
"Lonely Lost City" I'm sorry, I'm just picking flaws! There are a lot of problems in the first 4 episodes!

author:Gold Lens

"Lone Lost City" was airborne and menacing, and it was launched on the last day of June. The lineup is very strong, Huang Jingyu and Xin Zhilei are the main players, plus a group of old drama bones who are very familiar when they look at it, it is a very sincere work at first glance!

"Lonely Lost City" I'm sorry, I'm just picking flaws! There are a lot of problems in the first 4 episodes!

The male protagonist Huang Jingyu is the most "hard" actor in the young generation after the 90s!

He has acted in a lot of military and spy wars, not to mention the content, in terms of image shaping, he is the most warrior on the whole!

"Lonely Lost City" I'm sorry, I'm just picking flaws! There are a lot of problems in the first 4 episodes!

Huang Jingyu's action scenes are also very realistic, and they belong to the real fist to the flesh! "Lonely Lost City" dedicated a hand-to-hand combat scene as soon as it came up, which is really pleasing to the eye!


The plot begins with the 1945 expeditionary force in Burma, and the story seems to be very complicated but is actually very old-fashioned:.

"Lonely Lost City" I'm sorry, I'm just picking flaws! There are a lot of problems in the first 4 episodes!

The male protagonist belongs to the military command.,Under the infection of the female protagonist and a group of outstanding underground party members.,Found the difference in faith.,Finally, he made the right choice.。

"Lonely Lost City" I'm sorry, I'm just picking flaws! There are a lot of problems in the first 4 episodes!

The plot is not a big problem, as long as it is reasonable, but "Lone Lost City" is not very well written overall.!

"Lonely Lost City" I'm sorry, I'm just picking flaws! There are a lot of problems in the first 4 episodes!

One: serum

The encounter between the male protagonist and the female protagonist is magical:

The male protagonist was seriously injured and fell in the woods in the costume of an invader,!

"Lonely Lost City" I'm sorry, I'm just picking flaws! There are a lot of problems in the first 4 episodes!

This setting is reasonable but there is something wrong, the war has reached a white-hot stage, and it is still so exquisite?

Anyway, under the principle of the female protagonist, the seriously injured male protagonist escaped! Of course, although the heroine is a doctor, she still won't save the invaders!

"Lonely Lost City" I'm sorry, I'm just picking flaws! There are a lot of problems in the first 4 episodes!

Only one day later, the Allies discovered that something was wrong, they were infected by the virus!

This virus is deadly, like the invaders who researched it specifically for war!

"Lonely Lost City" I'm sorry, I'm just picking flaws! There are a lot of problems in the first 4 episodes!

The heroine took him to the barracks to do research,!

"Lonely Lost City" I'm sorry, I'm just picking flaws! There are a lot of problems in the first 4 episodes!

The female protagonist told the leader that Carl's blood type is the same as that of the male protagonist, and it is a very good opportunity to experiment!

The leader clearly told the heroine,! Under the resolute obstruction of the leader, the heroine can only give up!

"Lonely Lost City" I'm sorry, I'm just picking flaws! There are a lot of problems in the first 4 episodes!

Soon, the heroine discovers that she is also infected,...

"Lonely Lost City" I'm sorry, I'm just picking flaws! There are a lot of problems in the first 4 episodes!

But this setting is obviously far-fetched! The previous emphasis was on blood type matching, but when it was her turn, she used it directly? Could it be such a coincidence that her blood type is also a match?

"Lonely Lost City" I'm sorry, I'm just picking flaws! There are a lot of problems in the first 4 episodes!

Although we are not doctors, we can see at a glance that this does not stand up to scrutiny.

"Lonely Lost City" I'm sorry, I'm just picking flaws! There are a lot of problems in the first 4 episodes!

