
Top 10 characteristics of a "garbage runner", it's important to avoid these pits!

author:Running guide

As a popular form of sports, running has attracted a large number of enthusiasts around the world.

However, the uncivilized behavior of individual runners has been repeatedly reported, which not only destroys the public image of running, but also shames the entire running community.

The so-called "junk runners" are those who run recklessly on the track, ignore the rules, and have no regard for the feelings of others.

Top 10 characteristics of a "garbage runner", it's important to avoid these pits!

The uncivilized behaviour of individual runners is tarnishing this beautiful form of sport.

1. When running in public, disturb others at will, such as making loud noises, using high-decibel music or shouting.

2. Altering, making, transferring, or selling number bibs without permission during the marathon, and playing with decks for running, seriously violating the rules of the race.

Top 10 characteristics of a "garbage runner", it's important to avoid these pits!

3. Signing up with a false age and identity, carrying multiple chips to participate in the race, not running the whole course according to the prescribed route, and running a horse while smoking......

4. Rushing supplies during the marathon not only disrupts the order of the race, but also makes other runners unable to get the necessary supplies, which makes people angry.

Top 10 characteristics of a "garbage runner", it's important to avoid these pits!

5. Disobeying the command of the event staff, interfering with the order of the game, gathering crowds to make trouble, fighting and brawls, etc.

6. Discarding empty water bottles, plastic bags and other garbage on the road, spitting, which has a negative impact on environmental hygiene.

7. In order to pursue the so-called "freedom of running", ignoring traffic rules, running red lights, and walking at will on dense traffic sections not only endanger their own safety, but also bring trouble to drivers.

8. Running side by side on narrow roads, blocking the path and affecting the passage of other pedestrians and vehicles. Participating in running activities without regard for the passage of people around them, causing traffic jams and crowds.

9. Running side by side on the playground or marathon track or occupying the lane for a long time, hindering the progress of other runners.

10. Running bare-chested in public and sweating while running, it is easy to splash sweat on people or things around you, causing discomfort and distress to others. Especially in the summer heat, runners may sweat profusely, and if they don't pay attention to controlling their behavior, it can easily affect others.

Top 10 characteristics of a "garbage runner", it's important to avoid these pits!

Why is running a sport full of positive energy, but there are still many "garbage runners"?

1. There are differences in the personal moral quality and public morality awareness of each runner. While most runners are able to behave respectfully and politely, some others behave selfishly and disrespectfully during races or training.

2. In running races, especially in long-distance events such as marathons, the competitive pressure is huge. Some runners may be so focused on results and rankings that they ignore the rules and ethics of the race and resort to unfair means or behaviors to gain an advantage.

3. Some runners may lack the necessary education and guidance on race rules and ethics. They may not be aware that their actions will negatively affect others and the game, or they may believe that their actions are justified.

4. Running, as a personal sport, is sometimes seen as a way of self-expression and the pursuit of freedom. Some runners may be so self-conscious of personal freedom and expression that they neglect respect for others and the rules of the race.

Top 10 characteristics of a "garbage runner", it's important to avoid these pits!

Freedom of running does not mean that it can be arbitrary, every runner is a transmitter of running culture, and the runner's behavior not only represents the individual, but also affects the reputation of the entire running group.

Running is a symbol of freedom, but it is not a pass for recklessness. Don't wantonly encroach on public resources in the name of running, and claim to be extraordinary. You should not ignore the rules and run rampant because of running.

Running is only a hobby, whether on the track or in daily life, conduct is always paramount, start from yourself, be a "humble runner", and refuse to be a "garbage runner".

While enjoying the health and happiness brought by running, we should put ourselves in the shoes of others, do not occupy public resources at will, and do not interfere with the normal life of others.

Let us work together to show the good style of running with practical actions, so that running can truly become a healthy and civilized way of life.

Have you ever encountered such a "garbage runner"? Let's talk in the comment area!