
Marcela: Former first lady of Brazil, the president's husband is deep in impeachment, but she is crazy to show off her wealth


When it comes to Brazil, football, samba and tropical rainforests are synonymous with it, but in recent years, Brazil's economic decline has been a hot topic.

Since the Rio Olympics, Brazil has fallen into a long economic crisis, and two successive presidents have been impeached and removed from office for economic incompetence and corruption.

Rumors of corruption in the political arena are the talk of the locals after dinner, and the female president of the Workers' Party, Rousseff, and his partner Temer have both been brought down by corruption, and Temer's corruption has a bit of a "tragic" flavor.

Brazilians believe that he may have had to take bribes in order to support his young wife and family.

Marcela: Former first lady of Brazil, the president's husband is deep in impeachment, but she is crazy to show off her wealth

When Temer met Marcella, he already had several grandchildren, but he was single at the time.

Marcela, who was born as a beauty pageant runner-up at the time, was fascinated by Temer, and after taking the initiative to extend an olive branch, the old lawyer and old politician immediately pursued him, and finally the two tied the knot.

"Old and young" marriages are common all over the world, and most of them are not blessed in politics and business.

After Temer was imprisoned for corruption in 2019, Brazilians said: "It's all the wife's fault." "Throw Temer's corrupt black cauldron on Marcella's back.

So, what kind of person is the beautiful Marcela? How did she get to power? Was Temer's corruption and imprisonment really victimized by his wife?

Marcela: Former first lady of Brazil, the president's husband is deep in impeachment, but she is crazy to show off her wealth


Marcella's counterattack, God appreciates the food

In the Miss World pageant over the years, South American beauties are always the most popular, and they have won the championship for many years in a row.

This is not that the organizing committee favors South Americans, but that South American women are indeed blessed with appearance, they have the tallness of whites, the plump of blacks, and the eyebrows and eyes of Indians and Asians, which are the result of the mixing of South American "racial dye vats" for hundreds of years.

Among them, Brazil is a big country in beauty pageants, and beauty pageants are a business and an important way for poor women to change their class.

Whenever there is a beauty contest, politicians, wealthy businessmen, foreigners, mainly Americans, go to watch the contest, which is equivalent to choosing a concubine, which is no secret in the local area. Marcela, the wife of former Brazilian President Temer, was born in a beauty pageant and was the runner-up in the state beauty pageant.

Marcella. Temer was born in 1984 in a small town in Campinas, São Paulo State, Brazil, to a small trader father with a meager income, and his mother, Norma, who was unemployed.

Marcella and her sister have lived a hard life since childhood, but God loves food, and both sisters are beautiful and tall, and they have been regarded by their mother as future beauty pageant champions since they were children.

Marcela: Former first lady of Brazil, the president's husband is deep in impeachment, but she is crazy to show off her wealth

From the age of 16, Marcela participated in beauty pageants everywhere, winning the title of "Miss Campinas" and being able to go to São Paulo to participate in the state pageant.

In 2002, the São Paulo beauty contest was held in the city of São Paulo, and Marcela, who was only 18 years old, won the second place in the competition.

At that time, there was a group of dignitaries sitting in the audience, including the head snake of the state of São Paulo, who was the state attorney general, director of the security bureau, and then deputy governor Michel Brown. Temer, his eyes were hooked by the beautiful Marcella.

Temer participated in the pageant as a special guest and presented awards to the winners. Youthful and enthusiastic, Marcela took the initiative to take a photo with the lieutenant governor, and Temelle blossomed and tried to ask for the little beauty's phone.

At that time, Temer was 60 years old, and Marcella could be his granddaughter, but Marcela still gave Temer her own phone number because her mother Norma nodded.

Marcela: Former first lady of Brazil, the president's husband is deep in impeachment, but she is crazy to show off her wealth

Those oily "agents" always can't wait to hand over business cards, promising to make these young girls famous.

But people who are a little older know that most of these people are liars - there is no shortage of beautiful women in Brazil, the entertainment industry and the fashion industry are already overcrowded, and if you want to get ahead, you can only throw money at yourself, and if you are not careful, you will have to lose both people and money.

Therefore, the real "realization" is the business card of a wealthy businessman or politician, as long as a phone call, even if a short-term relationship is started, it can turn over an ordinary family.

When Marcela received the lieutenant governor's request, she responded immediately, and the two were in a relationship a month later.

Marcela: Former first lady of Brazil, the president's husband is deep in impeachment, but she is crazy to show off her wealth


became the president by mistake, but his wife was unhappy

18-year-old Marcela and 60-year-old Temer start a relationship, and Temer invites Marcela to a tourist area for a vacation.

At that time, Temer himself had children and grandchildren, but he was single, and his family also supported Temer's remarriage. But no one expected that the new wife would be an 18-year-old girl - Temer's youngest son is 20 years older than Marcela.

Eventually, Temer and his wife were married in a church in St. Paul's, on a small but solemn scale.

Marcella then packed her belongings and moved into a mansion in São Paulo with her mother and sister, and her family was lifted out of poverty.

On various public occasions, Temer always proudly held his wife, and for people of this status, a beautiful young wife was a status symbol, which was the envy of his peers and the admiration of his juniors.

Marcella also became a popular figure in the state of São Paulo, with rich businessmen drinking parties, charity banquets, and fashion parties, and the originally simple Marcela also began to wear gold and silver and enjoy the happiness of wealth.

Marcela: Former first lady of Brazil, the president's husband is deep in impeachment, but she is crazy to show off her wealth

Temer is a lawyer by training, who has worked hard in São Paulo all his life and has a wealthy family, and is said to have entered the ranks of billionaires early.

For this wife, Temer is obedient, luxury goods, luxury cars, and high-end hotels are not worth mentioning, making Marcela a famous lady in Brazil, with mansions in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.

