
Refined food support enables officers and men to eat combat effectiveness

author:Bright sword southeast

In order to continue to consolidate the achievements of the "Year of Standardized Food Management" and further improve the level and quality and efficiency of food management, recently, the 71st Group Army adopted the method of "on-site observation + centralized teaching" to organize and hold an observation meeting on standardized management of food at the grassroots level.

Refined food support enables officers and men to eat combat effectiveness

▲Intensive teaching

Meticulous management to ensure food safety

It is reported that in accordance with the requirements of "five areas, four lines, and three separations", they divide storage, processing, cutting, cooking and dining areas, establish staple food, vegetable, meat and aquatic products processing lines, and strictly separate raw and cooked foods, foods with different attributes, raw materials and finished products.

Refined food support enables officers and men to eat combat effectiveness

▲ Observe on the spot

The author saw at the scene that the group army also adopted the method of "coding piece by piece, unified management, classified storage, and regular inspection" to register all dishes and utensils and make signs. From the placement to the person responsible for management, each item has its own specific "ID card", which must be signed for each access.

Refined food support enables officers and men to eat combat effectiveness

▲Fine management

On this basis, each unit also makes a quantitative evaluation column to refine and quantify the source of food procurement, daily acceptance, canteen management order, personnel technical level, etc., and uses data to speak in the monthly evaluation, and sets hard standards, so that the concept of fine management can take root.

Ask the soldiers to improve the quality and efficiency of service

In view of the diversification of the dietary preferences of officers and men, in light of the seasonal climate, the characteristics of the units, and the tastes of regions, and in accordance with the requirements of "emphasizing nutrition at breakfast, enriching lunch, and quality at dinner," they scientifically matched and rationally adjusted the types of dishes and recipes to ensure that the taste preferences of the majority of officers and men were satisfied, and that everyone could truly be fed, eat well, and have combat effectiveness.

Refined food support enables officers and men to eat combat effectiveness

▲Classified processing

Refined food support enables officers and men to eat combat effectiveness

▲ Elaborately made

Take multiple measures at the same time to strengthen cooking skills

"According to various dishes from different regions and different practices, the cooking class makes recipes for officers and soldiers to order." According to the leaders of the support department of the group army, this is due to the fact that they adopt the training method of "going out + inviting in", regularly organize cooking training, invite local professional chefs to the team to teach experience, and select outstanding cooks to go to local cooking schools for further study and continuously strengthen professional skills.

Refined food support enables officers and men to eat combat effectiveness

▲ vivid

Refined food support enables officers and men to eat combat effectiveness

▲ Fruit platter

Refined food support enables officers and men to eat combat effectiveness

▲ Exquisite dishes

In addition, they also continue to stimulate the enthusiasm and motivation of the cooks to "compare, learn, catch up, help, and surpass" through a series of pragmatic measures such as regularly producing chef cooking teaching videos, organizing food satisfaction evaluations, and carrying out "star chef" selection activities.

Refined food support enables officers and men to eat combat effectiveness

▲ The Cook's House

Flames jumped, smoke rose

Oil, salt, sauce and vinegar make the barracks delicious

Pots and pans play a strong military movement

Through this event

Further improve the skill level of cooking staff

Improve the ability of the troops to provide food security

Effectively stimulate the "stomach" motivation of officers and men

Help improve the combat effectiveness of the troops

Kudos to them!

Text丨Jiang Yun, Yang Xijin, Meng Qingzhi

Picture丨Jiang Yucheng, Fu Shaoxuan, Su Jiapeng