
Moving forward with green, "carbon" is the way to get rich Four collars and one promotion, ecological leadership

author:Micro will be happy
Moving forward with green, "carbon" is the way to get rich Four collars and one promotion, ecological leadership
Moving forward with green, "carbon" is the way to get rich Four collars and one promotion, ecological leadership
Moving forward with green, "carbon" is the way to get rich Four collars and one promotion, ecological leadership

With lush green mountains and murmuring clear waters, Sanming, the green capital, has a forest coverage rate of 77.12%.

From the 80s of the 20th century to the first to open the curtain of national forest reform, and then to the new era to take the lead in the country to pilot the forest ticket and forestry carbon ticket system, as one of the sources of the national collective forest tenure system reform, Sanming continues to deepen forest reform and explore an effective path to transform "lucid waters and lush mountains" into "gold and silver mountains". Nowadays, the spring breeze of forest reform has blown all over the land of Sanming, making thousands of mountains and forests full of vitality.

Moving forward with green, "carbon" is the way to get rich Four collars and one promotion, ecological leadership

Carbon tickets become banknotes

"Carbon" is the way to green prosperity

In midsummer, along the winding mountain road in Bailian Town, Jiangle County, the mountains are stacked with green, the grass and trees are verdant, and the rolling greenery spreads in front of you. "This year, everyone went into the mountains earlier than in previous years to weed, turn over the soil, and irrigate, and the production was full of enthusiasm." In Qihou Village, which is more than 600 meters above sea level, Tang Shuiwang, deputy director of the village committee, introduced.

The villagers are full of energy, thanks to the completion of the Zhushan Highway. Last year, the first National Ecology Day was held in Jiangle, and the village sold 8,013 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent forestry carbon tickets to Shanghai Huizhou Construction Group at a price of 15 yuan per ton, and the village collective received 125,000 yuan of income for the construction of Zhushan Highway to facilitate the life and production of the masses.

Moving forward with green, "carbon" is the way to get rich Four collars and one promotion, ecological leadership

"The mountain is still the mountain in front of us, and there is not a single tree missing, but the 'road to prosperity' that everyone is looking forward to has been built." Tang Siqing, secretary of the party branch of Qihou Village, said that he did not know much about new terms such as carbon sink, carbon neutrality and carbon peaking, but he and the villagers were full of surprises that the air could be sold for money.

It is not the first village to become a new type of "carbon seller". Before them, Changkou Village, located in Gaotang Town, Jiangle County, had already been the first to eat "crabs".

Moving forward with green, "carbon" is the way to get rich Four collars and one promotion, ecological leadership

On May 18, 2021, Sanming City issued the first batch of forestry carbon tickets, numbered "0000001", which fell in Changkou Village, Gaotang Town, Jiangle County.

The village, which engraved "green mountains and clear waters are priceless treasures" on the stone tablet at the entrance of the village, handed over the 213 hectares of ecological public welfare forest in the village to a third-party organization for evaluation and calculation, and reduced carbon emissions by 12,723 tons during the monitoring period. Among them, 2,723 tons of carbon emission reduction was bought by Fujian Tonghai Nickel Technology Co., Ltd. at a price of 40,845 yuan on the same day.

The air in the forest is good, and the economy in the forest is hot. Fujian Pangu Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. explored 20 hectares of imitation wild planting of Polygonatum polygonatum in Changkou Village. At the end of 2023, after obtaining the first understory space management license in Sanming City, the company also opened a new business of planting Dendrobium officinale in Changkou Village this year.

Today's Changkou, the greenery is still the same, and the villagers are happy. By the end of 2023, the village's financial income will reach 2.15 million yuan, of which the development of the understory economy alone will increase the income by 250,000 yuan per year.

Aoyama 变 "Kanayama"

Create a Sanming practice of green development

Forestry carbon ticket is a useful exploration for the realization of the value of local forestry products. Although Sanming has abundant forest resources and a unique ecological environment, it is not easy to understand the story behind the Sanming forestry carbon ticket.

The development of forestry hard ticket, Sanming is facing many challenges. "It's just the beginning!" Liao Yunhua, chief engineer of Fujian Golden Forest Industry Co., Ltd., said that the methodology of the forestry carbon sequestration CCER project filed by the state requires afforestation without forest land or artificial management of middle and young forests, and less than 10% of the forests in Sanming can be used to develop CCER forestry carbon sequestration projects.

Guarding the reckless green mountains, is it possible to miss the important outlet of forestry carbon sequestration? In this regard, Sanming City has found another way, focusing on the public welfare donation market in addition to mandatory emission reduction, innovating measurement methods, and developing Sanming forestry carbon tickets.

