

The current level of regulation is not enough

What the market wants is cancellation


The first reason:

Now our country includes five government departments in the country

It calls for long-term investment and patient capital.

Don't take advantage of short-term gains

Advocate long-term investment, value investment, and rational investment

So what is quantitative trading?

It is to use programmatic trading software

Quickly sell high and buy low in fluctuations

Even for a point or two, he can make the difference

It is to quickly win short-term gains

This is contrary to national policy and stock market policy

300 strokes per second, 20,000 strokes a day

One institutional account, a few computers do that

So how many do you know?

Earlier, there were already five or six thousand families doing this

How do you think the broader market index can go up?

As soon as I went up, I cut leeks

The second reason: 95% of the Chinese market is retail

200 million shareholders and 700 million people

This is the data released by the Securities and Futures Commission

Then 95% of retail investors are operated manually

And in addition, the movement of the older ones is slower

Now with the computer software programmatic trading PK

Do you say that individual handicraft can win?

It is not fair to be a leek

The third reason:

So-called quantitative trading can increase the volume of the market

Enhance liquidity

This was learned from the United States, and the United States did the same

I think this kind of propaganda is misleading, misunderstood, and false

It is true that there is quantitative trading in the United States as well

However, the volume of its quantitative trading is very limited


Because don't look at the market capitalization of the U.S. stock market, which is 5 times that of A-shares.

But his daily trading volume is only 400 to 50 billion

That adds up to a daily turnover of four or five hundred billion yuan

We still have more than 700 billion A shares

So quantitative trading in the United States

It's just a little bit like that, smaller than A-shares

You say that the United States is engaged in quantitative trading to expand trading volume?

Does it enhance liquidity?

So I think we're quant trading

Far beyond the limits of the United States

The fourth reason is that the quantitative agency after extensive use

I found that if I went up, I would run into the trap of history

For example, some time ago, it broke through the annual line of 3100 points

If you go up again, you will be the People's Liberation Army

So they naturally thought about going down

Let the index go back below 3,000 points

Let the former and the nearest be put on the hill forever

Then make the spread at the bottom

It is constantly consuming the stock of funds

Fees and taxes are consumed

The value center of A-shares is getting lower and lower

The losses of patient capital and long-term investors are getting worse and worse

So this kind of under the banner of the United States

Quantitative trading is untenable

The fourth is about the delisting of one-dollar shares

From the point of view of the starting point

The new village chief strengthened the delisting

Resolutely remove the black sheep and zombie shells of the stock market

It seems that it can purify the market

But the actual situation may not be his original intention

Do you remember the circuit breaker in January 2016?

At that time, it was announced that it would be a circuit breaker if it fell by 7%.

As a result, after the circuit breaker measures were announced on January 4

By January 8, there were two melts in two consecutive days

I had to stop the circuit breaker, and if it went on like this, it would be terrible


When people see a 2% drop

I'm worried about falling 3%, and when it falls 3%, I'm worried about falling 4%

When it falls by 5%, it melts by 7% all at once

Because I am worried that I will not be able to escape after the circuit breaker

This is caused by the psychology of the market

220 million shareholders, everyone looks down

That's over, and it's going to fuse quickly

Now the same is true for the delisting of one-dollar stocks falling below one-dollar

It was obviously a piece of five, and people began to worry

Tomorrow it could be a four, the day after tomorrow could be a three

You think, I think everybody thinks so

Soon it fell below a piece

Then, after falling below one piece, look at two stocks

I don't know when a two-dollar stock will fall below one or another to be delisted

As a result, the two-dollar stock began to sell

Then the three-dollar stock started to sell

Four-dollar stocks began to sell

It's a kind of collective panic

It's the same as the circuit breaker back then

There are currently 46 stocks below $1

This is the most since 2018

There are 109 stocks below $1.5

So are these 109 just junk stocks? What about loss-making stocks?


