
Actor Wang Yang, who missed Jiang Xin and confessed to his little sister in a high-profile manner, will definitely not live up to it for the rest of his life

author:Quack quack to see the world

Wang Yang was born in a merchant family in Harbin, and his father had been engaged in overseas trade for many years. As the only son in the family, Wang Yang has been pinned on by his father since he was a child, hoping that he can inherit the family business.

However, fate has arranged a completely different life path for this rich second generation. When he was a child, Wang Yang was not interested in the various interest classes arranged by his father, and he was always hot for three minutes.

This made his father very depressed, until one day, Wang Yang came into contact with table tennis. This sport seems to have opened up a new world for Wang Yang, and his love for table tennis has delighted his father.

Actor Wang Yang, who missed Jiang Xin and confessed to his little sister in a high-profile manner, will definitely not live up to it for the rest of his life

In order to support his son, his father not only found time to practice with him every day, but also installed a table tennis table at home. As he grew older, Wang Yang's skills got better and better, and his father's business became busier and busier.

In the end, his father decided to send Wang Yang to a sports school for professional training. In the sports school, Wang Yang is like a fish in water, participating in large and small competitions, and has achieved good results.

Table tennis has gradually become an indispensable part of Wang Yang's life. Just when Wang Yang was working hard towards the national team, fate played a cruel joke on him.

Actor Wang Yang, who missed Jiang Xin and confessed to his little sister in a high-profile manner, will definitely not live up to it for the rest of his life

In a match, Wang Yang was unfortunately injured, and the doctor's diagnosis was like a bolt from the blue: "It is no longer suitable for professional sports." This blow was undoubtedly devastating for the young Wang Yang.

At the suggestion of his father, Wang Yang chose to apply for a finance major and prepared to go to Stanford University for further study. However, visa issues put the plan on hold. Wang Yang, who was unwilling to waste time, secretly participated in the admissions examination for Shangju and Zhongchuan behind his parents' back.

With his excellent figure and appearance shaped by years of training, Wang Yang was admitted to two schools in one fell swoop. Faced with his son's decision to become an actor, although Wang Yang's father did not agree, he finally chose to understand and support.

Actor Wang Yang, who missed Jiang Xin and confessed to his little sister in a high-profile manner, will definitely not live up to it for the rest of his life

In this way, Wang Yang embarked on the road of acting and opened a new chapter in his life. This decision not only changed the trajectory of Wang Yang's life, but also laid the groundwork for his future love.

Wang Yang chose the Shanghai Theater Academy and started his acting career. During his college years, he not only worked hard to learn professional knowledge, but also met Zhang Yihe, who became friends in the future.

Because of his excellent grades, Wang Yang was sent to study in Singapore by the school in his junior year, which broadened his horizons. After graduation, Wang Yang was admitted to Beijing Renyi with his own strength and became a drama actor.

Actor Wang Yang, who missed Jiang Xin and confessed to his little sister in a high-profile manner, will definitely not live up to it for the rest of his life

Although the "human art" at that time brought together all kinds of performing arts gods, which can be called "fairy fights", Wang Yang still stood out in this highly competitive environment with his strength and acting skills, and became a "male god" in the theater.

However, Wang's goals don't stop there. After two years of precipitation, he ushered in his first film and television drama "The Special Contest of Spy War". With his outstanding performance in the role of "Lin Zihao" in the play, Wang Yang's name began to be well-known to the audience.

This success opened the door to the film and television industry for him, and then he participated in works such as "Qiu Shaoyun" and "Snow is Burning". Although Wang Yang has participated in more and more film and television works, his impression in the hearts of the audience has always stayed at the stage of "good-looking newcomer".

Actor Wang Yang, who missed Jiang Xin and confessed to his little sister in a high-profile manner, will definitely not live up to it for the rest of his life

This state of "a lot but not fine" made Wang Yang feel a little frustrated, and he began to think about how to really gain a foothold in the entertainment industry. In 2012, the opportunity finally came.

Wang Yang played the villain "Li Wei" in "Palace Lock Bead Curtain", and this role made him really enter the audience's field of vision for the first time. However, the heat brought by this success quickly subsided, and many viewers forgot about him again.

Wang Yang found that he seemed to be caught in the dilemma of "people are not popular". Faced with successive failures in his career, Wang Yang even came up with the idea of "lying flat". The father looked at his son, who was hitting a wall everywhere in the entertainment industry, and was distressed, and repeatedly proposed that he go home to inherit the family business.

