
Officially opened to the public on July 1st! The "Canopy Market" in Situan Town made its debut

author:Shanghai Fengxian

Recently, the "Tianpeng Market" located at No. 156 Tianpeng Street, Situan Town, has started trial operation.

Officially opened to the public on July 1st! The "Canopy Market" in Situan Town made its debut
Officially opened to the public on July 1st! The "Canopy Market" in Situan Town made its debut

Walking into the "Canopy Market", you will be greeted by bright spotlights and neat grounds...... A clean and tidy shopping environment comes into view.

Officially opened to the public on July 1st! The "Canopy Market" in Situan Town made its debut
Officially opened to the public on July 1st! The "Canopy Market" in Situan Town made its debut

Vegetables, fruits, furniture and other areas are well arranged, clearly partitioned, and functional, and a dazzling array of goods are neatly placed on the shelves for residents to choose from.

Officially opened to the public on July 1st! The "Canopy Market" in Situan Town made its debut
Officially opened to the public on July 1st! The "Canopy Market" in Situan Town made its debut

On the first day of trial operation, it attracted many residents to come, from vegetables and fruits to cereals, from tea dry goods to alcoholic beverages, all kinds of commodities greatly met the needs of surrounding residents to purchase fruits and vegetables, fresh food, and daily necessities.

Officially opened to the public on July 1st! The "Canopy Market" in Situan Town made its debut
Officially opened to the public on July 1st! The "Canopy Market" in Situan Town made its debut

"The sparrows here are small and well-equipped, the vegetables are fresh and the prices are fair." The aunt who came to buy early in the morning said happily.

It is reported that the "Tianpeng Market" entered the trial operation stage from June 28 to 30, and officially opened for business on July 1. In addition, the first KFC of the four regiments next to the market is also in the process of being renovated, and it will be available to you soon, so stay tuned.