In 2011, Temer of the Brazilian Democratic Movement Party and Dilma Rousseff of the Workers' Party joined forces, and Temer became Brazil's vice president.

At the inauguration of female President Dilma Rousseff, Brazilians saw Marcela, who was taller than Temer and fair-skinned and beautiful. Temer's face was red and energetic, and the couple's light seemed to overpower President Dilma Rousseff.

On the other hand, after 2011, Brazil's main focus was on hosting the 2016 Rio Olympics, Brazil's own economic system was dominated by exporting minerals, and after 2008, the economy continued to decline, the price of minerals plummeted, and the cost of hosting the Olympics made the country miserable.

Because Rousseff's Workers' Party has always followed the line of the bottom and issued subsidies to the bottom to live, the treasury has no money and the subsidies cannot be distributed, resulting in a sharp drop in the support rate.

Rousseff had no choice but to take out a loan to cover the shortfall, but was caught by Congress and impeached and removed from office in 2016. At this time, because the president did not complete his term of office, the vice president was temporarily replaced, and Temer actually became the president of Brazil.

Marcela: Former first lady of Brazil, the president's husband is deep in impeachment, but she is crazy to show off her wealth

Temer inherited the mess left by Rousseff, but he himself simply did not have the popularity and ability to be president.

This lawyer has held deputy positions for a long time, such as lieutenant governor and vice president, all of whom are hands-on. Although he represents the interests of Brazil's largest party, the Democratic Movement party, he is more of a showman on stage.

Since coming to power, Temer has also been under constant investigation by the watchdogs, and he has a bad record in São Paulo's elections and the oil industry. Temer was anxious to extinguish the fire and prevent impeachment, but he didn't expect his wife Marcella to help.

It turned out that Marcela was very unhappy after her husband became president, and she refused to move from the comfort of São Paulo to Brasilia, the capital of Brazil, a small inland city with poor facilities and a rudimentary presidential residence.

Temer could not stand this kind of separation, when the two already had a son, in order to reunite, Temer spent a sky-high price to renovate the simple presidential residence.

But Brazil was in the midst of an economic crisis at this time, and the president's renovation of the mansion immediately became eye-catching news. The media added fuel to the fire, saying that the renovation cost millions of dollars, and the verbal criticism of Temer was overwhelming.

Marcela: Former first lady of Brazil, the president's husband is deep in impeachment, but she is crazy to show off her wealth


Temer is in the pit of fire, but his wife is still fueling

According to media reports, at Marcela's request, Temer spent tens of millions of dollars to renovate the presidential residence and turn this simple building into a mansion.

When Marcella moved in with her son, she asked her husband to provide her with the same living conditions as in São Paulo – no less than 40 servants, a few luxury cars, and food by air.

In order to show her grace, Marcella even rented houses for her servants in high-class residential areas of the capital, which were for the political elite and high-ranking white-collar workers, and the rents were exorbitant.

In Temer's official residence, there are four laundry workers, and Marcella not only enjoys herself, but also brings her mother, sister, and even seven aunts and eight aunts to enjoy it, and the family spends money lavishly.

Marcela: Former first lady of Brazil, the president's husband is deep in impeachment, but she is crazy to show off her wealth

Marcela's mother, Norma, had long hoped that her daughter would fly on the branches and become a phoenix, and now that her dream has come true, she has begun to enjoy life.

As a result, Norma's life is almost the same as that of her daughter, with all day long eating, drinking, shopping, and cosmetic surgery. On her social media, flaunting wealth is an eternal theme, flying by private jet, buying luxury goods, and followed by "showing off beauty".

Marcela's sister is the same, the three of them often go to high-end places, go on a shopping spree, and swipe all Temer's cards.

The president can still accept spending money alone, but spending money together as a family will inevitably sit on a mountain of empty food, and the media has repeatedly reported that Temer's economic situation is worrying.

So, while Temer was dealing with Brazil's High Court and the National Public Prosecutor's Office, his wife Marcela's social media account was crazy to help.

The Brazilian media used Marcela's family life as evidence of the president's corruption, and Temer's approval rating fell to 2 percent at one point, setting a black record in Brazilian politics.

Marcela: Former first lady of Brazil, the president's husband is deep in impeachment, but she is crazy to show off her wealth

In 2018, Temer, who had been president for two years, stepped down and was immediately prosecuted by the prosecutor's office of Rio and São Paulo.

The following year, at the age of 78, Mr. Temer, who had been devastated by the scandal, turned himself in and was released after a brief detention.

At this time, the Brazilian media "beat the water dogs", saying that it was the crazy spending of the little wife Marcela that forced the president to embezzle, otherwise he would not be able to support this beauty.

Temer was noncommittal, and the news spread around the world, and Temer's private life became a big talk in the political arena, but the president clearly didn't care about it.

As a veteran fritter who has been deeply involved in politics for decades, Temer is not afraid of being impeached, because he is still the leader of the Democratic Movement party, and he still has a lot of echoes in the state of São Paulo.

After being investigated, Temer may have taught his wife, Marcela, a much more low-key lesson. The Brazilian government also spared the "short-lived president", and Temer and his wife still lived happily ever after in the mansion.

From Temer's point of view, being a president is too enjoyable, being impeached is in danger, and having a wife and son in his later years is already very happy.

And Marcela didn't lose much, she was a vase with little pursuit, and it was enough to have money to spend. In the short future that can be seen, her life will not change while her husband is still there, and that is enough.

Literature / Shogakuno


1. "Acting President of Brazil, Approval Rating Less Than 2%", Suo Hongyi

2. "Temer: The Unknown Acting President of Brazil", Zhao Yan, Chen Weihua

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