
Chain empowerment, steady and rapid expansion - "Chain Model Replication System" training camp

author:Mr. Know

Pay attention to "Mr. Know" and gain more chain knowledge

Under the wave of informatization, the business model is changing rapidly, and the chain business model is gradually becoming the mainstream business model in the world! Chain management can quickly scale, improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance brand influence. By replicating successful experiences, companies can easily expand into national and global markets to achieve their business goals.

But with it comes challenges. The market competition is fierce, and innovation has become the key; The management of multiple stores is complex, and standardization and quality consistency are difficult problems; The Internet and consumer behavior are changing, bringing new challenges. So how should you deal with it as a business?


Hundreds of entrepreneurs gathered in the same class

In the current rapidly evolving market environment, how to effectively enhance their competitiveness and successfully seize market share has become an important issue faced by every entrepreneur. In order to answer this question, the Yima "Chain Mode Replication System" training camp came into being, which will be held in Zhengzhou from June 24 to 27, 2024.

Chain empowerment, steady and rapid expansion - "Chain Model Replication System" training camp

The training camp brought together more than 100 like-minded entrepreneurs, who will discuss and learn together in the same classroom, and jointly inject new vitality into the development of the enterprise.

Tianheng Medical

Tianheng Medical Group is a chronic disease management institution specializing in the treatment of complications such as hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, and cerebral thrombosis composed of 1 research institute, 4 subsidiaries, 4 imitation wild medicinal material planting bases and more than 30 chain hospitals. The first branch was established in 2009, and now it has opened branches in Inner Mongolia, Shandong, Ningxia, Zhejiang and other provinces and regions, with 26 directly operated stores and 5 franchised stores, with an annual turnover of 200 million.

Chain empowerment, steady and rapid expansion - "Chain Model Replication System" training camp

The prince has a strong heart

Prince Nongxin is a Hong Kong-based small pot rice noodle chain restaurant brand, founded in 2017. The brand inherits the authentic Hong Kong time-honored brand production skills, insists on the fierce cooking of products, and carefully cultivates the Hong Kong-style small pot rice noodle series products to the extreme. Take good food, good ingredients and real taste as the core competitiveness of the brand.

As a national chain brand, Prince Nongxin has opened stores in more than 100 cities, making every effort to build the development of Hong Kong-style small pot rice noodles.

Chain empowerment, steady and rapid expansion - "Chain Model Replication System" training camp

Chongqing Jianglai Catering Management Co., Ltd

Founded in 2018 with an annual turnover of 30 million, the brand is currently distributed in more than 80 regions across the country, mainly in the southwest region, with 10 directly operated stores and 200 franchised stores.

Chain empowerment, steady and rapid expansion - "Chain Model Replication System" training camp

Shenzhen Sunshine Medical Aesthetic Group

Founded in 1998, Sunshine Medical Aesthetic Group is committed to empowering medical aesthetic institutions, cultivating medical aesthetic talents, holding industry exhibitions, and building an Internet for the anti-aging medical aesthetic industry, so as to realize the people's yearning for a better life and contribute to the construction of a healthy China. At present, it has 8 directly-operated stores (1 flagship hospital + 7 light medical aesthetic clinics), with an annual turnover of more than 350 million.

Chain empowerment, steady and rapid expansion - "Chain Model Replication System" training camp

Anhui Jingyimen Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd

Anhui Jingyimen Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd. is a national specialized and new "little giant" enterprise and a national high-tech enterprise integrating technological innovation and research and development of automotive functional films, factory precision production, brand chain operation and terminal sales services. Jingyimen has more than 1,300 stores (including 12 directly operated stores and 1,300 franchised stores) across the country, serving 2 million car owners annually; It has become a super service provider of membrane products for Chery, Great Wall, Changan, Dongfeng, GAC, Nezha and other OEMs, with more than 13,000 cooperative automobile dealerships and an annual turnover of 200 million.