There are nine companies with a market value of more than 10 billion and a market value of more than 50 billion

For example, BBMG Group, Baotou Steel, Greenland Holdings, and Shanzi Hi-Tech

ST Tesco, Liaoning Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., Shandong Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., Yongtai Energy, Haihai Airlines Co., Ltd

These stocks fell an average of 17.1% in June

They are not junk stocks

Some of them are also China's top 500 enterprises and the world's top 500 enterprises

Because it has a large plate, there are fewer buying orders and more selling

As a result, it is falling in the direction of one piece, going in the direction of delisting

This is due to the fear of the market and the collective sell-off

Is it a poor performance stock?


For example, like Guanghui Guanghui shares, his profit is not bad

For example, the stock of China Sea Airlines reported a profit in the first quarter and continued to be profitable in the second quarter

These are the three major airlines in China

Better than Air China's performance, Air China is still losing money

But it got to $1.09

If you don't get it right, you're going to be delisted

Is this reasonable?

Some people will say that the same is true in the United States

Anything less than $1 will be delisted

Yes, there is such a situation in the United States

Less than one dollar for 30 consecutive days

As well as giving you three months and ninety days to tidy up

Let you save yourself, so that you can shrink your shares

For example, 1.5 shares are reduced by one share, or two shares by one share

In this way, the share capital will shrink and the performance will increase

Then the stock price went up

It's amazing to come to us

If it falls below one dollar in a row within 20 days, it will be delisted

Chairman Mao said before

The policy of not giving the way is not the policy of the Communist Party

It's falling below one dollar, you have to find a way for others, right?

There are all sorts of ways to do this

For example, our Hong Kong stock market

He didn't say that he would be delisted

There are hundreds of stocks under $1 in the Hong Kong stock market

It's even a few cents

There are still a few percent of stocks that are around for the long haul

Then he can shrink one in three shares and one in five shares

There are ten strands and one strand of shrunk

There are also such strands that come back to life

Gain new life through restructuring, attract the market and obtain mergers

For example, NetEase, which is listed in the United States

It once fell below $1

After the introduction of the Chinese bigwig Duan Yongping, he was reborn

It turned out to be $100

Up to $500

So I'm thinking about non-ST stocks

And there are profitable ones

It is even one of the top 500 in China and one of the top 500 in the world

Is it reasonable for a company like this to be delisted if it falls below one dollar?

Wouldn't it be allowed to reduce people's shares?

No one is allowed to reorganize

Don't people be allowed to come back to life by buying back and increasing their holdings?

I feel like this is too urgent

This issue must be addressed as a matter of urgency

Otherwise, it will be like a circuit breaker that turns three pieces into two pieces

Two pieces become one piece, and one becomes delisting

The fifth urgent issue is:

For some ST shares that have been investigated for violations of laws and regulations

You can't just walk away

Trading should also be suspended and then awaited processing

That is, through administrative, criminal

and economic means to carry out penalties

The investor is then compensated

If the listed company runs out of money, it will not lose

That's not going to work

Sell the factory building of the listed company through legal means

Land, assets, assembly lines, inventory, and more

Including his major shareholders are responsible

Then the underwriting brokers,

The auditing accounting firm must be jointly and severally compensated

Compensate the shareholders first

This is the only way to truly protect investors

That's why I think it's important to be broadly advised

The above five problems are the most desired by the market

Rather than behind closed doors

Some empty statements made up

For example, it is necessary to increase long-term capital into the market

This is what several village chiefs have said

But the effect was never seen in action

The third topic: Can you turn over seven after being poor and six desperate?