Moving forward with green, "carbon" is the way to get rich Four collars and one promotion, ecological leadership

On the one hand, Sanming has reduced the restrictions on forest species and forest age in the main body of development, and as long as it is forest land and forest trees with clear ownership within the administrative area, you can apply for forestry carbon coupons for development.

On the other hand, in terms of measurement methods, different from the forestry carbon sink CCER project that emphasizes "additional net increase", Sanyang forestry carbon ticket is based on the increase in forest growth, and converted into net carbon storage (including natural growth and artificial intervention) according to the "Sanming Forestry Carbon Ticket (SMCER) Carbon Emission Reduction Measurement Method".

This series of bold innovations allowed Sanming to successfully issue the first forestry carbon ticket in China.

On January 18 this year, 32 months after the advent of Sanming forestry carbon tickets, the China International Association for the Promotion of Science and Technology officially issued the "Measures for the Measurement of Carbon Emission Reductions in Forestry Carbon Tickets" and the "Guidelines for the Management of Forestry Carbon Tickets" led by Fujian Golden Forest Industry Co., Ltd.

"It's a 'forestry ticket'. It's not a 'Sanming Forestry Phosphorus Ticket'. Liao Yunhua emphasized that there is no "Sanming" in the name of these two group standards, which means that Sanming forestry carbon tickets have the possibility of stepping out of Sanming and moving towards a broader market stage.

Moving forward with green, "carbon" is the way to get rich Four collars and one promotion, ecological leadership

Thanks to the Shanghai-Ming counterpart cooperation that began in 2022, Shanghai and Sanming will explore cooperation models in the fields of forestry residual sink methodology development, project and scenario creation, and emission reduction consumption channels, and support the inclusion of the developed Sanming forestry carbon coupons into Shanghai's carbon inclusive system.

Many ideas for co-operation between the two places have now been realized. The company that buys the forestry carbon coupons in Qihou Village is from Shanghai. This is also the first time that Sanming forestry carbon tickets have been sold across borders and regions in China, marking the first step of Sanming forestry carbon tickets to open up the national market.

From holding large and medium-sized activities such as conferences, events, and performances to eliminate the footprint of the joint and realize the joint neutralization through the purchase of forestry carbon tickets, to the forestry ticket recognized by the parties to the No. 31 ecological case to restore the ecological environment, and then to guide the enterprise unit to adopt the method of Baokang income and premium sharing, Sanming Forestry hard ticket is writing a new chapter of green development in the application scenarios of exploration and innovation.

In late March this year, Baixikou Village, Fukou Town, Shaxian District, Sanming City, sold more than 7,200 tons of forestry carbon coupons with a total price of 109,000 yuan to the Shanghai Branch of Pacific Insurance through the Property Rights Trading Center of Yicun Village, Shaxian County, Fujian Province, to offset the carbon emissions of the Shanghai International Import Expo, and the money obtained will be used for medical and social security subsidies for villagers.

The case of Baixikou Village is a microcosm of the many stories of "carbon sellers", reflecting the fruitful achievements on the road of exploration of carbon sequestration in Sanming forestry.

Moving forward with green, "carbon" is the way to get rich Four collars and one promotion, ecological leadership

Today, Sanming forestry carbon sink has achieved a transaction amount of 30 million yuan, and the trading volume and transaction amount of forestry carbon sink products are the first in the province.

Chuzhou in Anhui Province, Bijie and Shiping in Guizhou Province have borrowed from Sanming practice to issue local forestry carbon tickets.

Sanming's forestry carbon ticket reform practice has been affirmed by the Central Reform Office, the National Forestry and Grassland Administration, and the Reform Office of the Provincial Party Committee, and has been included in the "Ecological Product Value Realization Case" of the Ministry of Natural Resources. The carbon sink trading cases of Chengyang, Yulin and Ming in Shaanxi Province were selected into the Shanghai Handbook (2023 annual report) edited by UN-Habitat, upgrading from a local practice to a "China case" and entering a broader perspective.

For Zhang Linshun, who received the country's first forestry carbon ticket, the forestry carbon ticket for their family's 25.8 hectares of mountain forest has already been given to his daughter and son-in-law as a dowry, and together with the hope contained in the green waters and green mountains, it has become the "heirloom" of this farmer. This small carbon ticket carries a heavy green hope and entrusts the people's pursuit and yearning for a better life.

Source: Sanming Daily Reporter: Chen Thirst, Dong Guansheng Correspondent: Jiang GuangweiEditor: Zheng Junji Preliminary Review: Zhang Yinxian Review: Lin Chaoqun Final Review: Xiao Jiuhui Business Cooperation, News Clues, Fight against Fake News Reporting: 0598-2322923 Submission Email: [email protected]

Moving forward with green, "carbon" is the way to get rich Four collars and one promotion, ecological leadership

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Moving forward with green, "carbon" is the way to get rich Four collars and one promotion, ecological leadership


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