
Maoxi Management Office: Actively respond to the disaster and make every effort to repair the people's livelihood channel

author:Red Network Zhangjiajie Station

Red Net Moment News, June 29 (Correspondent Wang Gang) Recently, heavy rain ravaged Yongding District, and many main canals in the north and south of the Maoxi Reservoir Irrigation Area collapsed, some channels were completely blocked, and water drainage was blocked, seriously threatening the safety of people's lives and property in the Maoxi Irrigation District. The Maoxi Management Office resolutely shouldered the leadership responsibility for flood control and disaster relief, did not wait or rely on, took the initiative, organized and mobilized all cadres and workers to quickly assemble, and deployed all kinds of vehicles and excavators to the front line of rescue.

Maoxi Management Office: Actively respond to the disaster and make every effort to repair the people's livelihood channel

At the scene of the rescue and disaster relief, the roads were muddy, the landslides were serious, and the water was turbulent, and the party and government leaders of the Maoxi Management Office commanded from the front, being the pioneer and taking the lead, and the cadres and workers worked together to overcome difficulties. Technicians accurately formulate dredging plans; Party members charged ahead, working in the rain; Managers are on site to coordinate supplies and ensure logistics.

Maoxi Management Office: Actively respond to the disaster and make every effort to repair the people's livelihood channel

Up to now, a total of more than 200 manpower has been organized, 11 trunk canals have been successfully dredged, and more than 700 meters and 450 cubic meters of dredging have been completed, laying a solid foundation for ensuring the normal production and living order of Maoxi Irrigation Area.

Maoxi Management Office: Actively respond to the disaster and make every effort to repair the people's livelihood channel

In the face of the severe test of "6.26-6.29" continuous heavy rainfall, the Maoxi Management Office took precautions and arranged four emergency teams in advance to close the first outlet of the canal, open all the flood gates of the main canal, and ensure the timely discharge of the channel, which effectively prevented the landslide blocking the channel, poor drainage and channel overflow due to the rapid flow of the mountain, and effectively guaranteed the safety of the lives and property of residents along the channel.

Maoxi Management Office: Actively respond to the disaster and make every effort to repair the people's livelihood channel

At present, the flood control situation is still grim. The Maoxi Management Office is ready to fight, carefully deploy, further increase flood prevention efforts, strictly prevent the occurrence of secondary disasters, pay close attention to key areas and weak links, and strive to ensure the safety of "reservoir safety, channel safety, and safety of projects under construction", go all out to deal with the flood control war, and make concerted efforts to build a strong safety line of defense.

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