
Geely's "short knife out of the sheath": the official release of the Aegis short knife battery, the Galaxy E5 will be the first to carry it

author:Quick review of the car

In the era of new energy vehicles, in a sense, batteries are the core competitiveness of a car company. A look at the development speed of CATL, which started with batteries, in the past two years, can be seen.

Some car company leaders even bluntly said that they all work for CATL.

If you want to build a new energy vehicle, you don't have your own battery technology, and you want a high-quality battery, there may be no other good way to find CATL. From the current point of view, the car companies that have achieved good results in the field of batteries are basically BYD. Because BYD, like CATL, also started with batteries, and the blade battery is BYD's representative work in the battery field.

Geely's "short knife out of the sheath": the official release of the Aegis short knife battery, the Galaxy E5 will be the first to carry it

As a mainstream domestic car company, Geely Automobile has always been working hard in the field of batteries. Just recently, Geely Automobile officially released the latest generation of "blade" lithium iron phosphate battery Aegis short knife battery.

That's right, the Aegis short knife battery released by Geely this time is the same as the BYD blade battery, which is also a lithium iron phosphate battery.

Since the batteries of the two car companies have the word "knife" in them, and they are also lithium iron phosphate batteries, what is the difference between them? Let's do a brief analysis.

Let's start with the battery length, the length of the Aegis short knife battery is 580 mm, which is 380 mm shorter than the length of the long knife battery of 960 mm. In terms of battery thickness, the Aegis short knife battery is 18.2 mm, and the long knife battery is 13.5 mm thick.

Geely's "short knife out of the sheath": the official release of the Aegis short knife battery, the Galaxy E5 will be the first to carry it

That is, the Aegis short knife battery is shorter and thicker in appearance alone, while the long knife battery is longer and thinner.

In terms of energy density, the Aegis short knife battery is 192Wh/kg, and the intestinal battery is 180Wh/kg. In terms of charging time, theoretically speaking, it takes about 17 minutes to charge the Aegis short knife battery from 10% to 80%, and the average charging rate is 2.45C. It takes about 26 minutes to charge the long knife battery from 10% to 80%, and the average charge rate is 1.61C.

The test results also showed that after 1,500 cycles, the Aegis short knife battery capacity remained 92.12%, and the long knife battery capacity remained 87%. After a cycle of 2500 cycles, the Aegis short knife battery capacity is 87.73% remaining, and the long knife battery capacity is 83% remaining.

Geely's "short knife out of the sheath": the official release of the Aegis short knife battery, the Galaxy E5 will be the first to carry it

In terms of safety, the China Automotive Center has also carried out a series of strict tests on the Aegis short knife battery, such as dynamic seawater corrosion immersion, extreme cold on the plateau, scorching flames, extreme crushing, high-frequency bottom scraping and side pillar collision of the battery pack, and there was no smoke, fire, explosion and thermal runaway, which is enough to show the safety and reliability of the Aegis short knife battery.

As a major breakthrough in the battery field of Geely Automobile, the Aegis short knife battery will also be the first to be equipped with the Aegis short knife battery on the upcoming Geely Galaxy E5.

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