
There is a blood clot in the body, hands and feet prophet! If you have these 4 symptoms in your hands and feet, your blood vessels may be blocked

author:Medical original story meeting
There is a blood clot in the body, hands and feet prophet! If you have these 4 symptoms in your hands and feet, your blood vessels may be blocked

Blood, constitutes life, it is because of the continuous supply of nutrients and nutrients in the blood, to ensure that our organs can function normally, blood is most afraid of two extremes, one is the abnormal coagulation function, resulting in serious bleeding, the other is the anticoagulant function is abnormal, resulting in serious thrombosis.

Thrombosis is a small lump of blood flow on the surface of the inner surface of the cardiovascular system, which is composed of insoluble fibrin, deposited platelets, and accumulated white and red blood cells.

A healthy person generally does not suffer from blood clots, but if they suffer from diseases such as atherosclerosis, malignant tumors, heart failure, diabetes, chronic renal failure, and vasculitis, the risk of blood clots is high.

Thrombosis is a very dangerous disease, no matter where the blood clot appears in the body, it will lead to a sudden interruption of blood flow, due to the loss of blood supply, if not treated in a timely and effective manner, the organ will develop serious lesions in a short time.

What many people don't know is that when there is a blood clot in the body, the hands and feet are often the first to know, and if the hands and feet have these 4 manifestations, the blood vessels may have been blocked!

First, there is unexplained numbness and weakness in the hands and feet, or it is accompanied by obvious mobility impairment

When a blood clot appears in the brain, it is easy to cause numbness and weakness in the hands and feet of one limb, or accompanied by obvious mobility disorders, generally speaking, if the blood clot is located in the left side of the brain, then the right limb will have symptoms, and if the blood clot is located in the right brain, then the left limb will have symptoms.

If there is a blood clot in the brain, in addition to abnormal signals in the hands and feet, patients often have symptoms such as dizziness, headache, blurred vision, vomiting, aphasia, crooked corners of the mouth, and numbness of the tongue.

There is a blood clot in the body, hands and feet prophet! If you have these 4 symptoms in your hands and feet, your blood vessels may be blocked

Second, there is unexplained cyanosis of the hands and feet

Cyanosis refers to a manifestation of a bluish-purple change in the skin and mucous membranes due to an increase in deoxyhemoglobin in the blood, which can also be called cyanosis.

In layman's terms, cyanosis is a sign of hypoxia.

The hands and feet are located at the ends of the body, and if there is a severe lack of oxygen, then the hands and feet tend to manifest as well, and cyanosis is one of them.

Cyanosis occurs if there is an acute blood clot in the blood vessels of the hands and feet, or if an acute blood clot occurs in another part of the body, such as the heart, which causes the blood supply to the hands and feet to be abnormal.

Thirdly, there is unexplained swelling and pain in the hands and feet

Thrombosis is generally seen on one side, and it is relatively rare to have thrombosis on both sides at the same time, when there is a thrombus on one side of the hand and foot, compared with the normal side, it can be found that the affected hand and foot have obvious swelling, and the patient is often accompanied by obvious pain, the pain caused by thrombosis is the pain of muscle and nerve spasm, and the pain is very intense.

Fourth, there is unexplained cold hands and feet, cramps

Generally speaking, if the blood vessels are better, then the blood vessels of the hands and feet can be palpated at the same time, the feet are mainly the dorsalis pedis artery, the hands are mainly the radial artery, if there is abnormal blood clots in the hands and feet, then the hands and feet will become very cold, and the affected side and the normal side will have obvious contrast, and the cramps on the affected side will also be very prominent.

Thrombosis is a very dangerous disease, and if an acute thrombus is found, it is necessary to go to the hospital immediately, because a blood clot in any part of the body can lead to life-threatening if it is not treated in time.

Generally speaking, after thrombosis, the best time for treatment is within 4 hours, the sooner the better, if the best time for treatment is missed, not only the risk factor will be greatly increased, but more importantly, the complications will occur later, and the doctor can not do anything.

We should keep in mind that unhealthy lifestyle habits are closely related to the formation of blood clots, especially long-term high-fat, high-calorie and high-salt diets, sedentary lifestyle, long-term staying up late, smoking, alcoholism, etc., all of which are easy to lead to the formation of blood clots.

There is a blood clot in the body, hands and feet prophet! If you have these 4 symptoms in your hands and feet, your blood vessels may be blocked