Chain empowerment, steady and rapid expansion - "Chain Model Replication System" training camp

Weile Health Technology Co., Ltd

The company set foot in the slimming industry in 2014, focusing on fat loss, body shaping, and health management. The brand "Weilemei Slimming Bar" is positioned as a healthy fat loss butler, providing users with healthy fat loss services with butler-style services. The company integrates traffic empowerment, operation empowerment, training empowerment, and digital empowerment as one of the empowerment platforms. The annual turnover reaches 2000w, and it has 63+7 franchise stores (under construction).

Chain empowerment, steady and rapid expansion - "Chain Model Replication System" training camp

Oral cavity today

Today Dental was founded in 2011 by Dr. Jack Ma. So far, there are 3+1 directly-operated stores, with an annual turnover of 3000W.

Chain empowerment, steady and rapid expansion - "Chain Model Replication System" training camp

Henan Xianghe Community Health Technology Co., Ltd

It is a large health consulting service company focusing on empowering the growth of customers, performance and profit growth of health and wellness physical stores. Founded in 2017, after five iterations, it has been continuously optimized and upgraded, accurately positioned in the market, small and refined, refined and beautiful. With the service goal of serving 300 households in the community with one store, creating a painless and healthy life of "shoulders, neck, back, light, loose, and comfortable", inheriting the treasures of Chinese and Tibetan medicine treatment, carrying forward the thousand-year-old wisdom of the Chinese nation, and taking advantage of the cultural momentum to cast a national brand of community health care.

Chain empowerment, steady and rapid expansion - "Chain Model Replication System" training camp

DH Dance Center

Founded in 2014, it is a professional pop dance training and promotion organization dedicated to the promotion of children's and adult pop culture dance training, consulting, training and planning, with the main styles: Jazz, Hiphop, Urban, Swag, Kpop, Cpop and other popular styles. DH is the abbreviation of DREAM HOPE in English, which means a dance spirit, so that people with dance dreams can fly higher and go further.

Chain empowerment, steady and rapid expansion - "Chain Model Replication System" training camp


Empower famous teachers and innovate thinking

As one of the six courses served by Yima Zhonglianhui, "Chain Model Replication System" embodies the essence of Yima Industrial Group's 20 years of research and practice in the chain industry. The course closely follows the core characteristics of the operation and development of chain enterprises, and deeply analyzes the key elements at the business level, such as enterprise strategic positioning, model design and innovation, and chain profit model, with a far-sighted panoramic vision. Through horizontal and vertical integration, we can open up the correlation between strategy, model and standard replication, and help chain enterprises achieve more efficient innovation and development.

This course was led by Mr. Ma Ruiguang, Vice President of the China Society for the Promotion of System Science, Vice Chairman of the China Association for the Promotion of Science and Technology Industrialization, and Chairman of Yima Chain Industry Group, who deeply analyzed the close relationship between strategic positioning and business model replication. First of all, starting with the strategic positioning and case analysis of the top 100 chain enterprises, the participants will be led to have an in-depth understanding of the business model and innovation direction of successful chain enterprises.

Chain empowerment, steady and rapid expansion - "Chain Model Replication System" training camp

At the same time, Mr. Ma made a profound analysis of the profitability and expansion strategy of Wanli chain business. Starting from the cost structure of people, goods and places, he elaborated on how to form a unique business model through these elements, and gradually discussed the fission of the model and the construction of brand ecology. In the context of the current era of digitalization and intelligence, he particularly emphasized that chain enterprises must keep up with market trends and continue to innovate and change to adapt to the rapid changes in the market and the increasingly diversified needs of consumers.

In addition, Mr. Ma also conducted a comprehensive and detailed analysis of the core sectors such as brand authorization, organizational innovation in the Wuka era, chain standardization system construction, corporate culture and team building. He combined vivid and specific practical cases to combine these theoretical knowledge with practical cases, so that the students could intuitively feel the deep logic and unique charm of chain management. Through this combination of knowledge and case teaching, Mr. Ma successfully helped the students to innovate their thinking and stimulated the inspiration and motivation to promote the sustainable growth of the enterprise.

Chain empowerment, steady and rapid expansion - "Chain Model Replication System" training camp

Mr. Zhao Mingqiang deeply analyzed how Guoquan Food achieved the scale of 10,000 stores in just seven years and successfully embarked on the road to IPO and rapid growth. He revealed in detail the key elements of success in chain operation, which provided valuable inspiration for the entrepreneurs present.

