
Foreign media reporter Farage made it difficult for Deng Gong: Why are you always the second-in-command? How did Deng Gong answer?

author:Sit on a landscape day

As a great leader of the Republic, Deng Gong has three ups and downs in his life, which is very legendary. And a large part of the reason why he was able to make the right decisions at every important moment in his life and country came from his mentality and wisdom.

Foreign media reporter Farage made it difficult for Deng Gong: Why are you always the second-in-command? How did Deng Gong answer?

【Deng Gong】

In the face of the internationally recognized "difficult and tricky" reporter Farage, Deng Gong is also at ease, his language is plain and concise without losing humor, and at the same time, he will not give foreign media reporters a little bit of room to make a fuss.

Foreign media reporter Farage made it difficult for Deng Gong: Why are you always the second-in-command? How did Deng Gong answer?

[Farage interviews Deng Gong]

For example, Farage once made things difficult for Deng Gong and asked him: Why are you always the second-in-command?

Deng Gong's sentence made all the foreign media speechless.

Deng Gong and New China

At the age of 16, Deng Gong went to France to study, explored the way to save the country, and joined the Communist Party of China; At the age of 25, he led the Baise Uprising and created the Seventh Army of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army; At the age of 34, he became the political commissar of the 129th Division, and together with Liu Shuai, he led the 129th Division to become the main force in the War of Resistance against Japan and Liberation.

Foreign media reporter Farage made it difficult for Deng Gong: Why are you always the second-in-command? How did Deng Gong answer?

【Deng Gong and Liu Shuai】

By the age of 52, he had become a core member of the first generation of leaders of the CPC Central Committee......

In 1955, when China conferred the title for the first time, Deng Gong, as the founder of the Red Army and a person who made great contributions in major wars, was fully qualified to be awarded the rank of marshal, not to mention that he was still serving in the army at that time.

But Deng Gong kept resigning and took the initiative to choose to give up the title.

In the bumpy years that followed, Deng Gong never complained or said much, completed the work in the factory every day according to quality and quantity, planted vegetables and raised chickens in the yard, maintained the habit of reading and listening to the news every day, and took care of his son with disabled legs every day.

Foreign media reporter Farage made it difficult for Deng Gong: Why are you always the second-in-command? How did Deng Gong answer?

[Deng Gong and his family who just arrived at the Jiangxi Tractor Repair Factory]

Deng Gong's mentality has always been very good, because he believes that he will still contribute to the country, and the most important thing is not to let himself fall.

Later, Deng Gong made a comeback, set things right, turned the tide, and proposed reform and opening up at a critical moment in China's development, allowing China's development to ride the wind and waves of the times.

Journalists are the most feared by world leaders

There is no doubt that Deng Gong is a legend in the eyes of people all over the world, so many foreign reporters want to contact and interview him three times and twice, and want to explore the future direction of China from Deng Gong's words and attitudes.

Farage is one of them.

Foreign media reporter Farage made it difficult for Deng Gong: Why are you always the second-in-command? How did Deng Gong answer?

【Oriana Farage】

Farage, a well-known journalist in Italy, was a partisan in World War II.

Her personality is very unruly, and she has experienced life and death, so when facing the big names in many countries, Farage will not be affected by the aura of these characters at all, and always dares to ask all kinds of sensitive questions.

Farage often spends weeks digging deep into the characters before meeting them, asking them all sorts of trapped.

Foreign media reporter Farage made it difficult for Deng Gong: Why are you always the second-in-command? How did Deng Gong answer?

【Oriana Farage】

In interviews, she can continue to interview for six or seven hours, and it is easy to get tired and careless with her aggressive offensive, and then make some sensitive remarks.

As a result, many national leaders are very afraid to be interviewed by Farage, with the exception of Deng Gong.

In 1980, when many changes had taken place in China, international journalists rushed to China to interview China's second-generation core leader, Deng Gong.

Foreign media reporter Farage made it difficult for Deng Gong: Why are you always the second-in-command? How did Deng Gong answer?

【Deng Gong】

Deng Gong understood that it was time to show the world China's attitude, so he decided to be interviewed, and in the application of a group of reporters, Deng Gong directly named the most difficult Farage.

Farage's tricky questions

Sure enough, Farage came prepared at a glance, and in the interview, she successively asked questions on very acute topics in the international community, such as "hanging a portrait of Chairman Mao" and "China's version of Khrushchev".

Deng Gong's translator was in a cold sweat when he listened to Farage's straightforward and bold questions, but Deng Gong always kept smiling and talking eloquently - he was very willing to let the world listen to China's real voice.

Foreign media reporter Farage made it difficult for Deng Gong: Why are you always the second-in-command? How did Deng Gong answer?

【Farage and Deng Gong】

Later, Farage asked Deng Gong again: "You are so capable, why do you always be the second-in-command?" - Deng Gong has never held the post of president of the country in the Central Committee, and if you really want to talk about it, he is indeed the second-in-command.

But no matter what period or country it is placed in, it is a bit exciting to say it to people's faces, but Farage asked it directly in a public setting that attracted worldwide attention, which was really tricky and sharp.

No matter how you answer, it is possible to give someone a handle.

Deng Gong's answer

Deng Gong did not change his mood when he heard Farage's question, nor did he explain or prove anything, but replied with a flat smile:

"Being second-in-command didn't stop me from playing, I was still able to play."
Foreign media reporter Farage made it difficult for Deng Gong: Why are you always the second-in-command? How did Deng Gong answer?

【Deng Gong】

At that time, Deng Gong was already in his old age, and he believed that the country's development needed more fresh blood to be in line with international standards. And in his old age, he prefers to focus his limited time on the people.

Such an answer not only expresses his own attitude, but also does not have any loopholes to make a fuss, Farage may have imagined many ways to deal with the recipients, but he did not expect Deng Guild to answer like this.

After this interview, Farage was also completely impressed by Deng Gong's personality charm and strong core person, and Deng Gong's wisdom made this "difficult" interview, which attracted the attention of the world, into an opportunity to promote China to the world.

Foreign media reporter Farage made it difficult for Deng Gong: Why are you always the second-in-command? How did Deng Gong answer?

【Deng Gong】

Later, Farage also said that he liked and admired Deng Gong very much, and said that he had never met such a wise, funny and honest leader.


[1] How did Deng Xiaoping respond to foreign media, "Why is he always the second-in-command if he is so capable"?

[2] Farage interviewed Deng Xiaoping and the Central Party History and Literature Research Institute of the Communist Party of China

[3] New China's first conferral of the title: Why Deng Xiaoping is not a marshal (pictured) People's Daily Online

[4] Deng Xiaoping: "China cannot be satisfied with backwardness", Beijing Daily

[5] Deng Xiaoping's Language Arts: China Organization and Personnel Bulletin

[6] Deng Xiaoping: The chief architect of reform and opening up, changing the historical destiny of the Chinese people, People's Network