
Indoor pothos, more water is the last word, the more water and fertilizer, the longer the branches

author:Sunny gardening


Indoor pothos, more water is the last word, the more water and fertilizer, the longer the branches

The pothos raised at home, why do some people raise pothos grow quickly and can grow branches of the Great Wall, while some people's pothos wilts, they don't grow for a year, and even a large number of yellow leaves will appear.

Indoor pothos, more water is the last word, the more water and fertilizer, the longer the branches

Cause pothos to have various problems, in fact, the way of maintenance is not the same, the indoor environment is the most suitable for the growth of pothos, pothos under the scattered light, as long as you give enough water, it is rare to appear the phenomenon of leaf yellowing, unless it is the replacement of new and old leaves, the old leaves for a long time, the natural will be yellow, it is a normal phenomenon, it is inevitable that the old and new growth iterations, the plant will also be reflected.

Indoor pothos, more water is the last word, the more water and fertilizer, the longer the branches

How can I raise pothos in a better state?

Raising pothos is actually the easiest and easiest thing, a little bit of basic knowledge of raising flowers, you can raise pothos very well, remember that the pothos raised at home does not need to bask in the sun, you can put it in any corner of the room, as long as there is bright scattered light, then pothos can grow normally.

Indoor pothos, more water is the last word, the more water and fertilizer, the longer the branches

In addition to not basking in the sun, the daily maintenance period also needs to be given enough water, pothos is a plant with a very high demand for water, a large amount of water can promote its growth, indoor breeding pothos, like our northern region, an average of a week to give water, every watering to completely water the flower soil, even three or four days of watering is OK.

Indoor pothos, more water is the last word, the more water and fertilizer, the longer the branches

The temperature in summer is very high, and the evaporation rate of water is relatively fast, do not wait until the soil is completely dry before watering, give a little water in three or five days, the soil is in a relatively humid state, the root system can continuously absorb water 24 hours a day, and the branches will grow longer.

Indoor pothos, more water is the last word, the more water and fertilizer, the longer the branches

On the basis of watering, you can properly fertilize, pothos this plant, the demand for fertilizer is also more, and it does not pick fertilizer, nutrient solution, and granular fertilizer, slow-release fertilizer can be used, buy a little slow-release fertilizer granules, sprinkle on the surface of the soil, slow-release fertilizer particles can provide nutrients continuously.

Indoor pothos, more water is the last word, the more water and fertilizer, the longer the branches

Indoor foliage plants, watering is very important, remember not to wait until the soil is dry before watering, the root system of the plant will stop growing when it cannot absorb water, and even stop for a long time, if you keep the soil with water from beginning to end, then the roots of the plant can continue to absorb water, the water does not stop, and the growth of the plant will not stop.

Indoor pothos, more water is the last word, the more water and fertilizer, the longer the branches

Starting from June every year, pothos enters the peak season of growth, the higher the temperature, the faster the pothos grows, a lot of watering must be carried out during the maintenance period, and the pothos can grow fast by watering more, which is the most basic reason for breeding pothos.

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