
The third member congress of Xincai County Writers Association was held

author:Phoenix Sky
The third member congress of Xincai County Writers Association was held

On the morning of June 29, the third member congress of the Xincai County Writers Association was held in the conference room on the third floor of Cai Hongfang Cultural Industry Park. Han Zuhe, second-level inspector of Zhumadian City and chairman of the Municipal Writers Association, attended the meeting to congratulate. Liu Jiufeng, member of the Standing Committee of the Xincai County Party Committee, Minister of Propaganda and Deputy County Magistrate, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Cao Dan, vice chairman of Zhumadian Writers Association, former dean and professor of the School of Culture and Communication of Huanghuai University, and Huang Junfeng, deputy secretary-general of Zhumadian Writers Association and vice president and secretary-general of Zhumadian Reportage Society, were invited to attend the meeting. The conference kicked off with the majestic national anthem.

The third member congress of Xincai County Writers Association was held

Han Zuhe delivered a congratulatory speech to the conference. He said that in recent years, the Xincai County Party Committee and the county government have made full use of the unique location advantages, resource endowments and magnificent red resources, rich and heavy historical and cultural resources including Ganbao cultural celebrities, and introduced a number of effective measures for the prosperity and development of literary and artistic undertakings, which have played a strong role in promoting the high-quality development of Xincai County's literary and artistic undertakings and the great cultural development and prosperity of the city, and have made outstanding contributions to the city's literary undertakings ranking first in the province. Han Zuhe pointed out that in the new era and new journey, the mission of literary and artistic work is glorious and promising. He expressed the hope that the vast number of literary workers would consciously strengthen their theoretical armament and strengthen their self-confidence and self-improvement. Insist on creating for the people, and constantly launch high-quality masterpieces. From the avenue, stand to a high place, strive to climb the peak of literature, produce more masterpieces, and promote the prosperity of literature and art.

The third member congress of Xincai County Writers Association was held

On behalf of the county party committee and the county government, Liu Jiufeng extended warm congratulations on the successful convening of the conference and paid high tribute to the vast number of writers and literary workers in the county. Liu Jiufeng pointed out that in recent years, under the leadership of the presidium, the Xincai County Writers Association has taken root at the grassroots level, gone deep into the front line, adhered to the people-centered creative orientation, integrated into the tide of the times, grasped the pulse of the times, and used literature to tell Chinese stories, stories of the times, and stories of Xincai, which provided a strong spiritual impetus for the high-quality economic and social development of Xincai County and created a good social environment.

Liu Jiufeng demanded that we should unite our forces and create a new situation. The vast number of literary workers must think in one place, seek wisdom in one place, and work hard in one place, and strive to make Xin Cai's literary career show a vigorous and upward trend. It is necessary to take care of the common home and create a warm atmosphere. The members of the Writers' Association should uphold the character of literary people, actively make suggestions and suggestions, actively give full play to their strengths, actively participate in activities, and strive to create a warm, healthy and harmonious family. It is necessary to improve the mechanism of writers' associations and establish a correct creative orientation. It is necessary to take stressing politics as the soul and starting point of the work of the Writers' Association, establish a long-term mechanism for ideological and political guidance, and a guidance mechanism for regular theme creation activities, always regard upholding and carrying forward the core socialist values as the top priority, highlight the correct value guidance, establish a mechanism for members to advance and retreat, and clarify all kinds of rules and regulations. The members of the Writers' Association should create more high-quality products and maintain high-spirited passion. Cultivate the ability to discern and develop the habit of independent thinking. Respect the laws of creation and achieve the realm of unity of knowledge and action. Strive to create more excellent works worthy of history, the times, and the people, and write a glorious chapter in the literary and artistic cause of Xincai County.

The third member congress of Xincai County Writers Association was held

The meeting elected the third council of the Xincai County Writers Association. Xue Feng was elected as the chairman of the third Xincai County Writers Association, and Xie Shihua was appointed as the honorary chairman. The conference also voted and approved the "Work Report of the Xincai County Writers Association" and the "Articles of Association of Xincai County Writers (Draft)".

The third member congress of Xincai County Writers Association was held

(Source: Pocket Xincai Photo: Yang Linlin)