
Gone up? Dropped? The reporter visited and found...

author:Palm Bayannur

Summer has arrived

The "vegetable basket" of the Bayannur people has become more and more abundant

All kinds of products are successively listed

The prices of fruits, vegetables and meat have always been a concern for the public

I visited some street shops, convenience markets and supermarkets

Let's take a look at the price movements of these products

Gone up? Dropped? The reporter visited and found...

Meat and egg products

Gone up? Dropped? The reporter visited and found...

The reporter came to the Oasis Convenience Market Laifu butcher shop, all kinds of fresh meat were hung on the shelves in an orderly manner, and citizens came to buy meat from time to time. Liu Minghao, the store manager, said that the beef has been about 21 yuan per catty recently, and the overall price has dropped by more than ten yuan. The price of mutton has also decreased slightly, currently 20 yuan/catty, and the price of pork has risen slightly, currently 16 yuan/catty. I can sell five or six sheep, half a cow, and two pigs a day, and the business is okay.

Gone up? Dropped? The reporter visited and found...
Gone up? Dropped? The reporter visited and found...

Subsequently, the reporter saw in Sanhe Runjia Life Supermarket that all kinds of eggs were neatly placed, and the price was about 4.5 yuan / catty. According to the relevant person in charge of the Linhe Layer Breeding Association, there are currently 427,000 laying hens in Linhe District, with a daily egg production of about 50,000 catties, which can fully meet the market supply demand. Compared with some time ago, the price of eggs fell steadily, a decrease of about 0.2-0.3 yuan / catty, such a trend is likely to continue until mid-July, is expected to enter the beginning of Futian, the price of eggs will rise slightly, the price of 0.3-0.5 yuan / catty.

Gone up? Dropped? The reporter visited and found...

Vegetable products

Gone up? Dropped? The reporter visited and found...

Early in the morning, the reporter came to the Sijiqing Vegetable and Fruit Wholesale Market in Linhe District and saw that the merchants in front of the large trucks were busy unloading, cabbage, carrots, peppers and other vegetables.

Gone up? Dropped? The reporter visited and found...

Gong Jian, deputy general manager of the Sijiqing Vegetable and Fruit Wholesale Market in Linhe District, said that the current vegetable prices in the wholesale market are generally stable. With the local celery, spinach, rape and other leafy vegetables and cucumbers, tomatoes and other vegetables in Bayannur have been listed one after another, the price of vegetables in the market has also fluctuated slightly compared with some time ago, and the decline is mainly concentrated in the saving of transportation costs, about 0.3-0.5 yuan / catty.

Gone up? Dropped? The reporter visited and found...
Gone up? Dropped? The reporter visited and found...

According to the relevant person in charge, the unit price of cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, etc. has risen slightly compared with some time ago, but the overall decrease of about 20% over the same period last year.

Gone up? Dropped? The reporter visited and found...

Fruit products

Gone up? Dropped? The reporter visited and found...
Gone up? Dropped? The reporter visited and found...

In the fruit section of Victoria Supermarket Wangfu store, cherries, watermelons, lychees and other fruits are fully displayed, fresh and attractive. "Recently, the price of some fruits has declined, such as the original price of gift boxed cherries at 78 yuan, now 49.9 yuan, and watermelons have also dropped from 2.98 yuan per catty to 0.99 yuan per catty. In addition, during peak periods, we will also do some special events to attract customers. Food supervisor Zhang Tao said.

Gone up? Dropped? The reporter visited and found...
Gone up? Dropped? The reporter visited and found...

Subsequently, the reporter visited several fruit wholesale stores near Jiefang Street, and many citizens were carefully purchasing. The reporter learned that due to the sufficient supply in the market, the price of many varieties of fruits has dropped significantly, among which peaches, watermelons, cherries are the most obvious, the current watermelon is 1 yuan/jin, peaches are 7 yuan/jin, cherries are 20 yuan/jin, the decline is about 50%.

Gone up? Dropped? The reporter visited and found...

The reporter learned from the Bayannur Municipal Bureau of Commerce that the retail price of meat has risen slightly recently, and it is expected that the price of meat in the later market will be stable; The price of eggs in this period continues to fall, and it is expected that after entering the dog weather, egg prices will have the possibility of rising; The supply of vegetable commodities is sufficient, and major supermarkets have launched special price activities, and the price fluctuations are within a reasonable range, and it is expected that the price of vegetables will run smoothly in a short period of time. At present, the consumer goods market is stable and orderly, and both supply and demand are booming.

Source: Hetao Micro Media

Reporter: Wang Chang, Guo Linyuan

Editor: Chen Long Proofreader: Qiao Hong