
This theme party day is very distracting

author:Eastern Theater of Operations

Text | Li Gang, Zhan Qiang, Xiao Chenye

Figure | Liu Chengyuan, Zhang Tongkun, Huang Debin

On the occasion of the 103rd birthday of the Communist Party of China

A certain unit of the Air Force of the Eastern Theater of Operations

Take the study and education of party discipline as the main line

Take the "Concept of Struggle in the New Era" discussion as the starting point

Organize "July 1st" theme party day activities

Stimulate the entrepreneurial enthusiasm of party members and officials

Gather those who are determined to strengthen the army and dare to fight and win

Willpower –

This theme party day is very distracting

A special party class full of "knowledge points".

The secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Ministry of Discipline Inspection issued a speech entitled "Firmly Establish a Sense of Discipline,

Consciously build a dam of self-discipline and effectively enforce discipline

Stand up and fall".

It gave a vivid lesson on clean government discipline for party members

We should further build up an ideological line of defense against corruption and degeneration

This theme party day is very distracting

A solemn oath-taking ceremony

"I volunteered to join the Communist Party of China......

Always ready to sacrifice everything for the party and the people,

Never betray the party. ”

All party members of the ministry face the bright red party flag

Review the oath of joining the party

The oath is sonorous and loud

This is a solemn commitment of every party member

It is also a re-questioning of the original intention of faith

It further strengthened the party members

The determination and will to listen to the party and follow the party

This theme party day is very distracting
This theme party day is very distracting

A "down-to-earth" red story meeting

The outstanding party members of the ministry walked into the "micro lecture hall"

Around "I want to say to the party"

Share classic war history stories and experiences

Guide party members to learn from history

Exploring our army under the leadership of the party

The spiritual code of constantly moving from victory to victory

This theme party day is very distracting

An "immersive" visit

The ministry organizes representatives of party members

Visit the red education base

Looking back on the eventful years and recalling the original mission

Further guide party members to root in the red gene

Temper the fighting blood and stimulate the enthusiasm for struggle

This theme party day is very distracting

A "heartwarming" political birthday card

In order to enhance the sense of mission and honor of party members

They carefully made and distributed them to all party members

Political birthday cards

This is to strengthen the identification of party members with their political identity

It is also a revisit to the original mission

In order to promote party members to keep in mind the mission and strengthen their responsibility

Take root in your own post and make contributions to the barracks

This theme party day is very distracting
This theme party day is very distracting

A movie-watching event

In order to strengthen the party spirit of party members

Inspire patriotic feelings

They coordinated the resident cinema to the barracks

Organize party members to watch the movie "The Awakener" collectively

Encourage everyone to inherit and carry forward the ancestors

The fearless spirit of courage to struggle and sacrifice

Absorb the majestic power of striving to strengthen the army

This theme party day is very distracting

A "talk of the original heart" thought report

They combine thematic party days

Organize and convene a party group meeting

Report on recent thoughts and work on a person-by-person basis

Party members use simple language to express their true feelings

Express not forgetting the original intention, not forgetting the party's kindness, and not forgetting the responsibility

Be determined

This theme party day is very distracting

Don't forget the original intention and keep the mission in mind

Work hard and move forward bravely

Party members in action

This theme party day is very distracting

Authoritative release in the Eastern Theater of Operations

Supervisor | Department of Political Work of the Eastern Theater of Operations

Hosted | Eastern Theater Financial Media Center Issue | Draw 4862

Internship Editor: Fu Dingkun E-mail: [email protected]