
Speaking of cicadas in summer, seven cicada poems: the voice is high from afar, and the flow resounds out of the dredging tree

author:Hatsui Katsuyuki

Seven summer cicada poems: May chirping, cicada wings are heavy

When the rainy season stopped, the sky was still full of clouds, but the temperature suddenly rose, it was hot and humid, and I was sweating slightly if I didn't move, and I heard the sound outside the window, like the boiling sound of a kettle about to open, which could easily be regarded as a kind of noise of vehicles driving up and down in the city. But listening carefully is different, sneering for a long time, sometimes low or paused. only to realize that it was the sound of cicadas. This is the first time this year that cicadas are chirping. It's just weird, why is it so loud?

I don't really like the sound of cicadas, because it gives people a sense of boiling and irritability, and I feel more and more depressed and long summer.

However, the girlfriend always has a jade cicada hanging around her neck, and her beautiful and mellow body is moving on her neck in summer.

About the cicada, the local name is known. That's what many places call it. I think this "knowledge" is an ancient sound. It has been such a voice from ancient times to the present, which is a kind of experience.

Regarding cicadas, the era of the Book of Songs, that is, the Yin and Zhou periods, was called the Xu.

"May Song." --"Poetry, Wind, July"

In the fifth month of the lunar calendar, the cicadas begin to chirp, which is the same phenology as ancient and modern. At least the cicadas I heard, no more, no less, in May. But this word is very interesting, why are there worms and weeks? Therefore, this Zhou character has the appearance of the image of the cicada, but there is another possibility, which is the auspicious insect of the Zhou Dynasty. It symbolizes the Great Zhou, like the life of the cicada, forever.

Speaking of cicadas in summer, seven cicada poems: the voice is high from afar, and the flow resounds out of the dredging tree

In the countryside, cicadas are the most common on the willow locust trees in summer, and children are easily attracted to cicadas, and adults also catch cicadas for children. However, the ability to catch cicadas on the tree should be older, and on the tree, you will also see various transparent and translucent cicadas that look like cicadas. The cicada has a special pair of transparent hard wings, that kind of transparency, which is rare for other insects, where does the cicada come from, and why do they take off their clothes? Experienced farmers tell you that cicadas come from the soil, will fly to the trees, and then, no more. The great mystery that gave birth to the primitive cult of the cicada.

"The world is turbid and unclear, the cicada wings are heavy, and the thousand jun is light." Qu Yuan's "Divination"

This is Qu Yuan of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, writing poems, this world is really muddy and not clear, people take the wings of cicadas as precious, but with tens of millions of catties of material, they look ordinary and don't care.

Were these cicada wings, the transparent cicada wings, so valuable at the time?

This cannot but be said that the ancient worship of longevity and longevity. Because of the special life habits and life cycle of cicadas, in ancient times, cicadas were regarded as sacred insects, symbolizing resurrection and eternal life. Because the larvae of the cicada can lie underground for many years, the cicada will then cling to the tree, survive by eating the sap of the leaves, and finally grow transparent wings. So these transparent wings are extremely symbolic.

From the Yin Shang to the Warring States Period, the nobles wore jade cicadas as a valuable daily ornament.

China is the earliest country to breed mulberry silkworm weaving, to the pre-Qin era, the silk weaving technology is very exquisite, can weave a transparent texture of cloth, of course, wearing the thin silk like the wings of the cicada, wearing the jade cicada, it has become a symbol of nobility.

In order to pursue the ultimate and transparent beauty, the aristocracy pursued this form of beauty one after another, resulting in an atmosphere of extravagance and vainness.

That's why Qu Yuan sighed, this world is not divided into weight, and the little cicada wing yarn is rushing to it, and no one seriously solves the real things in the world.

Speaking of cicadas in summer, seven cicada poems: the voice is high from afar, and the flow resounds out of the dredging tree

Do you think that in the Han Dynasty, this worship of false immortality and the pursuit of cicada-wing tulle will be weakened?

No, it's even worse. The jade cicada is not only used for daily wear, but also an important burial jade for the emperor, which is held in the mouth, symbolizing the immortality of the soul, such as the eternity of the cicada.

The textiles unearthed in the Han Dynasty have cicada wing yarn, which is cool and elegant. Since then, cicada wing yarn has become a high-grade transparent yarn material, and to describe people's fairy and temperament.

"Delicate and delicate, lightly matched with cicada wings.

Respect said Yuan ornament, expensive for the first service. "Late Eastern Han Dynasty · Xu Gan "Crown Fu"

Cicadas and cicada wings are also used in hats that symbolize status.

Hats woven with fine ribbons and yarn wings like cicada wings are called the most luxurious hats.

It is a major occasion with expensive costumes.

Of course, there is a strong pictographic and symbolic meaning here, symbolizing the ministers surrounding the emperor like the sun god like a cicada.

