
Wang Hongmei: Being able to embark on the road of being an actor is inseparable from the support of her aunt

author:Pineapple Bun Entertainment

Wang Hongmei was once a popular actor, she starred in "Country Love Variations", "Dear Sisters", "Liu Laogen", "Sister-in-law", "Happy Sea" and so on.

can embark on the road of being an actor, which is inseparable from the support of her aunt.

Wang Hongmei was born in an ordinary family in Jilin.

Her aunt Gao Xiumin is an actress who is very busy with work, and often goes out to perform for several days.

Wang Hongmei: Being able to embark on the road of being an actor is inseparable from the support of her aunt

She also has a daughter, who she sends to her sister every time she leaves the house.

Wang Hongmei saw this cousin, who was several years younger than herself, and pinched her cute face, "Mom, why is she so small." ”

"How many years younger than you, she will grow up, and she will be taller than you when the time comes." Mom said.

Wang Hongmei is very good to this cousin, in order to prevent her from running out to play, this little one doesn't know the way, what should I do if I get lost?

Wang Hongmei: Being able to embark on the road of being an actor is inseparable from the support of her aunt

So, every time before going to school, she hid her cousin's shoes and put them in the kettle at home, and her shoes were just small enough to fit two.

She couldn't find her shoes and didn't go out.

After looking for shoes for a long time, my aunt finally came back from work and helped her find shoes together, she didn't think that the shoes were in the kettle, and seeing that school was about to end, she could only take the child to school to pick her up from school.

Wang Hongmei: Being able to embark on the road of being an actor is inseparable from the support of her aunt

Wang Hongmei saw her mother hugging her cousin, and she wanted to hug her too, so her mother went home with her two children alone.

My mother takes care of two children by herself and never says a word of bitterness.

The aunt is also very good to Wang Hongmei, treating her as her own daughter.

Wang Hongmei was admitted to Jilin Academy of Arts.

Wang Hongmei: Being able to embark on the road of being an actor is inseparable from the support of her aunt

She practiced very hard and tired, and she was very thin and weak, and she was prone to low blood sugar, and when she heard that she fainted when she practiced again, her aunt was very distressed, so she sat on a chicken cake every day and put it in a small box, and rode a bicycle to school with a gust of wind, and gave her chicken cakes to eat.

Every time my aunt makes chicken cakes, she only makes two, because there are few eggs at home, and they are expensive, so she is reluctant to eat them, and her daughter doesn't give one, so she makes up for her niece.

Wang Hongmei: Being able to embark on the road of being an actor is inseparable from the support of her aunt

Once, her daughter was hungry after returning at noon, she went to the kitchen to find food, and saw a small box on the table, opened it was a chicken cake, her eyes lit up, she took a piece and ate it, Gao Xiumin saw that her daughter was eating chicken cake as soon as she came in, she was very angry, "Who let you eat this, this is for your cousin." ”

The daughter muttered dissatisfiedly, who is your daughter?

The old aunt was so good to her, Wang Hongmei also asked her mother, "Mom, am I born to my aunt?" ”

Wang Hongmei: Being able to embark on the road of being an actor is inseparable from the support of her aunt

Mom flicked her forehead, "Your aunt is only 14 years older than you, how could she give birth to you." ”

Wang Hongmei was in pain, covering her head, her mother's strength was too great, and her face was a little red.

After graduating from art school, her aunt said to her again: "Nephew, you follow me to filming." ”

Wang Hongmei studied opera, and never thought about being an actor, and she never thought about being an actor, she just thought it would be good to sing on stage occasionally, and she didn't have such great ambitions.

Wang Hongmei: Being able to embark on the road of being an actor is inseparable from the support of her aunt

When the aunt heard her say no, she was rejected, she was so angry that she slammed the phone and smashed it on the ground with such a loud sound, Wang Hongmei heard it, it was the first time she saw her aunt have such a big fire, she was gentle and gentle before.

What can I do, she said to her husband that this time my aunt was really angry, should I listen to her and go to film with her?

Her husband said that he listened to her, and she would go if she wanted to, and she wouldn't go if she didn't want to.

