
watched another joke, won the award and was trained, 85 flowers breathed a sigh of relief, this operation is really 6

author:Amusement park ing

This Magnolia Award is really lively, before Wang Yibo and Wang Yang's "Wind Chaser" actor dispute created a hot spot for it, and after the list of winners was announced, the fans of the unsuccessful stars were upset for their main title.

watched another joke, won the award and was trained, 85 flowers breathed a sigh of relief, this operation is really 6

So much so that for a while, under the official blog of the Magnolia Award, a group of people who joined in the fun, watched the show, and made trouble gathered in an instant, and even due to the fierce rhetoric of some netizens, the official media had to stop commenting temporarily.

watched another joke, won the award and was trained, 85 flowers breathed a sigh of relief, this operation is really 6

Although the list of winners of the Magnolia Award made many netizens angry, thinking that the winners were not worthy of virtue. But I have to say that this follow-up result made many netizens watch another joke for free.

watched another joke, won the award and was trained, 85 flowers breathed a sigh of relief, this operation is really 6

After all, everyone's criticism of Hu Ge and Zhou Xun is far more than praise, and the voices of doubt are louder than the other, and even many netizens bluntly said that these two people are not qualified to win this award.

watched another joke, won the award and was trained, 85 flowers breathed a sigh of relief, this operation is really 6

Especially Zhou Xun, because she starred in "The Legend of Ruyi", her reputation in recent years is visible to the naked eye and is getting worse.

watched another joke, won the award and was trained, 85 flowers breathed a sigh of relief, this operation is really 6

Although Zhou Xun has the blessing of the Golden Horse Actress and other halos, Ruyi's destruction value is too great, so that many people still question her acting skills.

watched another joke, won the award and was trained, 85 flowers breathed a sigh of relief, this operation is really 6

Although her award-winning work this time is not "The Legend of Ruyi", but "Imperfect Victim", many people still feel that her performance in this drama is not particularly good, and it can only be said that it is without merit and fault, how did it reach the level of winning the award?

watched another joke, won the award and was trained, 85 flowers breathed a sigh of relief, this operation is really 6

As for Hu Ge, his performance has been very stable in recent years, and the broadcast of "Flowers" has made him feel like a tiger.

watched another joke, won the award and was trained, 85 flowers breathed a sigh of relief, this operation is really 6

It's just that some netizens think that the reason why he shouldn't win this award is because the characters he plays are too similar, and he has been spinning in his comfort zone, which doesn't give everyone a very amazing feeling.

watched another joke, won the award and was trained, 85 flowers breathed a sigh of relief, this operation is really 6

On the other hand, Tang Yan, who also starred in "Flowers", made many viewers shine, thinking that she had made a great breakthrough compared to before.

watched another joke, won the award and was trained, 85 flowers breathed a sigh of relief, this operation is really 6

The Miss Wang she played in the play is no longer as silly and sweet as in the previous play, and as the plot progresses, everyone can clearly see Miss Wang's growth.

watched another joke, won the award and was trained, 85 flowers breathed a sigh of relief, this operation is really 6

This is also why after the announcement of the Magnolia Award shortlist, Tang Yan's call for winning the award will be so high, after all, everyone sees her growth.

watched another joke, won the award and was trained, 85 flowers breathed a sigh of relief, this operation is really 6

It is precisely because of this that when her name is not on the list of Magnolia Awards in the end, everyone's reaction will be so fierce, especially her fans have been upset for her.

watched another joke, won the award and was trained, 85 flowers breathed a sigh of relief, this operation is really 6

However, although Tang Yan did not win the award in the end, many people regretted it, but the 85 flowers did breathe a sigh of relief. After all, they are now in a delicate phase of mutual balance.

watched another joke, won the award and was trained, 85 flowers breathed a sigh of relief, this operation is really 6

If Tang Yan wins the award in one fell swoop this time, it is likely that she will become the first of the 85 flowers, after all, the dividends brought to Tang Yan by "Flowers" are really too big, and even enough to catch up with Zhao Liying and others.

watched another joke, won the award and was trained, 85 flowers breathed a sigh of relief, this operation is really 6

There is also a joke that almost no one from the crew of "Wind Chaser" was present except for Wang Yang. This is understandable to everyone, after all, it was so ugly at the time, how could you expect them to laugh again.

watched another joke, won the award and was trained, 85 flowers breathed a sigh of relief, this operation is really 6

Therefore, many people speculate that Wang Yang can go to the award alone in such an embarrassing environment, which proves that he still has great hopes for his award.

watched another joke, won the award and was trained, 85 flowers breathed a sigh of relief, this operation is really 6

It's just that he thought he could win the award, but in the end he became everyone's laughing stock, especially Wang Yibo's fans are estimated to be able to laugh crazy, and this can also be seen from the comment areas of major platforms. In the comments, Wang Yang was sneered at.

watched another joke, won the award and was trained, 85 flowers breathed a sigh of relief, this operation is really 6

Although this Magnolia Award made everyone see a lot of jokes, some people sighed from the bottom of their hearts that Magnolia's operation was really 6, although it had a lot of infamy, but the traffic and topic degree really went up a lot.

watched another joke, won the award and was trained, 85 flowers breathed a sigh of relief, this operation is really 6

Some netizens have even predicted the shortlist of next year's Magnolia Award, Liu Yifei is estimated to be included, and Wan Qian is estimated to be selected, which must be very exciting by then.