
Did Du Mouzhi give birth in Huaihe Hospital? Does the basis for the misplaced life program exist?

author:Five sheepskins

Today, I watched the "Misplaced Life" program again, and I felt a lot, this program is really very hard, a large group of people are busy working, Wei Mou Committee, the hat of the Drum Tower, the hammer, Huaihe Hospital, experts from all walks of life and the parties have appeared, and there is indeed no evidence to prove that the "change" incident is a stealing change, you watched this episode of the show, it is likely to believe what they said, right?

Did Du Mouzhi give birth in Huaihe Hospital? Does the basis for the misplaced life program exist?

I found that there is a big loophole in Kaifeng's handling of the "changeling" incident, that is, they have always carried out investigations and reasoning on the basis of acquiescing that Du Mouzhi gave birth to a child in Huaihe Hospital, and all the investigations are based on Du Mouzhi having given birth to a child in Huaihe Hospital, which is why they don't touch the altered medical records, right?

Was Du Mouzhi a child born in Huaihe Hospital? Didn't all the people in Kaifeng who investigated this matter have any doubts about whether Du Mouzhi gave birth in Huaihe Hospital? The basis of all their investigations is that Du Mouzhi gave birth to a child in Huaihe Hospital, then, on this basis, the hat of the Drum Tower began their investigation work, checked the genealogy of the nine generations, determined the kinship of Kuan and Zhi, and the chaotic management came into being.

Did Du Mouzhi give birth in Huaihe Hospital? Does the basis for the misplaced life program exist?

If it is not certain that Du Mouzhi gave birth to a child in Huaihe Hospital, then all the investigation conclusions and reasoning will have no basis, and now we want to know whether the hat of the Drum Tower and the hammer of the building have determined that Du Mouzhi gave birth in Huaihe Hospital?

So far, we have seen that the only evidence that Du Mouzhi gave birth to in Huaihe Hospital is the altered medical records provided by the hospital. Can the altered medical records prove that Ms. Du gave birth to a child in the hospital?

Did Du Mouzhi give birth in Huaihe Hospital? Does the basis for the misplaced life program exist?

The altered medical record was questioned by many people as forged, and such a medical record was not identified, so this altered evidence cannot prove that Du Mouzhi gave birth to a child in Huaihe Hospital, and the evidence lacks authenticity and reliability, and this medical record should be evaluated.

Du Mouzhi herself does not have any evidence that can prove that she gave birth to a child in Huaihe Hospital, she does not have a birth certificate, and even the fake birth certificate in her mouth has no evidence to prove its existence, so Du Mouzhi cannot prove that she gave birth to a child in Huaihe Hospital.

Does Huaihe Hospital provide other evidence that can support that Du Mouzhi gave birth in the hospital? If Huaihe Hospital can provide the payment slip that Du Mouzhi gave birth to in the hospital, it can also prove that Du Mouzhi may have given birth in the hospital, but it is obvious that Huaihe did not provide Du Mouzhi's payment slip.

Did Du Mouzhi give birth in Huaihe Hospital? Does the basis for the misplaced life program exist?

Du Mouzhi and Huaihe Hospital could not prove the existence of the doctor-patient relationship between them, but the amazing thing is that they both acquiesced to the existence of this relationship, and they acquiesced to it, and the hat and hammer of the Drum Tower did not investigate and confirm the existence of the doctor-patient relationship between them, but they acquiesced to the existence of this relationship, is this practice reasonable?

Director Zhang of Huaihe Hospital said in an interview that they did not deny that the child was replaced in their hospital, this statement is a "riding the wall" statement, Xu Min's child must have been given birth in Huaihe Hospital, and her child was changed here, and it is natural to be able to launch that the two children were replaced in the hospital, and this statement cannot prove that Du Mouzhi gave birth to a child in the hospital.

How did Du Mouzhi's child get to Huaihe Hospital, there are many possibilities, Yao Ce was born in Huaihe Hospital is only one of the possibilities, if you want to prove that Yao Ce was born in Huaihe Hospital, you must first prove that Du Mouzhi was born in Huaihe Hospital, but there is no direct evidence to prove this.

Did Du Mouzhi give birth in Huaihe Hospital? Does the basis for the misplaced life program exist?

The "Misplaced Life" episode of the program recorded in the "Today's Statement" column is very long, it seems that the hat and hammer of the drum tower have done their due diligence on this matter, in fact, they did not even find out whether the most basic Du Mouzhi gave birth in Huaihe Hospital, but directly affirmed that Du Mouzhi gave birth in Huaihe Hospital, so don't the two children have the basis of "wrong exchange" first?

If there is no evidence to prove that Du Mouzhi was born in a hospital, is there still any meaning in "chaotic management", "old age", "kinship", etc.?

"Misplaced Life" was recorded so well, why was it taken off the shelves? This episode of the program has obvious tendencies, and at the beginning of the program, the netizens' doubts about the truth were characterized as "very noisy", but a statement column, a program that set an example for the people of the whole country did not even find out the basic facts, what truth is there to talk about?

Did Du Mouzhi give birth in Huaihe Hospital? Does the basis for the misplaced life program exist?

There are many experts invited, the legal knowledge is perfect, and the reasons are sufficient, if you can't first confirm that Du Mouzhi gave birth in Huaihe Hospital, isn't this a big joke?

If this unidentified altered medical record is forged, Du Mouzhi is not a child born in Huaihe Hospital, and this episode of today's show is about to encounter Waterloo, and the existence of this episode of the show cannot be denied when it is taken off the shelves, and there will be a "monument" here that will always remember this.