Chain empowerment, steady and rapid expansion - "Chain Model Replication System" training camp

In order to deepen the learning results, the "Chain Model Replication System" training camp also set up homework explanations, expert comments, and one-on-one tutoring sessions. Teacher Zhang Haibing and the teacher of the expert team explained the homework for everyone, deeply analyzed the difficulties and blocking points of the enterprise, and gave professional guidance.


Integrate learning and practice to deepen learning outcomes

The training camp of "Chain Model Replication System" adopts the unique form of "theory + case + homework + sharing + comment + counseling", and sets up homework explanation, expert comments, and one-on-one tutoring.

Chain empowerment, steady and rapid expansion - "Chain Model Replication System" training camp
Chain empowerment, steady and rapid expansion - "Chain Model Replication System" training camp
Chain empowerment, steady and rapid expansion - "Chain Model Replication System" training camp

Chain empowerment, steady and rapid expansion - "Chain Model Replication System" training camp

Through systematic theoretical learning, participants will master the core principles of strategic positioning and business model replication;

Combined with actual cases, we have an in-depth understanding of the experience and practices of successful enterprises;

In the assignments, consolidate the knowledge learned and improve the practical ability;

In the sharing session, exchange ideas and inspire each other

Chain empowerment, steady and rapid expansion - "Chain Model Replication System" training camp
Chain empowerment, steady and rapid expansion - "Chain Model Replication System" training camp
Chain empowerment, steady and rapid expansion - "Chain Model Replication System" training camp
Chain empowerment, steady and rapid expansion - "Chain Model Replication System" training camp
Chain empowerment, steady and rapid expansion - "Chain Model Replication System" training camp
Chain empowerment, steady and rapid expansion - "Chain Model Replication System" training camp
Chain empowerment, steady and rapid expansion - "Chain Model Replication System" training camp
Chain empowerment, steady and rapid expansion - "Chain Model Replication System" training camp

This issue of the trainee said


Chongqing Jianglai Catering Management Co., Ltd

In this course, I deeply understand that the process of building a standardization system is the process of realizing standardization, and standardization is to make things and people change at the same time, not just things. Teams need to be motivated by a standardized process. The construction of the organizational structure, from the front, middle and back three parts to formulate the responsibilities of the team department, so that the front, middle and back three sections do not interfere with and control each other, these are the results of standardization, standardization is also the tone of the strategy. The homework guidance in the morning also made us find out in time that it is not the customer value to go to the second stage, but to find the value attribute that suits us, and then maximize it to find the highest point to seize our own brand.


Tianheng Medical

The development and growth of enterprises depends on the construction of standardization, which is not only a replication process, but also the cornerstone of improving efficiency and strengthening risk control. In standardization, enterprises should adhere to the "four easy" principle to ensure that the system is easy to understand, easy to learn, easy to operate, and easy to copy. At the same time, the rational division of labor to promote technological progress, the employment needs to follow the principle of "people make the best use of their talents", the process division of labor and the working group, standardization and rapid response need to complement each other. Enterprises also need to pay attention to talent training and gathering, and build a great cause with ordinary people. The specialization of management and the professionalism of the team should be matched to ensure stable development. Enterprises should encourage employees to continue to learn and reflect to adapt to market changes and business needs.


Weihai Welcome Cattle Catering Management Co., Ltd

In the context of the Wuka era, enterprise organizational innovation is particularly important. From functional, regional, product, market to mixed, our company needs to build a reasonable organizational structure according to its own advantages and disadvantages, focusing on organizational planning, chain expansion, commodity supply, brand marketing, operation control and service support chain improvement.

The innovation of chain organizations should follow four principles: front-end terminal working group, flexible response, and independent accounting to improve efficiency; Customer communication behavior is online, and the front, middle and back offices are connected and data are shared, so as to improve customer experience. The training department is independent of the human resources department, which can quickly respond to terminal changes and empower employees; Through the training and supervision system, we will build a horizontal and vertical talent reservoir from the terminal to the branch to the headquarters.

