
Ultimatum on the International Space Station: What to do with the uncertain future of NASA's two astronauts?


I know that the US aerospace is collapsing now, but I didn't expect it to collapse like this.

I finally sent two astronauts to the International Space Station, and I originally planned to stay for a week and return to Earth, but when I went, I had twists and turns, and I finally entered the International Space Station, but I never dreamed that I couldn't go back.

Now that the International Space Station has given an ultimatum, the future of the two NASA astronauts is also uncertain, and the whole world is curious about the same thing: can they ever come back?

So what exactly is this to do? Seeing that the day of the ultimatum is getting closer and closer, who should NASA ask to pick up?

Let's find out!

Ultimatum on the International Space Station: What to do with the uncertain future of NASA's two astronauts?

1. The disgraced Boeing "Starliner"

This time, the two NASA astronauts who were sent to the International Space Station by the Boeing Starliner are definitely NASA's "number one unlucky eggs".

Why? In May this year, our country successfully launched Chang'e-6, and at that time, NASA also did a big thing, originally NASA's two unlucky eggs were going to take a starliner to the International Space Station in May.

As a result, the Pro launch was canceled due to a technical malfunction.

At first, it was postponed to June 1, local time in the United States, but the two unlucky eggs were ready to launch, but there was another technical failure, and the launch mission was postponed and canceled again.

On June 5th, it was finally launched, and the failure occurred again, not only the thruster failed, but also the helium leaked, and the two unlucky people finally relied on manual work to safely enter the International Space Station.

Ultimatum on the International Space Station: What to do with the uncertain future of NASA's two astronauts?

However, the spacecraft was broken, so naturally it could not return as scheduled, and because the problem was difficult to solve, the return time was repeatedly postponed, and the two unlucky eggs who were originally planned to return to Earth in mid-June were also trapped in space.

The current situation is that Boeing's starliner still has undiscovered faults, and there are also faults that have not been solved, so these two unlucky guys need to continue to investigate and repair the fault.

Although they need to return to Earth on an interstellar airliner after the spacecraft reaches the return standard, but now in such a twists and turns and thrilling space journey, these two unlucky guys are sitting in the starliner, and I am afraid that they are also bottomless and do not know if they can return to Earth safely.

Some friends may say, how can a spaceship built by a company as big as Boeing pull its hips so much?

In fact, this has something to do with the fact that NASA is too eager for quick success, and Boeing is too confident.

Ultimatum on the International Space Station: What to do with the uncertain future of NASA's two astronauts?

2. Why did the Boeing Starliner go wrong?

Since 1993, Boeing has been NASA's main contractor for the International Space Station.

Later, NASA wanted to develop its own manned spacecraft, so it gave the contracts for manned spacecraft to Musk's SpaceX and Boeing respectively.

Musk took a R&D contract that was nearly 2 billion less than Boeing, and delivered the Dragon spacecraft four years ahead of schedule.

Boeing has studied for 10 years, but has not studied and understood, and NASA can't wait for him forever, so in order to prove itself, Boeing finally took the risk to test the flight when he knew that the technology of the starliner was immature and could not meet the requirements of traveling to and from the earth and the national space station.

Ultimatum on the International Space Station: What to do with the uncertain future of NASA's two astronauts?

In fact, the technology and quality of the spacecraft built by Boeing are not up to par, which is not so surprising, because Boeing itself has the problem of serious decline in technology and quality.

For example, the planes made by Boeing have had various accidents one after another, and the tanker developed by Boeing for the US military is also of worrying quality after delivery, but the "political financier" behind Boeing praises him, and behind the various US space projects, there are also political games, to put it bluntly, the space program is also linked to politics, so it will make such a big joke.

So now that Boeing's Starliner can't come back, the ISS can only keep these two unlucky guys for 45 days at most, and seeing that time is running out, how can they return to Earth?

Ultimatum on the International Space Station: What to do with the uncertain future of NASA's two astronauts?

In fact, the American media has long given the answer: Musk may become the biggest winner.

If this time NASA's two unlucky guys stranded in space have no way to return to Earth on an interstellar airliner, then they can only wait for NASA's spacecraft to pick it up, and in addition to Boeing, the spacecraft that NASA can use is Musk's Dragon spacecraft.

If the Dragon spacecraft is really used, then after taking these two unlucky eggs back to Earth, Musk will definitely sarcastically mock Boeing, and now he has already started, and for NASA, Boeing has made such a move, and NASA will not dare to use Boeing's starliner anymore, so Musk can also get more contracts from NASA and undertake more projects.

Ultimatum on the International Space Station: What to do with the uncertain future of NASA's two astronauts?

He was dissatisfied with the fact that he took the least money and did the most things, but now among all NASA's partners, he is the only one who is the most reliable, and he will naturally take the opportunity to "knock" NASA.

Of course, through the Boeing incident, it can be seen that NASA has really regressed a lot, otherwise if he can build a spacecraft by himself and provide reliable technology for Boeing, how can he be so embarrassed? What do you think about this?