
Skill +1, Friend +n! Gimhae Citizen Night School Graduation Ceremony Novelty! The classroom is transformed into an antique tea shop →

author:Shanghai Fengxian

Recently, the 12-week "Life Tea Art Class" of the spring class of the Jinhai Street Citizen Night School ushered in the completion. This issue of the Jinhai Street Citizen Night School Course invited the first batch of "Life Stars" in the street's "Xinghai Dreaming" program to excavate the "Life Stars" teacher Cheng Yao, who is the manager of Mu Ming Tang and Mu Yao Hut.

Through the spring class of the citizen night school, a group of young people who love tea culture gathered together. In the atmosphere of tea fragrance, the students learned about the origin of Chinese tea culture, the types of tea, how to use tea utensils, how to make tea, and the basic etiquette of tea ceremony.

Skill +1, Friend +n! Gimhae Citizen Night School Graduation Ceremony Novelty! The classroom is transformed into an antique tea shop →
Skill +1, Friend +n! Gimhae Citizen Night School Graduation Ceremony Novelty! The classroom is transformed into an antique tea shop →

The biggest easter egg of this night school is the graduation tea party carefully prepared by the teachers and students, and the theme of the tea party is also very appropriate, the theme is "Summer Solstice Friends". The 25 trainees were divided into 6 groups according to the six major types of tea in China: black tea, green tea, oolong tea, white tea, yellow tea, and dark tea, and each selected the theme tea and arranged the tea ceremony according to the characteristics of the tea.

Skill +1, Friend +n! Gimhae Citizen Night School Graduation Ceremony Novelty! The classroom is transformed into an antique tea shop →
Skill +1, Friend +n! Gimhae Citizen Night School Graduation Ceremony Novelty! The classroom is transformed into an antique tea shop →
Skill +1, Friend +n! Gimhae Citizen Night School Graduation Ceremony Novelty! The classroom is transformed into an antique tea shop →

On the day of the closing ceremony, the classroom was transformed into an ancient tea shop, and some students came to the closing tea party site early, and arranged a tea ceremony full of personality and unique aesthetics from the aspects of theme and design concept. The tea party process is rich in content, from the tea party sign-in, cloth table, pre-dinner communication, to the group introduction of the tea party, mutual tea tasting, etc., and finally the students and on-site staff jointly voted for the "Best Tea Banquet Award", "Best Tea Soup Award" and "Most Beautiful Tea Man Award".

Best Tea Banquet Award

Skill +1, Friend +n! Gimhae Citizen Night School Graduation Ceremony Novelty! The classroom is transformed into an antique tea shop →
Skill +1, Friend +n! Gimhae Citizen Night School Graduation Ceremony Novelty! The classroom is transformed into an antique tea shop →

The "Lotus Yellow Rhyme" group, which won the "Best Tea Banquet Award", not only used ingenuity in arranging the tea banquet and combining yellow tea with lotus flowers, but also invited "foreign aid" to play the guqin in the tea tasting session. Liao Liao, the leader of the group, believes that the tea party is a very rare opportunity to relax and experience the tea culture of the mainland more deeply.

Best Tea Soup Award

Skill +1, Friend +n! Gimhae Citizen Night School Graduation Ceremony Novelty! The classroom is transformed into an antique tea shop →

The "Bamboo and Tea" group is also a mother and daughter who won the "Best Tea Award", the difference is that they are both students of the citizen night school, the daughter learned on the official account that the citizen night school course in Jinhai Street is related to tea art, and she is also more interested in tea art, so she invited her mother to sign up for the course of the citizen night school together, and the mother and daughter study together and progress together.

The Most Beautiful Tea Man Award

Skill +1, Friend +n! Gimhae Citizen Night School Graduation Ceremony Novelty! The classroom is transformed into an antique tea shop →
Skill +1, Friend +n! Gimhae Citizen Night School Graduation Ceremony Novelty! The classroom is transformed into an antique tea shop →
Skill +1, Friend +n! Gimhae Citizen Night School Graduation Ceremony Novelty! The classroom is transformed into an antique tea shop →

Student Hu also did her homework for the graduation tea party, purchased lotus flowers in advance, placed black tea in lotus petals, and let the lotus fragrance circulate between the tea leaves.

Skill +1, Friend +n! Gimhae Citizen Night School Graduation Ceremony Novelty! The classroom is transformed into an antique tea shop →
Skill +1, Friend +n! Gimhae Citizen Night School Graduation Ceremony Novelty! The classroom is transformed into an antique tea shop →

At the tea party, a tea party with the inscription "Durian Summer" not only cleverly borrowed the homonym of "stay", but also conveyed the students' attachment to the good time of the citizen's night school.

On the day of the event, the members of the group were all dressed in white Chinese clothes, group member Fan introduced that the group clothing is based on the color of the group's tea set, the type of tea in advance within the group to discuss the match, the group members did not know each other before, from different places, with different jobs, but because the citizen night school gathered together, met a group of like-minded tea friends, while harvesting knowledge together, but also harvested pure and far-reaching friendship.

Shanghai Citizen Art Night School is an important part of the Municipal Party Committee's People's Heart Project and the "Social Aesthetic Education Plan", which improves the artistic accomplishment and humanistic quality of citizens and improves the aesthetic ability of the public. Although the spring class of the Gimhae Street Citizen Night School has ended, the autumn class is being prepared, and in the future, the street will also link more resources to tap the "people's stars" in the jurisdiction and bring more activities that are satisfactory to residents.