Actor Wang Yang, who missed Jiang Xin and confessed to his little sister in a high-profile manner, will definitely not live up to it for the rest of his life

But Wang Yang knows that some bitterness is destined to be tasted by himself. He rejected his father's kindness, and instead focused more on his career and began to try different types of roles, hoping to find his own breakthrough.

During this period, although Wang Yang encountered many setbacks in his career, he did not give up his dream of being an actor. He firmly believes that as long as he continues to work hard, he will eventually come out one day.

It was this perseverance that laid the foundation for his future success and happy life. Wang Yang's love life is also like his acting career, experiencing ups and downs.

Actor Wang Yang, who missed Jiang Xin and confessed to his little sister in a high-profile manner, will definitely not live up to it for the rest of his life

During the filming of "If There Was Tomorrow", Wang Yang had an affair with Jiang Xin in the same crew, and this relationship made his name enter the public eye for the first time due to private matters. However, because both of them are actors, they travel all year round, get together less and leave more, and the relationship finally lasted only two years before breaking up peacefully.

After the breakup, Wang Yang devoted all his energy to his career, but the seeds of love inadvertently sprouted again. At a party, Wang Yang met Gauss through a friend's introduction.

At that time, he was sitting alone in the corner playing with his mobile phone, when he suddenly heard a hearty laugh. When he looked up, he saw a beautiful girl standing in front of him, and at this moment, Wang Yang fell in love with Gauss at first sight.

Actor Wang Yang, who missed Jiang Xin and confessed to his little sister in a high-profile manner, will definitely not live up to it for the rest of his life

After the party, the two left each other's contact information. In the subsequent contact, Wang Yang was pleasantly surprised to find that Gauss turned out to be his "little junior sister" - she also graduated from the Shanghai Theater Academy, only two years younger than him.

The common school background gave the two more common topics, and the two quickly fell in love. However, when Gauss asked for marriage, Wang Yang hesitated. He knew that his career was not stable enough to give Gauss a perfect home.

So, he promised Gauss: "If you give me a few more years, I will marry you." That's six years. Gauss's appearance not only filled the gap in Wang Yang's emotional life, but also became an important turning point in his career and life.

Actor Wang Yang, who missed Jiang Xin and confessed to his little sister in a high-profile manner, will definitely not live up to it for the rest of his life

Her patient waiting and unconditional support made Wang Yang more determined on the road of acting career. This relationship also made Wang Yang understand the preciousness of sincere love, and laid the groundwork for him to become a rare "zero scandal" actor in the entertainment industry in the future.

With the emergence of Gauss, Wang Yang's career began to gradually get on the right track. He has participated in works such as "Happy to Meet You", "20 Years Old Again", "Infernal Affairs" and other works, and his acting skills have been recognized by the audience and insiders.

However, Wang Yang has always faced a problem - "drama celebrities are not popular". Although his work has been well received, his name has always been difficult for viewers to remember, and some viewers even said that they could recognize him from the photographs but could not remember his name.

Actor Wang Yang, who missed Jiang Xin and confessed to his little sister in a high-profile manner, will definitely not live up to it for the rest of his life

Faced with this predicament, Wang Yang was not discouraged. He knows that only by constantly improving his acting skills can he truly impress the audience. So, he began to try a variety of different types of roles, hoping to find his own breakthrough.

The opportunity finally came in 2012. In "Palace Lock Bead Curtain", Wang Yang played the villain role "Li Wei". The success of this role made Wang Yang finally really enter the audience's field of vision.

However, the heat brought by this explosion soon subsided, and Wang Yang once again faced the dilemma of being forgotten. Just when Wang Yang was about to give up, the drama "Celebrating More Than Years" came to the door.

Actor Wang Yang, who missed Jiang Xin and confessed to his little sister in a high-profile manner, will definitely not live up to it for the rest of his life

In the play, "Teng Zijing" played by Wang Yang has become a "difficult to peace" in the hearts of many audiences. The success of this role made Wang Yang's name finally known to more audiences.

This breakthrough not only allowed Wang Yang to gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry, but also allowed him to see a broader space for development. After that, the hit of "Rebel" let the audience see a new Wang Yang.

