
People don't get malignant tumors for no reason! Director of Oncology: There are these five reasons behind it

author:Medical original story meeting
People don't get malignant tumors for no reason! Director of Oncology: There are these five reasons behind it

After being diagnosed with malignant tumors, many people will cry bitterly, lamenting that fate is so unfair, why is it themselves who suffer from cancer!

The question is, is it really just bad luck to have a malignant tumor?

Of course not! People don't get malignant tumors for no reason, and those who suffer from malignant tumors often have some deep-seated reasons behind them, in fact, if you understand the pathogenesis of malignant tumors, you know that it is not so unfathomable, not completely unpreventable.

According to the World Health Organization, one-third of cancers are completely preventable; One-third of cancers can be cured by early detection; One in three cancers can be treated with available medical treatments to prolong life, reduce suffering and improve quality of life.

Let's take a look at what causes the increased risk of malignant tumors?

First, people who smoke for a long time have a higher risk of malignant tumors

As the director of the oncology department, the most encountered are lung cancer patients, indeed, lung cancer is the highest incidence and mortality rate of malignant tumors in the mainland, most of the lung cancer patients, have a long-term smoking history, some people are particularly addicted to smoking, even if they are diagnosed with lung cancer, they are not willing to quit smoking.

Cigarettes contain a variety of harmful substances, cigarettes will release tar, nicotine, benzopyrene, carbon monoxide, nitrosamines, etc. when burned, these harmful substances are inhaled into the lungs, will directly damage the bronchial mucosal epithelium, and eventually induce malignant tumors.

Needless to say, smoking is the main culprit in lung cancer, and the longer you smoke and the more you smoke, the higher the risk of developing lung cancer.

People don't get malignant tumors for no reason! Director of Oncology: There are these five reasons behind it

Second, people who have been troubled by bad emotions for a long time have a higher risk of malignant tumors

After being a doctor for a long time, it is easy to find that many patients suffering from malignant tumors are often plagued by bad emotions for a long time, and many of them are either particularly irritable and always lose their temper at every turn, typical type A personality, or they are particularly anxious and depressed, and they always live extremely depressed all day long.

There is no doubt that a bad mood, a bad mood, can easily reduce immunity, affect the endocrine system of the person, and make people more susceptible to malignant tumors.

In medical terms, these bad emotions are called cancer personalities.

Third, obese people have a higher risk of malignancy

The more obese they are, the more likely they are to suffer from malignant tumors, for the simple reason that obese people are more likely to have chronic inflammation in their bodies, and under the effect of chronic inflammation, the higher the risk of malignant organ transformation.

A study published in the authoritative medical journal The BMJ (British Medical Journal) showed that obesity is closely related to as many as 11 types of tumors, and obesity can significantly increase the incidence of these tumors, these 11 cancers are esophageal tumors, colon cancer, rectal cancer, bile duct cancer, pancreatic cancer, endometrial cancer, multiple myeloma, breast cancer, gallbladder cancer, stomach cancer, and ovarian cancer.

Fourth, people who have been drinking heavily for a long time have a higher risk of malignant tumors

There are two high-risk factors for cancer, one is smoking, the other is alcoholism, the intermediate metabolite acetaldehyde of alcohol will directly induce cell mutations, so the World Health Organization has long defined alcohol as a class I carcinogen, and long-term alcoholism will lead to an increase in the incidence of a variety of malignant tumors, including liver cancer, gastric cancer, pancreatic cancer, colorectal cancer, etc.

Among mainland residents, more than 40% of people lack acetaldehyde dehydrogenase in their bodies and cannot effectively decompose acetaldehyde.

Fifth, people who stay up late for a long time have a higher risk of malignant tumors

For the human body, the most important thing is immunity, so how to improve immunity? It is very important to maintain a good night's sleep, people who sleep well, the mental state will be better, and the immunity will be better, if you often stay up late, resulting in serious sleep deprivation or poor sleep, the direct consequence is that the immunity becomes poor, and after the immunity becomes poor, the risk of malignant tumors will also increase.

People don't get malignant tumors for no reason! Director of Oncology: There are these five reasons behind it