Speaking of cicadas in summer, seven cicada poems: the voice is high from afar, and the flow resounds out of the dredging tree

However, the Han Dynasty, which advocated the art of immortals, did not have a country forever, and the worship of the mysterious immortality of the cicada gradually dissipated after the Han and Jin dynasties.

In its place was the aesthetic of the literati.

The period from the end of the Han Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty was an extremely turbulent period of several hundred years.

The cicada, perched on the trees in summer, has a loud voice, but it is not visible that it is the weak, as if dew and branches can live. They stand tall and look far away, with thin wings flying. Those scholars in turmoil have experienced the bitterness brought by the times, their talents are like the sound of cicadas, lonely in the barren era, and uneven songs, this cicada represents their catharsis and depression. Of course, it is also full of the arrogance of not following the crowd and joining the stream.

"Drinking the dew, the sound of dredging.

Raising his voice from afar, not by the autumn wind. "At the end of the Sui Dynasty and the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, Yu Shinan "Cicada"

The cicadas on the tree, hanging their wings, drank the dew between the leaves, and the loud sound came from the plane tree.

Because the cicada stands on a high place, the sound naturally travels far.

Because the cicada, the voice is loud, not just borrowing the wind to let the sound go far.

This is, of course, a metaphor for people with extraordinary talents, who are far-sighted, and talent is influence.

That's also, when the cicada sounds, any sound is muffled, whether you think the cicadas sound good or not.

There is an ancient proverb that people have left their names and geese have left their voices, but they are not as good as the sound of cicadas, and they have the dominance of summer.

Speaking of cicadas in summer, seven cicada poems: the voice is high from afar, and the flow resounds out of the dredging tree

"A clear summer, several places promote the flow of the year.

The people with lofty ideals are bitter, and they are alone when they hear about it for the first time. Tang Yongyu's "Early Cicada"

When the cicadas chirp, it's the height of summer. Hearing the sound of cicadas, the arrival of midsummer and summer, the year in summer, also means that half of the year has passed.

But the sound of cicadas also represents a kind of exaltation and dominance. Everyone has already occupied their own branches, but you are still in trouble, is the silent majority, this kind of comparison, for people who are frustrated in their careers, there is a sense of psychological frustration.

When I heard the cicadas in the summer, I felt a sense of psychological oppression.

Why is it always someone else who is hilarious?

Speaking of cicadas in summer, seven cicada poems: the voice is high from afar, and the flow resounds out of the dredging tree

"It is difficult to be satisfied, and it is in vain to hate and waste.

Five more sparse and broken, a tree is ruthless.

The thin eunuch stalk is still flat, and the old garden has been flattened.

Annoying Jun is the most alarming, and I am also a family. Don · Li Shangyin "Cicada"

Li Shangyin's "Cicada" is very interesting, every time I read it, I can read new meanings.

For example, this time, I read that he was trapped in poverty, and he was particularly impatient and depressed by the sound of summer cicadas.

The cicadas stand on the high branches of the tall trees and drink the dew all day long, presumably because there is no food on the tall trees, so the cicadas are particularly bitter.

Moreover, the sound of the cicadas calls in the morning, causing the people to sleep unsteadily, and it seems that they are in a difficult situation.

Li Shangyin said, I am a poor official myself, and I can't go back to my hometown.

You called it that this morning, because you couldn't get enough to eat?

You are a cicada who can't eat enough, and I can't eat enough as a family.

What's your name?!

Some people say that Li Shangyin likes the sound of cicadas, who would like that kind of noise, when he is hungry in the morning?

Nervous fragile people, in fact, are very impatient with the powerful and constant noise of this heat wave.

Speaking of cicadas in summer, seven cicada poems: the voice is high from afar, and the flow resounds out of the dredging tree

"The dense acacia is covered with high willows, and the wind is full of long days.

But the strange sound of the cicadas is shocking, and the butterflies are not allowed to dream of my hometown. Ming · Excerpt from Yu Qian's "Hearing the Cicada".

This poem is really realistic.

It's the height of summer, with dense locust branches and tall willows. The house is under the shade, but it's by no means cool.

Because there are hot winds and heat waves everywhere, the days are so long.

I want to take a nap at noon and return to the water town of my dreams to escape the heat of reality.

As a result, the cicadas called one after another, and no one was allowed to rest quietly.

Cicadas are the sound of midsummer, and if there is no cicada sound in summer, it is incredible, it is the ecosystem, and there is a change, which is not a good thing.

Speaking of cicadas in summer, seven cicada poems: the voice is high from afar, and the flow resounds out of the dredging tree

The cicada-shaped ornaments have a unique beauty.

The girlfriend is wearing a cyan jade cicada, slender and symmetrical. It also means that step by step, a blockbuster. Or it means that there is a confidant lover.

Speaking of cicadas in summer, seven cicada poems: the voice is high from afar, and the flow resounds out of the dredging tree

Hatsui Katsuyuki interprets the love and beauty in the poems for you. #头条创作挑战赛#