
Trump won a big victory over Biden, Zelensky: The Ukrainian army suffered too many casualties and is preparing for a truce at the end of the year

author:Force wave observation

Recently, Trump won a big victory over Biden in a televised debate on the presidential election. Trump said that the United States does not intend to become enemies with Russia and China. Trump's statement is really intriguing.

Trump's big victory over Biden seems to have become a "butterfly effect" affecting the Russia-Ukraine war. Recently, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced that Ukraine plans to stop the Russian-Ukrainian conflict by the end of the year. Zelensky's attitude towards the Russia-Ukraine war has taken a 180-degree turn, and this big turn is indeed unexpected by many people.

Why is it unexpected? Previously, Zelensky's attitude towards Russia was extremely tough and without any compromises. The Ukrainian government will fight the war to the end, even if it is strong. But this time, Zelensky did make a principled compromise with Russia, admitting his defeat in disguise, and signing an armistice agreement with Russia.

Trump won a big victory over Biden, Zelensky: The Ukrainian army suffered too many casualties and is preparing for a truce at the end of the year

So what should we think about this matter?

First, Trump won a big victory over Biden, and Zelensky bet on Trump to win the election, and released wind to Trump: he is ready to stop the war, and he does not intend to fight the war.

But that's just a rumor, because Trump is only winning the presidential debate for the first time, not in the presidential election. There were also a number of presidential debates, as well as voting elections. There will be a lot of unknown factors during this period.

Here we have to mention Trump's foreign policy, which is to put the United States first, unite with Russia, and isolate China. This has been evident in the Trump administration's diplomatic moves since 2018. If Trump wins the presidential election in 2024, Trump will inevitably stop the Russia-Ukraine conflict, and Zelensky, in order to convince Trump, can only stop the Russia-Ukraine conflict and order the Ukrainian army to stop resisting.

Trump won a big victory over Biden, Zelensky: The Ukrainian army suffered too many casualties and is preparing for a truce at the end of the year

Therefore, Zelensky's move is to bet on Trump to win the US presidential election and bet on the emergence of a "pro-Russian president" in the United States. In this way, Zelensky will be able to make a comeback. When the Democratic Party wins the presidential election again in the future, Zelensky will be able to re-expand the arms war in the Republican Party in the past few years, while shouting peace, and then after the Democratic Party authorities come to power, they will provoke Russia again, and start another war with Russia to fight the war.

Therefore, Zelensky's move is likely to be an important move to show his delaying tactics to Trump while showing his tactics of delaying the army. Zelensky's truce may not be subjectively wanting a truce, but Trump will have to let Ukraine cease war as soon as he comes to power. But if the Democratic Party comes to power again in the future and continues to be tough on Russia, Zelensky can continue to threaten Russia with the support of the United States. This is how Zelensky said he wanted a truce after Trump won the debate against Biden.

Second, the current reality in Ukraine does not allow the Ukrainian army to fight a long-term war.

Trump won a big victory over Biden, Zelensky: The Ukrainian army suffered too many casualties and is preparing for a truce at the end of the year

Zelensky does not have any experience in governing and relies on acting to be elected president. In the original movie "Servant of the People", Zelensky played "Ukrainian President Vasya" did a good job. Zelensky confused the difference between acting and real government according to his "successful performance" in the movie and became the president of Ukraine.

At that time, the Ukrainian people also felt that "President Vasya" had done a good job. So the actor Zelensky, who played the role of "President Vasya", will also do well. As everyone knows, the Ukrainian people elected Zelensky, which actually brought endless disasters to Ukraine.

After Zelensky came to power, he completely fell to the United States, and directly deployed NATO military forces in Ukraine despite Russia's opposition. What's more, Zelensky supports the resurrection of Nazi forces while clamoring to join NATO to threaten Russia. Russia must not tolerate the presence of NATO military power on its doorstep, and even more so allow the Nazi forces to be resurrected. As a result, on February 24, 2022, the Russian army officially launched a just war against Ukraine, dispatching 300,000 Russian troops to attack military targets in Ukraine that threaten Russia. This dozen is still to this day.

Trump won a big victory over Biden, Zelensky: The Ukrainian army suffered too many casualties and is preparing for a truce at the end of the year

Zelensky, with the support of the United States, coerced the whole people to be cannon fodder for the United States. The Ukrainian army obeyed the order of the Americans to "let the Ukrainians fight to the last Ukrainian" and swore to resist the Russian army to the death. The United States continues to pay for a lot of guns to the Ukrainian army, so that the Ukrainian army will shed blood instead of the Americans. After a long and fierce battle, the Ukrainian army suffered more than 1 million casualties, lost more than 2,000 tanks, more than 200 planes and helicopters, and more than 1,000 artillery pieces. Almost all the soldiers of the Ukrainian army with combat experience were killed or seriously wounded.

Ukraine has been arresting strong men since the second half of 2023, and various cities have even bypassed the recruitment agencies and went directly to the battlefield. The Ukrainian army does not even spare the disabled. This way of arresting the strong men has made the lives of the Ukrainian people extremely miserable, and the anti-war voices in Ukraine are getting louder and louder. In this case, Zelensky was forced to admit the fact that the Ukrainian army suffered huge casualties, and he had to agree to a truce before the end of the year.

Trump won a big victory over Biden, Zelensky: The Ukrainian army suffered too many casualties and is preparing for a truce at the end of the year

The Russian army has taken more than 20% of the land in Ukraine, and the war potential of the Ukrainian army is getting smaller and smaller. And the United States is not very willing to provide more support to the Ukrainian army as it supports Japan and South Korea. In this case, it is a sure thing that Ukraine will agree to a truce.

Third, the Russian army also needs to continue to counterattack and constantly add new pressure to the Ukrainian army. Let the Ukrainian authorities realize that peace can only be won if there is a real truce. Any deception and sloppiness against Russia can only discredit Ukraine and allow the Ukrainian people to continue to be tormented by the flames of war. Because Ukraine had previously agreed to an armistice through the Minsk Agreements, and later tore up the Minsk Agreements. Now Ukraine is talking about a truce, how does this make Russia believe in Ukraine?