Wang Hongmei: Being able to embark on the road of being an actor is inseparable from the support of her aunt

Wang Hongmei thought about it for a few days, but she still told her aunt that she was going to film, and her aunt was really happy when she heard it, and when she went to pick her up to film, she hummed a little song all the way, and she was in a happy mood.

Wang Hongmei couldn't help but glance at her quietly, she followed her to filming, was she so happy.

When I arrived at the crew, my aunt took my eldest nephew to meet the director, "Director, I brought people here, the previous role you mentioned?" ”

Wang Hongmei: Being able to embark on the road of being an actor is inseparable from the support of her aunt

"You're late, the crew has been on for two days." The director said, "That role was given to someone else." ”

Wang Hongmei was reluctant to follow her to the crew, but she agreed to film because she was afraid that her aunt would be angry and dislike her.

When I heard the director's words, I was overjoyed, and I couldn't play her, so I went home.

As a result, her aunt looked at her and asked her to stay in her chair and not move, Gao Xiumin went to the director again and asked if there were any roles suitable for her.

Wang Hongmei: Being able to embark on the road of being an actor is inseparable from the support of her aunt

The director thought for a while, "There really is a role, it's a blind date, if she wants to shoot, let's stay." ”

So, Wang Hongmei stayed in the crew like this, she had never filmed, and she didn't even know where the camera was, she would look wherever her aunt asked her to look, in short, she couldn't be wrong by listening to her aunt.

After that, my aunt often took her to film together, and if she had any filming, she would take her there, the two were often in a crew, and her aunt personally taught her to film, and under her aunt's personal teaching, her acting skills were getting better and better.

Wang Hongmei: Being able to embark on the road of being an actor is inseparable from the support of her aunt

Once, after Wang Hongmei finished filming "Liu Laogen", it became popular.

She didn't know she was so hot.

Once, when she went shopping with a friend, she received a conversation, the other party came to invite her to perform, and asked her how much she was paid here.

She was confused about this, so she said wait a minute.

Wang Hongmei: Being able to embark on the road of being an actor is inseparable from the support of her aunt

After hanging up the phone, my friend leaned over and asked her what was wrong? She said that someone asked her to perform and asked about the salary.

My friend is not an actor, and she said she didn't understand.

The people over there were still waiting for her call, she thought of someone, so she called her over, "Auntie, someone is looking for me to perform, how much is the appropriate salary?" ”

Her aunt said a number, Wang Hongmei was shocked so much? My aunt said yes.

Wang Hongmei: Being able to embark on the road of being an actor is inseparable from the support of her aunt

So, she told the person a string of numbers, and the other party felt that it was too high, so he didn't look for her.

After Wang Hongmei became popular, there were more resources.

Once, when she was performing in other places, she received a call from home, saying that her aunt was sick.

Wang Hongmei thought it was just an ordinary illness, so she asked her husband to go over to take a look, and her husband went to the hospital and said that he was just sick, so she didn't have to worry.

Wang Hongmei: Being able to embark on the road of being an actor is inseparable from the support of her aunt

As a result, only two days later, the old aunt was gone.

She couldn't stand crying, didn't she say an ordinary illness? Anyway, if you don't say it's gone, it's gone.

No one thought that she was so sick.

She kept crying, and her husband's heart was broken, "You haven't eaten all day, so you can eat a little." ”

Her eyes burned red, "Auntie hasn't eaten yet, I can't eat it." ”

Wang Hongmei: Being able to embark on the road of being an actor is inseparable from the support of her aunt

She still remembers that she hadn't gone to the show before the two, and met her aunt in a restaurant, and the two said hello, but she didn't expect to see her goodbye to the hospital.

Wang Hongmei was sad for a long time, and she couldn't help crying when she thought of her aunt, and her husband and children were always by her side to comfort her.

Today, Wang Hongmei is 49 years old, and her charm still exists.

Wang Hongmei: Being able to embark on the road of being an actor is inseparable from the support of her aunt

She has always been very low-key in filming, not pursuing fame and fortune.

She has been married to her husband for many years and lives happily ever after.

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