I think the key is action

Five recommendations for appeals

Or in recent years, I think it can be easy and then difficult

It's not so easy to solve it all at once

Then do something easy first

Which is easy to do? Securities lending is prohibited

Securities lending is prohibited below 4,000 points, and it will be implemented immediately

The market will immediately have a pole effect

For example, the delisting of non-ST companies below one yuan will be suspended

Is this okay? OK

There are also a few companies that violate the rules or commit fraud

One or two typical examples of indemnifying investors come out

It will be able to stabilize the market sentiment immediately

I think it can be easy and then difficult

Of course, the last encounter is quantitative trading

Because the regulations have just been made

Consider 300 transactions per second and 20,000 transactions a day to be compliant

Overturn it now

It seems to be a bit difficult, and it takes a little time

Then it can be easy and then difficult

This is the first condition for the five poor, six and seven to turn over

The second is long-term capital, patient capital, and medium- and long-term investment

You can't repeat these words over and over again

There's so much to say about it that I've never quantified

Then I feel that the market should be the most vocal in the long run

There needs to be an explanation for the issue of equalizing funds

Even if it is in the making

However, it may need to be passed in the third review of the Financial Stability Act

Then it can be implemented

You have to have an explanation

If you are not going to do it, then tell the market as well

There is no such consideration at this time

Or through the national team to increase his financial strength to stabilize the market

Then there is also a saying

The third is from July 15th to 18th

The Third Plenary Session of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China will be held

Take a look at the policies that have been launched to deepen reform in an all-round way

Can it be exciting?

Like the Third Plenum of the 11th Central Committee

Become a turning point in history

It remains to be seen what will become a turning point for our Chinese stock market

Fourth, let's see if the RRR cut will come first?

As the Fed may be motivated by financial warfare considerations

Delayed rate cuts

It is beneficial for them to cut leeks all over the world

Now the yen has depreciated to an all-time high of 1:161

Of course, our renminbi has also depreciated recently

But in general, 7.30 dollars offshore

The one on the shore is 7.26 yuan, and it is still stable there

Then maybe the Fed cut interest rates

We, the People's Bank of China, also cut interest rates

Otherwise, interest rate differentials will cause fluctuations in the exchange rate

Then cut the RRR before cutting the interest rate

Fifth, the three major exchanges have now resumed the acceptance of new shares

Then the issuance of new shares also began

Hope can't be presumptuous

It's best to keep going at a rate of one to two times a week

Then the market sentiment can be stabilized

In this regard, our new village chief still has achievements

From January to June, the number of new companies in the queue has decreased by 280

Now there are only 487 in the queue

At the end of last year, there were 767 in line

The new rules for the size of non-reduction of holdings

In more than a month, it only reduced its holdings by 7 billion, a decrease of 88.3%

The effect is very noticeable

In the first half of the year, 44 new shares were issued, raising 32.9 billion yuan

This is down 75% and 84% respectively from the same period last year

That's very gratifying

The Kunlong Great Leap Forward finally held it down

In addition, we have to pay attention to the national team and northbound funding

See if you can sync.

Recently all the way down, fourteen trading days

Northbound funds and foreign investors are fully optimistic about A-shares.

It is said that the CSI 300 index can rise to 4100 points

But at the same time, they sold a net of 55.4 billion for 14 consecutive days

It wasn't until this Friday that I bought 4.95 billion

Then let's see if the northbound funds can turn around again in July

Now, of course, the national team has clearly built a moat around 2930.

That's my opinion, it seems like so

Just to protect 2900 points from breaking

The starting point of protecting the new village chief is 2829 points

It is necessary to build a moat at 2930 points

It has not been broken for four days so far

Moreover, the four major bank stocks in the session also hit new highs this year

Then the four major ETFs were severely suppressed by northbound funds

In the past two days, it has also begun to bottom out

China Mobile replaced Moutai to become the largest weighted stock in A-shares

That's a good sign, it's tech stocks coming up

There is also Yangtze Power

Some people have compared whether it will become China's Nvidia and so on

So I think our core asset stocks should also be cultivated

Then it must be recognized by the majority of investors

I hope to turn around in July

It depends on whether the new village chief can decisively admonish

Decisive response, strong call to absorb the market

Well, the above comments and analysis

Just one word for your reference

Thank you all for listening and watching