Interestingly, Wang Yang originally wanted to push off the role because his wife Gauss was pregnant, but with the encouragement of his wife, he still accepted the challenge. This decision proved to be correct, the success of "Rebel" not only proves Wang Yang's acting skills again, but also confirms the "wangfu" physique of his wife Gauss.

Actor Wang Yang, who missed Jiang Xin and confessed to his little sister in a high-profile manner, will definitely not live up to it for the rest of his life

From "Palace Lock Bead Curtain" to "Celebrating More Than Years", and then to "Rebel", Wang Yang's acting career finally ushered in a turning point. He is no longer just an obscure supporting character, but has become the protagonist who can carry the whole show.

This series of successes not only allowed Wang Yang to reach new heights in his career, but also made him more determined in his choice. He finally proved that sticking to his dreams and working hard will pay off one day.

With the stability and development of his career, Wang Yang finally realized his commitment to Gauss. After six years of love, he proposed to Gauss, who had been by his side, to make up for the late wedding.

Actor Wang Yang, who missed Jiang Xin and confessed to his little sister in a high-profile manner, will definitely not live up to it for the rest of his life

This moment is not only a reward for Gauss's years of waiting, but also a new commitment for Wang Yang's life. After marriage, Wang Yang seemed to make up for the debt to Gauss in the past six years, and took her to travel all over the world.

This sweet travel time made the relationship between the two deeper, and also laid the foundation for their future life to be happy. Even during this period, the crew of "Rebel" found Wang Yang and invited him to film, but he once wanted to refuse.

It wasn't until his wife came forward to persuade him that he reluctantly agreed to the crew's request. This detail fully reflects Wang Yang's emphasis on family, as well as the mutual support and understanding between husband and wife.

Actor Wang Yang, who missed Jiang Xin and confessed to his little sister in a high-profile manner, will definitely not live up to it for the rest of his life

After the birth of his son, Wang Yang became a conscientious father. He accompanies his wife every day and takes care of his wife and son's daily life. In order to prevent his wife from postpartum depression, Wang Yang always tries his best to make his wife happy, and conveys love and care in his own way.

Today's Wang Yang, at the age of 44, has a double harvest of career and family. Whenever he sees the happy smiles of his wife and son, Wang Yang will sigh that all this waiting and persistence are worth it.

He finally fulfilled his promise on the stage of "I Am an Actor": "Be a qualified husband, and then one day you can also achieve a family of three." This promise is not only a promise to his wife, but also Wang Yang's pursuit of a better life.

Actor Wang Yang, who missed Jiang Xin and confessed to his little sister in a high-profile manner, will definitely not live up to it for the rest of his life

In the complex entertainment industry, Wang Yang is undoubtedly a special existence. Throughout his acting career, except for the short relationship with Jiang Xin, he has almost never had any scandals.

Such an innocent record is rare in the showbiz full of temptations and disputes. Wang Yang's emphasis on family has won praise from many audiences. No matter how busy his career is, he always manages to balance work and family.

When his wife needed him, he did not hesitate to choose the family; And when his wife supports him to return to work, he can devote himself to acting again.

Actor Wang Yang, who missed Jiang Xin and confessed to his little sister in a high-profile manner, will definitely not live up to it for the rest of his life

This attitude towards life has allowed Wang Yang to maintain a rare purity in the entertainment industry. Wang Yang does not pursue false fame, does not hype up scandals, and only focuses on improving his acting skills and speaking with his works.

This attitude has made him like a clear stream in the impetuous entertainment industry, and has won the respect of the audience and his peers. Even after becoming famous, he still maintains a low-key lifestyle and lives a happy and peaceful life with his wife and son.

From the rich second generation to the table tennis player to the actor, Wang Yang's life experience is full of drama. However, it was these experiences that shaped his unique personality. He proved with his own actions that as long as he sticks to his dreams and works hard, he will eventually reap his own happiness.

Actor Wang Yang, who missed Jiang Xin and confessed to his little sister in a high-profile manner, will definitely not live up to it for the rest of his life

Today's Wang Yang has become a successful model of actor and husband in the eyes of many people. His story tells us that while pursuing career success, we should not forget to cherish the love and family affection around us.

As he showed in the entertainment industry, maintaining one's heart and insisting on oneself is the most precious quality. Wang Yang's experience has undoubtedly brought a rare sincerity and firmness to this era full of impetuousness.

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