
4 small details of women, hinting at "I like you", don't ignore it

author:Uncle Qiao
4 small details of women, hinting at "I like you", don't ignore it

When a woman gets along with you, if she doesn't feel for you and doesn't take you seriously, she may not be very good towards you, and she may not be too attentive to your affairs.

When you need her company, the woman may be absent, when you talk to her, the woman may snub you, and the woman sends such a signal that there is no place for you in her heart, and she does not care about you.

If a woman has a crush on you and wants to live with you, she will naturally have a good attitude towards you, even if she doesn't say "I love you" to you directly, just look at her performance and you can feel her affection. In fact, there are 4 small details of women that imply "I like you", don't ignore them.

4 small details of women, hinting at "I like you", don't ignore it

1. Reply to your messages in seconds and like your "dynamics" in seconds.

You send a message to a woman and she doesn't bother to reply to you, and you ask her, "Did you receive the message I sent you?" Why don't you get back to me? The woman said directly: "I received it, but I was too lazy to talk to you, so I didn't reply to you, and you will send me fewer messages in the future." ”

After you post a story, a woman often turns a blind eye to your story and doesn't take your story seriously, which shows that she doesn't have a place for you in her heart.

If a woman has true feelings for you and falls in love with you from the bottom of her heart, she will naturally be rare for you, she will often focus on you, will reply to your messages in seconds, and after you post the latest news, she will give you a like and comment for the first time, a woman releases such a signal, indicating that she has your place in her heart, and she really cares about you.

4 small details of women, hinting at "I like you", don't ignore it

2. You ask for help, and she will do her best to help you.

When a woman gets along with you, she is extremely cold to you, extremely inattentive to your affairs, she does not pay attention to your affairs, and she will not express her opinions on your affairs.

When you ask her, she only feels "annoying" and is not willing to help you, often looking for reasons to refuse you, and the woman releases such a signal, indicating that there is no place for you in her heart.

If a woman has true feelings for you and falls in love with you from the bottom of her heart, she will naturally focus on you, if you are not doing well, she will worry about your affairs, especially when you have a request for her, she will not care about your affairs, she will always bring warmth to your life, which makes you feel surprised.

4 small details of women, hinting at "I like you", don't ignore it

3. When walking with you, take the initiative to approach you.

When two people are together, a woman will subconsciously distance herself from you, unwilling to get close to you, and resist getting close to her.

When you are walking, in some public places, the woman always keeps a long distance from you, in order to avoid the "suspicion of melons and plums", she is afraid of others gossiping, afraid that others will mistakenly think that you are walking very close, the woman releases such a signal, indicating that there is no place for you in her heart.

A woman has real feelings for you, falling in love with you from the bottom of her heart, she will like to stay with you, reluctant to part with you, when she is with you, she will not help but be close to you, such as when she walks with you, she will take the initiative to approach you, or hold your hand, a woman has such an external performance, which means that she is emotionally attached to you.

4 small details of women, hinting at "I like you", don't ignore it

4. Some special days will be voted for you.

On some special days, such as your acquaintance anniversary, your birthday, etc., the woman has not contacted you, forgot about you, and when you take the initiative to find her, she also shows a cold face, and the woman will treat you like this, obviously not taking you seriously and not caring about you.

A woman has real feelings for you and falls in love with you from the bottom of her heart, and on some special days, she will take the initiative to contact you, do something to your liking, and bring joy to your life, which touches you, and women care about you, so they will have such an external performance.

4 small details of women, hinting at "I like you", don't ignore it