
In 2024, the special job fair of Yongzhou will be sent to the post of the trade union of Jiangle County! | Entrepreneurship and employment

author:Micro will be happy
In 2024, the special job fair of Yongzhou will be sent to the post of the trade union of Jiangle County! | Entrepreneurship and employment
In 2024, the special job fair of Yongzhou will be sent to the post of the trade union of Jiangle County! | Entrepreneurship and employment
In 2024, the special job fair of Yongzhou will be sent to the post of the trade union of Jiangle County! | Entrepreneurship and employment


Time and place of the job fair

Job Fair Time:

July 5, 2024 (Friday 19:00-21:00)

Location of the Job Fair:

Jiangle County Shanghezhou Park (offline)

Douyin, Yingmu, Channels platform (online)


Organizational structure


Jiangle County Federation of Trade Unions


Jiangle County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau

Jiangle County Youth League County Committee

Jiangle County Women's Federation


China Straits Talent Market will be happy to work department



China Straits Talent Market will be happy to work department


0598-2321234 Mr. Feng

18906041995 Mr. Gao

END struggle, why go to a good place for employment, welcome college graduates and the majority of migrant workers to return to their hometowns for employment and entrepreneurship!

Employers and job seekers can [email protected] submit job information and personal job search information through the mailbox, and we will release the job information in a timely manner and match the job seekers with each other.

Service Commissioner: Mr. Feng

Service Hotline: 0598-2321234.

Source: Jiangle Employment Network Editor: Zheng Junji Preliminary review: Zhang Yinxian Review: Lin Chaoqun Final review: Xiao Jiuhui Business cooperation, news clues, and cracking down on fake news reports: 0598-2322923 Submission email: [email protected]

In 2024, the special job fair of Yongzhou will be sent to the post of the trade union of Jiangle County! | Entrepreneurship and employment

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In 2024, the special job fair of Yongzhou will be sent to the post of the trade union of Jiangle County! | Entrepreneurship and employment
