
Mu! The twins, serving as soldiers together and having a wedding together!

author:Hanjiang News
Mu! The twins, serving as soldiers together and having a wedding together!
Mu! The twins, serving as soldiers together and having a wedding together!

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Twin brothers

Born together

Enlist in the army together

Not long ago, they held a wedding together

Marry your own bride

What kind of story is this?

Today, let's get to know each other together

This pair of "Thunder" brothers

Mu! The twins, serving as soldiers together and having a wedding together!
Mu! The twins, serving as soldiers together and having a wedding together!
Mu! The twins, serving as soldiers together and having a wedding together!

Brother Li Baizhen

Officer of a certain department of the Navy in the Northern Theater of Operations

Younger brother Li Baiting

An officer of a certain unit of the Air Force of the Southern Theater of Operations

The brothers were born six minutes apart

But the personalities are very different

The elder brother is calm and introverted, introverted and shy

The younger brother is lively and cheerful and outgoing

Mu! The twins, serving as soldiers together and having a wedding together!
Mu! The twins, serving as soldiers together and having a wedding together!

The grandfather of the two was a veteran of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea

Affected by family factors

The military dream was planted in the hearts of the two brothers

After the college entrance examination

They resolutely chose to apply for military school


The brothers were respectively admitted to the Naval Aviation University

and Military Transport Academy admission

Mu! The twins, serving as soldiers together and having a wedding together!

However, after entering the military academy, the training is intense

But it made his younger brother Li Baiting a little unbearable

even retreated

During that time, my brother Li Baizhen

I often use my break time to talk to my brother

Calm him down and cheer him on

With the help of your family

Li Baiting gradually adjusted his mentality

The military training results in the new training period have also all met the standards

Mu! The twins, serving as soldiers together and having a wedding together!


Two brothers

Spend less time with your family and leave more

"We've only seen each other twice in five years"

Brother Li Baizhen recalled

One was to visit my sick mother

The other time is to prepare for this wedding

Mu! The twins, serving as soldiers together and having a wedding together!

One person joins the army, and the whole family is glorious

Brothers joining the army together is doubly honored

Mention of the sons of two officers

The parents' faces were full of pride and pride

"Although I miss both children very much

But they can be 'handed over to the state'

It is also the glory of our family! ”

Mu! The twins, serving as soldiers together and having a wedding together!

Wedding scene

Accompanied by the sonorous and powerful "Battle Song of the Strong Army"

Li Baizhen and Li Baiting are wearing dresses

Step into the wedding hall

The soldier is full of a sense of ceremony

Let the atmosphere of the scene

It's warm and sacred

Mu! The twins, serving as soldiers together and having a wedding together!

Twin brothers

One south and one north guard the sea and air of the motherland

They are brothers, but also comrades-in-arms

I believe that they will be able to run their own small family well

It can protect our country better


Source: Northern Theater of Operations (ID: bhjdgzh)