Two: tears

On the way to Chongqing when the male protagonist was sent to Chongqing by the military commander, the plot recalled the past of the male protagonist, and the time came to 1941, in order to infiltrate the invaders, the male protagonist and the military commander took a lot of effort, and finally passed the invader's investigation!

"Lonely Lost City" I'm sorry, I'm just picking flaws! There are a lot of problems in the first 4 episodes!

However, the leader of the aggressor, the bridge is not so easy to trust a person!

After catching the male protagonist's online Lou Mingyuan, the bridge tested the male protagonist through him, and under the devastation of various tortures, Lou Mingyuan was covered in bruises and just wanted to die!

"Lonely Lost City" I'm sorry, I'm just picking flaws! There are a lot of problems in the first 4 episodes!

At this time, the male protagonist was in tears of sadness in front of the eyes of Ohashi and others!

And more than once, I flowed once when I wanted to shoot, and again when I was destroyed by special drugs! The male protagonist who is so emotional, didn't find anything abnormal in the bridge?

"Lonely Lost City" I'm sorry, I'm just picking flaws! There are a lot of problems in the first 4 episodes!

In that environment, the male protagonist himself is in a hurry.,!

The director is good,!

"Lonely Lost City" I'm sorry, I'm just picking flaws! There are a lot of problems in the first 4 episodes!

This kind of practice of three hundred taels of silver here is really disgusting, you can beat your chest in the middle of the night, but you can't have any chance of getting a handle in public, so what kind of good agent is this?

"Lonely Lost City" I'm sorry, I'm just picking flaws! There are a lot of problems in the first 4 episodes!

Three: self-casting

Student demonstrations were a common occurrence in that environment, most notably the May Fourth Movement! There are not a few students who died in the parade, and for the sake of the final victory, there is no way to do it!

"Lonely Lost City" I'm sorry, I'm just picking flaws! There are a lot of problems in the first 4 episodes!

"Lonely in the City" also has this kind of scene, where the students protest against the brutality of the invaders.

"Lonely Lost City" I'm sorry, I'm just picking flaws! There are a lot of problems in the first 4 episodes!

At this time, Ye Xuanmin actually made a seemingly great but a little speechless decision: he planned to show up and ask the students not to do this kind of behavior again!

"Lonely Lost City" I'm sorry, I'm just picking flaws! There are a lot of problems in the first 4 episodes!

The one the aggressor wants to catch the most is Ye Xuanmin! Doesn't Ye Xuanmin know how important he is?

Ye Xuanmin is the person in charge of Shanghai!?

"Lonely Lost City" I'm sorry, I'm just picking flaws! There are a lot of problems in the first 4 episodes!

Ye Xuanmin's irrational behavior could not save the students at all except for sacrificing in vain! It was 1941, the war had not just begun, the true face of the invaders had long been known, and it was impossible to let go of any of the people they wanted to kill!

"Lonely Lost City" I'm sorry, I'm just picking flaws! There are a lot of problems in the first 4 episodes!

Ye Xuanmin's behavior is ugly, and it directly plays a counter-assist role!

Sincerely convinced that the director could think of this kind of stalk that moved him.

"Lonely Lost City" I'm sorry, I'm just picking flaws! There are a lot of problems in the first 4 episodes!


The above is the setting of the first four episodes, which is relatively unscrutinized. Although it is difficult to make a work perfect, a good work can also make the plot more reasonable, and it is obvious that "Lonely Lost City" is a bit too strong!

"Lonely Lost City" I'm sorry, I'm just picking flaws! There are a lot of problems in the first 4 episodes!

Of course, some works are anticlimactic, such as "Harbin 1944", which started with a lot of attention, and the ending directly became a "god" drama!

There are also works that start low and go high, such as "When the Stars Shine" at the beginning is very indescribable, but at the end, it is directly a god!

I hope that "Lonely and Lost City" will eventually get more applause as the plot deepens!

"Lonely Lost City" I'm sorry, I'm just picking flaws! There are a lot of problems in the first 4 episodes!