Replication and fission are the key to enterprise expansion, and the construction of standardization is its foundation. In the construction of standardization, we should follow the "four easy" principles of easy to understand, easy to learn, easy to operate and easy to copy, so as to ensure that the standardization system can be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and effectively implemented in practice. In addition, the standardization system should be deeply imprinted with the corporate culture to form a unique competitive advantage, so that the enterprise can replicate itself and be difficult to be imitated by others.

Strategy determines the life and death of an enterprise, model determines the speed of development, and management determines market share. In the Wuka era, enterprises need to continue to innovate, build an organizational structure that adapts to the changes of the times, follow the principle of innovation, realize standardization construction, take strategy as the guide, model as the drive, and management as the guarantee, and constantly open up the market and win the competition.


Oral cavity today

In chain operations, the importance of standardization is self-evident. First of all, standardization is to ensure the improvement of profitability, through the unified management and operation process, reduce costs and improve profitability. Secondly, standardization also greatly improves work efficiency, as clear specifications and processes reduce unnecessary waste and duplication of work. In addition, standardization is the key to rapid replication, which ensures that new stores can quickly operate according to the established model, reducing the risk of new store opening. At the same time, the discussion process of standardization is actually the process of team standardization, through joint discussion and formulation of standards, team members' understanding and recognition of standardization is deepened, and a closer team cohesion is formed. Finally, training is to better achieve standardization, through systematic training and education, to ensure that each of our employees can be proficient in and follow the standardized process, laying a solid foundation for the success of the chain operation.

Part of the student demeanor

Chain empowerment, steady and rapid expansion - "Chain Model Replication System" training camp
Chain empowerment, steady and rapid expansion - "Chain Model Replication System" training camp
Chain empowerment, steady and rapid expansion - "Chain Model Replication System" training camp
Chain empowerment, steady and rapid expansion - "Chain Model Replication System" training camp
Chain empowerment, steady and rapid expansion - "Chain Model Replication System" training camp

The course learning of Yima Training Camp is only an important starting point for enterprises to achieve growth breakthroughs, and the real value lies in how the entrepreneur students apply the knowledge they have learned to the actual business operation.

Therefore, we expect that every entrepreneur trainee will continue to deepen the course content after leaving the Yima Training Camp, and integrate the concepts and methods learned such as strategic breakthrough, model driven, and standardized guidance into the daily management and decision-making of the enterprise.

We believe that under the inspiration and guidance of Yima Training Camp, every entrepreneur student will be able to bring broader development prospects and a more brilliant tomorrow for the enterprise. Let us work together to create a better future for the enterprise in continuous learning and practice!

About Yima Zhonglianhui

Founded in 2004, Yima Chain Industry Group has focused on the research of the chain industry for 20 years, and has served a total of 60,000+ chain students, 30,000+ chain enterprises, and 3,000+ member companies, covering eating, drinking, playing, fun, traveling, shopping, entertainment and other consumer fields, with a total revenue of more than 3 trillion yuan, and promoting 4.2 million + domestic and international well-known enterprise brands including Lenovo, Suning, Skyworth, Eternal Asia, Sanxiong Aurora, Yadea, Jiuxian Group, Baiguoyuan, Muwu Barbecue, Hongxiang Pharmaceutical, Guoquan Shihui and other domestic and international well-known enterprise brandsThe development of chain terminal stores.

China Lianhui (China Chain Alliance) is the leading chain alliance organization established by Yima Chain Industry Group in China. Zhonglianhui's services cover 6 chain leader training camp courses, including chain model replication system, chain brand authorization system, chain franchise investment system, chain store partnership system, chain financial capital system, and chain community operation system, a chain treasure box that integrates the essence of 20 years of education management (tool forms, 25 best-selling professional books & CDs on chain research, etc.), as well as chain leader circle resource links, chain leader brand endorsement, chain + services, etc., to provide enterprises with a full range of support and solutions. Help chain enterprises at different stages of development (entrepreneurship, growth, maturity, and sustainable development) to break through the bottleneck of growth, achieve sustainable development, and create a chain leader brand ecosystem.

Welcome more chain friends to enter "Zhonglianhui"; Let's join forces all over the world

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Chain empowerment, steady and rapid expansion - "Chain Model Replication System" training camp